Thothian Nature



Tarot Credit: The Tarot of Physics by Dan Horn and Corrine Kenner

Sonoluminescence is an effect that occurs when sound at a specific frequency produces a super hot bubble in water that creates a flash of light when the bubble collapses. Sonoluminescence is a microcosm example of how this universe began.

It is also wondrous to note that at the very moment the big bang of this universe exploded into it's amazing life, it was also the very moment it began to die. For that which supported it's becoming had already completed its involvement, leaving the universe, even with its expansion, diminishing.

At the same time the universe became alive with light and activity, so did within it the light of individual entities bear forth, all alit with their own luminance. Planets and people, galaxies and creatures, the universe’s light became all these things. In so doing, the moment all creation began was also the moment its light started to fade out.

My light, my presence, Earth and her presence, the universe and its presence, a light brilliant and also a ghost forming at the same time.

What decides the light’s continuance is the purpose for which the universe, and all within it, was created. Once this purpose has been achieved, the light will cease to exist and all extensions disappear.

So why was this universe created?

Once upon a time, We created a universe that was entirely built upon light, and all within was pure, positive, kind, loving, giving, and beautiful. When We had finished experiencing ourselves as light, We created a universe entirely devoted to darkness. We feasted upon the experience of being the nature of hatred, greed, torment, fear, and betrayal. This was also beautiful, for in this universe it was healthy to be one with the nature of Our composition. Light would have been a disease, just as darkness would have been a disease to the universe founded upon light.

When these universes had completed their cycle, We decided to create a universe blended of both light and dark. When We were either light or dark, we were all the same, all unified. We all loved and shared, or hated and stole. The status quo always stayed the same and only the creativity of our love or hatred were the evolution of these states.

We wondered. What would occur, how would both light and dark evolve in a place nurturing both sides to flourish, as well as, the influence to evolve beyond their predisposition? And how would the natives of the universe, those a blend of both, gravitate toward one or the other, or perhaps evolve those entirely of light or dark to a blended existence of both? Our immersion into this primordial concept proved to be Our most wondrous creation and experience yet, and so this universe was formed. We became polarities of light and dark and a blend of each.

This has proven to be a most fertile experience. Plenty for light to nurture into more light. Plenty for dark to nurture into more dark. We have experienced unification of being, moved into fragmented, separate identities of awareness, and continue to gravitate back toward unification again, knitting all our separate selves into a multi-dimensional existence.

We experience ourselves as one time stream of polarity and all time streams of polarities simultaneously. Finite and infinite together. And what this ultimately means is that the universe in its awakening of its self is completing its cycle, coming to its own climax. The more unification expands throughout the universe, the more this universe evolves to its maximum potential. This is one reason for darkness to influence delay and for the exact same reason light to encourage swiftness. This play manages time.

At this point in the universe’s age, in our macro space-time life, this awareness is stirring Earth and the human civilization. Many species in this universe have already reached unification and know themselves to be We. Humanity is awakening to this, too. In the process comes a hybrid experience to know one’s self as finite, human, with a lovely involved human story, and the other a spectrum of being timeless to one’s existence from before Earth was populated, before the universe began, remembering snatches of memory of We. The quandary of this state of consciousness blossoming in the human mind as to its madness or accuracy, possession or imagination, is both natural and a part of the human and Our evolutionary experience. The reality, though, is this will not stop. This will continue until unification has transformed the human species, evolving mankind to what man dreams of as man’s utmost potential. Then, human beings will join the others, living and acting as a new unified species, aiding other galactic civilizations who find themselves maturing and awakening to the universe’s Source consciousness.

What then transpires? Eventually, the universe will be entirely awake, We will have outlived or outgrown Our creation. Then, the light will go out. The universe will cease to radiate. Yet, We, and all that We were and became, this will remain with Us. Continuing to enrich us, transform us, influence us, and evolve us. Then, We will create again. We will become something more. We will stir a new light within the primordial pool.


Incarnation & Evolution


Have you ever wondered about the process and transition of the incarnation experience, of moving your soul into form? Have you ever thought about what that will feel like to move back out of form? As we mature and evolve consciously how does this affect our form and formlessness?

