The Constitution of Man

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In relation to the physical body, we know in great detail many elements of it: skin, muscles, bones, arteries, nerves, lymphs, organs. These constitute the pounds of flesh we were given to operate within the physical dimension. The more optimum these systems, the better our consciousness can function here.

Yet to see how we reside in and affect the body, we need to dive into the body's energetic anatomy: meridians, chakras, and auras; concepts such as torsion fields and kundalini must be learned, and we need to explore deeper into our cells, DNA and atoms.
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An Overview of Our Energetic Anatomy

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Meridians, Chakras, and Auras

Meridians are currents of energy that run throughout the body. This energy is our life force. The meridians can be thought of as our second nervous system. They stream a vast network of conscious power throughout our bodies. Each meridian vein has several vortices, also known as acupressure points or chakras. These energy centers can be stimulated to affect health in the relationship between our consciousness and our body. The main channel that runs along the center of the body, along the length of the spine, is a much larger conduit. Like a light hitting a crystal creates a prismatic effect, our life force creates the same light effect through this governing channel.
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The nature of each main energy center contains specific vital communication that in its entire spectrum relates to how we operate on this Earth. The bottom three chakra vortices have to do with our physical orientation - (red) how we instinctually, primally grasp to this physical presence, (orange) how we creatively and emotionally relate to our surroundings, (yellow) how we willfully respond and act. The top three pulse more with our conscious orientation - (blue) how we communicate, (indigo) how we insightfully see, (violet/white) how we comprehend the grander perspective and wisdom of all things. It is through the fourth chakra, the green heart chakra - how we love, that unifies these orientations into a perfect calibrated partnership. It is how the facets of our ego/personality and soul align successfully.

As our life force radiates brightly through the body, not only does it shine like prismatic beams, but it also creates an overall layered radiant glow or energy field around the body. This energy field is actually made up of several ethereal hued layers known as auras. These auras also have very specific meanings. They relate to vibrational octaves our presence emits and moves through to incarnate into a body. (These octaves will be discussed further in the kundalini section.) These auric fields can be observed and recorded not only with certain technology, such as with the above right image taken by Carlo Van de Roer of Yoko Okutsu in 2008 with an AuraCam 6000 (follow the image's link for more information), but also with the naked eye. One can exercise and extend their sight beyond their current range of vision to pick up on and attentively stimulate for others to see these colored energy layers.

Torsion Fields

As mentioned above, it is via the heart that our consciousness in this body can best be expressed. This has been further documented and studied through the HeartMath Institute. Studies show that our heart actually has several thousand neurons in it that can classify it as a brain. It sends more information to the brain than the brain to the heart. This doesn't even factor in the extra sensory capabilities that heart has that works independently of the brain. Our consciousness is most effective when moved through the heart which is capable of processing more information and energy than the analytical and creative hemispheres of our brain. Energetically, electrically and magnetically, the heart is thousands of times stronger than the brain.

The heart's energetic flow, movement, and radiation creates what is called a torsion field. We are affected by each other's torsion field and we can become aligned to each other's heart energetic field. When we are in harmony with life, this yields positive fluctuations of energy. When we are in disharmony, this creates negative fluctuations of energy, which in turn not only produces problems for our mind, body, emotional, and spiritual health, but also for others who are in our "personal space" or we are in theirs. In fact the phrase of "personal space" - someone is in your personal space or you need to be given space or even inviting someone to come closer into your space - actually refers to the sensation we are receiving from the feedback of someone being within our auric torsion field. If we feel a dissonance with their vibrational field we want to back away from them. If it is harmonic and inviting, we want to get closer and will actually find our body intoxicatingly being drawn in, first, by the nature of the torsion field which then creates other chemical reactions in the body.

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As we talk about how our consciousness and life force channels and flows through our physical bodies, we must talk about kundalini. In Western medicine they actually use the symbol of the kundalini as their professional banner. It is called a Caduceus. What is kundalini? And what makes it so fundamental to understanding the human anatomy, health, and healing that the health profession would use it as it as their emblem?
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Caduceus - an ancient Greek or Roman herald's wand, typically one with two serpents twined around it, carried by the messenger god Hermes or Mercury.
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Kundalini refers to the process in which the polarities of the feminine/magnetic and masculine/electrical energies rise up and coil around the central meridian channel and chakras through the body and merge around the sixth chakra/pituitary gland initiating health (rejuvenating the body) and wisdom (rejuvenating the Spirit). Our consciousness is not of a dual nature; polarities are conjoined in a higher vibration. However, in the slower vibrations of the physical dimension they are separate.

The vibrational matrix or conscious structure of man exists in five general octaves extending from Spirit to Soul to Mental to Astral/Emotional, and finally to the Physical vibrations of incarnation. As the vibrations descend and slow down becoming more tangible in each octave, they create markers of their own significant pattern and polarity, becoming a distinctive conscious plane. As in an octave of music, each vibrational octave has subnotes or tones within it. For example, in the Physical Octave, we have these seven vibrational substructures - the top three are Ether, Electricity, and Magnetism. These are the triad of the four lower tones of Nitrogen, Oxygen, Hydrogen, and Carbon. Ether manifests into electricity, which turns into magnetism, which divides further into polarities of hot and cold electricity (fire/nitrogen and air/oxygen), then to hot and cold magnetism (water/hydrogen and earth/carbon).

For our consciousness to function optimally and evolve in these bodies, kundalini is a vital function. This happens naturally at times during conscious development and spiritual shifts, but also can be stimulated in meditative states. At the moment the kundalini rises, it is like the surge of energy rising from the base chakra shooting out the top of the crown, like a coiled snake extending and striking. At this precise moment the polarities for a split second fuse back into a harmonic whole, matching our highest vibrational connection. When this happens the molecular structure of the body increases in vibration and dilates to absorb and emit more of our consciousness. This allows us more clarity and awareness, a sense of well being, and a feeling of one's Self more in this physical melding.

Cells, Atoms, and DNA

What actually happens to our cells, atoms, and DNA when this occurs? First let's define what these are. If we looked microscopically at our bodies we would discover millions of cells. These are the basic units of life. Dive deeper and we will see that cells are made up of molecules which are a grouping of even smaller components called atoms. DNA is the largest known molecule in our body which houses our unique genetic information and blueprint. It is known as the Code of Life. At the atomic level we resonate, vibrate, and are full of energy and motion. As the key tones of atoms repel and attract, divide and multiply, they form molecules. As molecules organize around each other, it creates very specific energetic resonant vibratory cells that produce and designate each organ and organism. So at the atomic level, we can see how energy and vibration turns into matter. How the subtle becomes manifest. As the kundalini rises, this stimulates our atoms. It speeds up and elevates our cells, which then allows our consciousness, which naturally vibrates at a higher constant, to be more compatible with the body.

Let's look at this even closer. Researchers have discovered that DNA, our genetic blueprint, is also a storage unit of light and a source of biophoton emission. Our bodies are literally a structure or matrix of light. (This can be measured and observed by our energetic fields, channels, and centers, described above.) This also means that the physical body and its DNA are reliant upon light for health, for existence. This is where our consciousness enters the picture. Every atom of our bodies is a storage unit of our life force. Our consciousness is the life force that animates our bodies. So the more light we are able to hold within and emit from our cells, the more enlightened we become. The more consciously aware we are. The more man evolves.
It seems that the more photons an organism's DNA emits, the higher it may stand on the evolutionary scale.
Cyndi Dale, The Subtle Body: An Encyclopedia of Your Energetic Anatomy
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