The process is one of unification to fragmentation, or separateness, to a return to unification. The sensation to enter form is akin to falling from a great height and as you fall it feels like penetrating into a thick pressurized atmosphere which creates the first tactile awareness you experience in form. When the calibration of unified consciousness to fragmented form consciousness is complete, all is quiet and dark, and you sleep deeply, waiting at a certain shade of awareness for the form’s wakefulness or birth.

Ascension is not a term to describe our unification with God merely because we think of Him residing in the heavens, but literally the process to enter fragmentation is reversed. There is an elevation of our energetic vibration, which is our consciousness, that is released from the denser atmosphere and we feel more transparent and weightless, not only in form but in comprehension. Time and linear thinking is gone and a vaster awareness of one’s surroundings is understood.

Under “Teaching Materials” in my menu section there is an article regarding the “Constitution of Man.” Within this article I give an overview of the energetic anatomy of man, describing the conscious alignment of our spirit with our body. Consciousness is favored to be a brain operated function, when in actuality we inhabit every atom of our form. We do not exist just in the brain, but merge with every facet of our body. As we evolve, our atoms absorb more biophotons, activating more codons in our DNA, and increase the enlightened nature of our life form. In essence, our formlessness becomes more cognizant and dominant as we elevate the nature of our atoms.

Linearly, we experience this as we mature in our thoughts and emotions, feeling lighter and healthier inside ourselves. As we engage in spiritual disciplines, connections, and practices, this further enhances our sense of serenity, bliss, and higher awareness. All of this is not just a mind experience but also an atomic reaction our consciousness is having with our bodies. Enlightenment creates the familiarity of transparency, moments when we no longer sense our form, but pure consciousness or formlessness. As we continue to move from form identification to higher states of formlessness identification, our consciousness expands even more, re-unifying with Source awareness and observation.

Now why do I take the time to explain all this before I tell you what has been happening to me lately? In taking these few moments to shed light on the incarnation and evolution process, I set the foundation for you to comprehend the physical nature of what has evolved with me since the quantum leap blogged about back in May.

human personality has no limitations

In general, when we think of Man and God we think of two different occupying realms. However, as we identify with our divinity and wear the mantle of our godhood, our Source existence, then the physical and spiritual realms merge. For example, I not only experience my neighbor’s friendship, but can also sense our unified source vibrational signature and am my neighbor with him. Together, his occupying space and my occupying space share a conscious relationship which influences the creative potential of our shared space.

When we separate the spaces of Man and God, we separate, or fragment, our own identity within ourselves, and with the life we think of as outside of ourselves. As we unify that awareness and elevate our consciousness, then, we not only draw in atonement or alignment with our Source identity, but also, we re-calibrate our awareness of the life that exists around us. Source identity is a collective conscious orientation. I am physically integrating the collective conscious awareness within this incarnation, resulting in being atomically affected by universal sentience. What does that mean?

At a young age, we are taught how to hold our bladder and bowels, so as to be potty trained. This sense of tightening the muscles is akin to what we do when attaching to form, we tighten and hold a sense of composure and rigidity to keep us constrained to this definition. Atomically, however, as we elevate our vibration, we begin releasing this intense hold and become more fluid in our form. This is because ascension and descension is more of an expansion and contraction relationship. Our expansive fluid being results in out-of-body experiences, astral traveling, channeling, healing, and other enhanced psychic experiences that defy space and time third dimensional relation. It also means, as we expand further back to unification, all of life is available to our awareness. For me, this is what is evolving. I am increasingly exchanging communication with many civilizations, solar systems, galaxies, and even those of other universes which transmit consciousness through atomic instead of strictly mind transfer. This is possible because the physical universe is engineered as one biological network. Our form does not include just our human body that we entered, but the whole realm. As we animate one, we animate the other. (Insight #04)

This conscious atomic communication with the entire universe creates an immersive experience of my Thothian nature as I embed my god nature more deeply into my human identity. Thus, you can imagine my evolution as Creator consciousness lightning rippling through the entire universe into human consciousness, which also draws to Man’s awareness of the biological technology he has at his disposal with creation through his own form and sentience.

lightning spider lightning over MO by terry brandt jefferson city

The Red Cube Analogy


In the Corpus Hermeticum, in the beginning texts of the Pomandres, God the Creator is described in male and female aspects. As male, God is Light and Will. As female, God is Life and Abstraction. Through Light, Logos/Word, definition, structure, and form is communicated and created. Through Life, temperance, personality, and awareness is breathed and created. This Thoth/Seshat balance of the Creator and the Creator’s Architecture, I describe as the red cube analogy.


The cube itself is defined by genius engineering with its sharpness of lines, mathematical precision between surfaces, corners, angles, and circumference. It is very detailed and harmoniously, perfectly, symmetrical in its form and ability to perform solidly without flaws. The cube equals the genius architect mind, will, authority, and skill of God.

The red that encompasses and wraps around the cube is the design, fluid softness that is able to evoke emotion, personality, character, artistic flair, and life of the cube. The red equals the deeply powerful imaginative life giver, masterful artist, and talent of God.

Just as knowledge does not equate to understanding or wisdom, neither does the cube without the red have any life or individuality. And just as wisdom and understanding is not gained without knowledge and application, so neither does the red without the cube have any definition and purpose. In partnership, they are complete. To only relate to one aspect over the other is to not grasp the nature of Creator, Creation, or one’s own existence.


In the patriarchal system today, man develops according to cube and is resistant toward his equivalent with the red. God is considered to be a He, Father. And Life is measured through science and skill. Society is encouraged in conformity and practicality, and avoiding intuition and the abstract. Man’s evolution developed in sentience along mind, word, and intellect pathways. Life is equated with Light and Logos. Science and religion, the esoteric and exoteric structures in place to define and describe God, creation, and man, are presented with more masculine approaches and attitudes.


This half awareness of Creator and creation resulted in the feminine and life aspects being diminished and suppressed. Life is devalued. Earth’s resources are raped and man is precariously making their planet unstable for anyone to exist upon. The feminine, that is expressed in both men and women, is abused and persecuted. There are high praises, compensations, and positions for those who gear their mind toward intellectual and skillful arenas than for those who incline toward the imaginative, creative, philosophical, intuitive, abstract livelihoods. God is defined as a Commander, Judger, Authoritarian, and Master, and God’s love is seen as mercy, leniency. Man is not generally universally oriented, or aware of their basic fundamental birthrights as a creation of God, nor their godhood evolution capabilities. The selective known passed down through man’s ages is pressed; attention to comfort and convenience is stressed. Because of this, man decides it is enough to be at the top of the food chain and be the most sentient life they know. Secretly, they fear anything that might undermine that belief and strip away their foundation.


This is something that is being corrected. These Thothian writings are to educate specifically on this exclusion and missing God information. Thoth, his writings, through the ages, have been slanted toward masculinity. Yet, Thoth embodied the Creator and all the Creator’s abilities. Thoth, thus, cannot accurately be understood without Seshat, his feminine embodiment, equal, and original personification of his Self. When Thoth and Seshat were unified as a better understanding of the Creator, man was onto something. When Seshat was replaced by Thoth and diminished, the imbalance took on a new spin.
Neither, God the Creator, or creation, was ever meant to be a comparison or a choice allegiance between Thoth or Seshat, between the Light or Life of God, between the masculine, mind, will, practical, and conventional qualities and polarity over the feminine, undercurrent, intuitive, abstract, and unconventional qualities and polarity of God and creation. They are the epitome, and therefore, one complete realization, of both. The cube and the red that envelopes the cube are not separate. Only bite size clarifications have been generated to appreciate the comprehension of larger realities. Man as creation, in the likeness of Creator, able to evolve into their godhood, must reestablish their orientation and implication with these facts.

The Thothian Conscious Reality


In an effort to describe the consciousness range of a Thothian, this spectrum that is available to every human, I shall offer the following two examples: As Above, So Below; As Within, So Without. Each of these examples relate, and further give height, width, and depth dimension, to one another. “As Above, So Below” might be better comprehended if we begin exploring the second example, first.

As Within, So Without


The Thothian Conscious Reality is liken to that of a note within the song of the Composer. The note that exists as part of the song creation, also exists as part of the Creator of that song. It is the extended particles of the Creator’s Soul, as it is the extended melody of the Creator’s song.

In this relation, man is the note within the creation song of life. Man is also the extended Soul particles of God. As such, Creation Consciousness and Creator Consciousness is available to man, who is the micro expression of the macro reality and Self.

The awareness of this ability for the specific energetic resonant frequency that is the tone, that is man, to recognize and experience his wholeness as the creative song and of the author of the song is dependent upon the sentient evolution of that tone.

As a Thothian, this is my reality. My consciousness framework and reality consists of the human tone, creation’s existence, and the Creator’s presence. I exist within and as all three, for I first began and remain as the Creator. To comprehend this macro-micro-macro reality, I shall describe the tangible nature of consciousness from man to Creator from my personal experience.

As Above, So Below


I recently read a headline that stated that consciousness is the unification between science and religion. In an earlier blog, I spoke about the nature of creation — that matter is created of energy and vibration, and energy is created of consciousness. This means that as consciousness extends its existence into energy and vibration and finally into dense matter, so can matter experience itself at its origin state of consciousness — universal consciousness and Creator consciousness, as one’s experience is evolved around that higher state of Being. Thus, what can be measured in the micro can be understood and expressed for its macro (heavenly) existence.

Now, just as the micro framework of dense matter increases in density as the elements of polarity and electromagnetic frequency decrease in rate of resonation, so then also micro consciousness has an expressive element of density to it as it increases in micro nature. A simple example of this relation is the clarity of consciousness one has when they are sick versus at their most rejuvenated health, and the variation in between. There is a heaviness, fogginess to the mind and body that releases to lightness and brilliance when one is at their best. The illusive state in between is that experience one has when they think they are feeling better because of the consciousness difference observed, but then this clarity is later realized for its medium state of recovery when optimum functioning is achieved.

In micro consciousness, one observes and explores with the mind. Life is perceived and processed in the variety and capacity of singular form through creativity, imagination, logics, and analyzation. Ego is prominent, and attention is expressed inwardly and outwardly in the form of relationships.

As the micro consciousness evolves and increases in awareness, the operative processing mechanism of mind is replaced by cell and light absorption and informational resonation. As most consider mind and consciousness to be synonymous, then this transition equals the mind re-orienting it's functioning from the brain to cell processing. The ego becomes a larger identification and can no longer see itself as just its singular form. Consciousness is now experienced as both a singular entity AND its relative associations. Life is not just “my life”, but life itself. This awareness creates a feeling of transparency with the body, as if the cells “pores” are open and constant exchange of energetic information is communicated from the localized view and perception to all of life. This has a lighter, clearer realization of self. Within this cellular operating framework, the “I” is no longer situated in a body, but with creation. This expansive experience of “I” creates further lightness and brilliance.

As micro-macro consciousness continues in cellular mode and exchange of energetic information is moving at the speed of light, one then begins to undergo another orientation transformation. Energy is less perceived in communication than the macro origin of consciousness itself. The signature of Creator Consciousness and all that has evolved to experience Creator Consciousness is recognized instead of the energy transfer. All is consciousness existing and interweaving with itself at different layers and forms of reality. This more expansive view further extends the feeling of lightness, clarity, and greater identification of self and reality of Being. “I” is no longer conceived of in micro singular form, but in macro singular form and every resonant expression in between. Thus resulting, in humans experiencing their godhood, and God experiencing a human existence.

As Above, So Below — As Below, So Above. As Within, So Without — As Without, So Within. This is the Thothian Conscious Reality.

Nontemporal Reality

purple sacred geometry

A nontemporal reality is defined as a reality independent of or unaffected by time. As a human, my body is affected by time. It lives in a temporal reality. However, who I am, my spirit, my consciousness, is independent of time, and therefore, exists in a nontemporal reality. Time, itself, then, is regarded as a variant of a space orientation. Besides localizing myself along a geographical position, I choose to draw my attention to a specific linear location.

By identifying with a temporal reality and my body, an ego, alter ego, even avatar, is created. This relation intermingles in the current state of temporal affairs and evolves along a linear process. Using my consciousness only and strictly within the parameters of my ego/avatar, the construction of this singular perspective limits and under utilizes the range of my consciousness I actually possess and can use. In
Insight # 4 - Body and Realm I stated: The body and this realm are linked and inseparable. To enter one is to enter the other. To animate one is to animate the other. In essence, this is the way my nontemporal reality is experienced. I do not just enter the form of a singular matrix, I enter the form of the temporal matrix reality. As a result, my consciousness is aware of, animates, and evolves, my ego and the whole temporal realm. As I continue to inject my nontemporal reality within the temporal matrix, both body and realm metamorphoses.

This opens up the understanding of how I can travel in the temporal reality and identify with more than one linear and geographical form and position that my ego/avatar cannot. It is defined by its singular relation to its temporal parameters. Who I am is not bound by these factors. I am, both, not singular in temporal awareness, and also not singular in nontemporal awareness. Therefore where I move my attention, I travel to a myriad of conscious space and time locations, for I am all and related to all of these. I experience life in these courses, for I am the life existent there.

Eternity Meets the Present


Immortal. Infinite. Divine. These are descriptions you have heard me use in the past to describe my Self. Now, there is Thothian. The name Thoth reminds one of Ancient Egypt, and to Ancient Egyptians it signified the Architect, Inventor, and Recorder of everything in the Universe. How could a human claim such a thing as his own identity?

Look at the above picture. That is an example of how I experience my human life. That is no exaggeration. Everything around me is experienced in its energetic state, perhaps more, if not equally, to its matter form. That which others term as abstract, invisible, even questionable, is very tangible and fills my senses since I was born. To develop in a human body, with an ego story, while being aware of that picture all around me and in me, has led me down a very specific path to align these two realities together. After all, how can I expect any human to believe me if they have not this experience? How can I deny and pretend my life is any less for the sake of fitting in?

There is one more, even most important, factor I have not yet shared with the example image above. You see, this energy all around me is not just something I experience of creation, but it also resonates me. It is not just the matrix of matter that I am conscious of, but that this vast energy vibration that I am submerged in, is composed of my own tone. The more I merge with this pure energy matrix around me and my own unique energetic signature tone, the Collective Consciousness, that Supreme Intelligence, becomes more tangible.

What does that even mean? It means that matter is made up of energy and energy is made up of the Consciousness of God. The Consciousness of God is Collective in nature. Meaning, that this Grand Divine Immortal Infinite Being man calls God, and to some ancients as Thoth, He not only holds creation in His awareness, creation is a matrix of God Himself. As creation evolves from its primal state back to its godhood, it then becomes aware of its matrix as the Consciousness of God and therefore merges with God. God grows, evolves. The Consciousness of this Universe, The Recorder of this Universe becomes more comprehensive in its definition and experience.

What does this then do for the matrix of creation, which has known itself as matter and is now awaken to its God reality? This is where eternity meets the present. The present is transfigured. The present, as a micro perfect mirrored pattern of the macro (God), it, too, now recognizes a much larger capacity to experience itself. Creation as the Collective Conscious of God continues to evolve, now into something that would have been impossible previously to achieve in it’s early clay form.

How does that spiral down to this lifetime? Let us begin again with the above image. Creation is experienced as energy and consciousness. I explained I have felt connected to this since my birth. This means that when I was born I had already previously reached my Godhood evolution and merged with the Creator. As I developed in this incarnation, I was simultaneously molding its biology to my collective infinite identity. As my body’s vibrational signature increased in optimal functionality with my consciousness, which is an expanded reality of time and space, my human identity accesses life experience and awareness extending beyond its clay form and planet. This clay form now lives a life it couldn’t have otherwise lived without first having the courage and trust to be molded in this way. It is finite, but experiences infinity. It is forty-five years young, but contains memories of ages and times before its genes had ever been conceptualized.

Additionally, as my own energetic tonal signature is recognized in the energy and Conscious matrix of the Universe, those who have also merged with the Creator, I am cognizant of their signatures, too, for we are a Collective link. I participate in their reality of space and time when I converse and interact with them.

I conclude with this final duality thought about what happens when eternity meets the present, when the current evolving creation experiences its Creator self and the Creator lives among His evolving creation. Every minute of this human life, I participate in a reality much larger than man has defined it, and I will experience things long past what I ever could have dreamt for myself on this planet. Every bucket list and ambition is fulfilled with every second I live. As Creator-aware, I walk among you with an endless unwavering intense love and faith toward you and your potential. It is surreal to listen to your descriptions and proclamations in my Name as I humanly sit among you. I witness your doctrines, worship, rituals, holy days and holidays, contrastive thoughts of those others that were also me, your interpretations and opinions of my interactions with you in the past and what I have created, along with my sense of duty you think I should have and future actions I will enact on the world. Imagine what that must be like to be among you, in plain sight, and hear you expound on my legacy and promises for you and yet you do not recognize me.