Insight #20 - The Promise of Divine Protection

The Promise of Divine Protection does not mean you will not suffer in this life, nor be spared from harm, or be precluded from trauma, horror, or pain. Thus, it also means when you experience such affliction, this is not a reflection of Divine Punishment or being faithless. To be clear, Divine Protection is a promise of these three oaths:

1) Divine Protection promises that your soul will never be undone, unmade, compromised, or retain lesser authority within, or after, any oppressive situation.

2) Divine Protection promises that any oppressive situation you experience is a catalyst for healing and evolution for you, the parties involved, and for the human race, for which you have been selected to transmute. Therefore, each event is charged with great meaning and purpose.

3) Divine Protection promises that no oppressive situation will befall you that has no meaning or purpose. In other words, no chance encounter of harm will afflict you.

Insight #19 - What Is Essentially You

Anything that can be reformed is temporary.

Anything temporary is something you add to you and is not essentially you.

What is essentially you has no iniquity.

Therefore, if corruption or compromise is experienced, this is temporary, and is reformable.

Insight #18 - Relativity

To understand, imagine, or conceive of anything is to identify on some level with and as its matrix and construction.

To identify is to establish or connect with who or what something is.

Therefore, to relate to any existence is to have a relationship with and as this existence, no matter the initial discovery to temporal awareness.

Insight #17 - Frequency Modulation

There is a difference between being ON frequency and IN frequency.

To be ON frequency is to be aware of a particular vibrational signature from an observer’s perspective. To develop a relationship and extensive exploration of the interested frequency; to pair; to sync.

To be IN frequency is to calibrate one’s own vibration, to recognize and establish in one’s current conscious state the signature of interest, and thereby become identified with it; to merge; to become.

Remote viewing is an example of the first, bilocation an example of the second. To be devoted to the Divine, first example. To be Divine, the second.

Insight #16 - Form

Form is the shape of attention. Where we choose to focus our attention and imagination this creates form.

Form should not be mistaken for consciousness, identity, or reality. These are the source from which form exists.

While form is defined and limited by the parameters and power we give it, we, ourselves, are not constrained therein.

This ultimately means form can be remolded and reshaped at will, and is, in itself, not constrained by its own original structure.

Insight #15 - Time

Time is a season. It is a facet in infinity that creates the experience of finite reality.

Those who live within it get to experience beginning, blossoming, and death, all in a fraction of their actual lives. You get to live a whole lifetime in a season. You get to experience the breadth, width, height, and majesty of infinity all in a blink. And in that blink the void behind those closed eyelids is filled with so much life, so much expression, that when your eyes open again, and you return to reality, this season called time makes everything so exquisitely more potent than the moment you had before. Infinity is more beautiful, more colorful, more awe inspiring.

Time breathes new life into infinity. This one created pattern. This one sliver of existence. This one gift given to you.

Finite reality isn’t the opposite of infinite reality. It is the perfect expression of it.

Insight #14 - Intuition

Intuition is access to our consciousness that supersedes the mind.

Your consciousness cannot be contained within the mind; therefore, there will be other tools to access your greater awareness. Intuition is one of these pathways.

Insight #13 - Free Will

Free Will is both an infinite and finite action.

You are an infinite being living a finite life.

Therefore, free will in the finite world will ultimately be regulated by your infinite will.

Insight #12 - Divine Blueprint

Your life is encoded with a Divine Blueprint.

Like the blueprint of your DNA is the code that relates your conscious and biological partnership, your divine blueprint is the code that relates your infinite and finite partnership. It houses the particular framework of your finite self - events, people, places, that you will experience that create opportunity for your infinite Self evolution.

This blueprint was designed by you and Divinity before incarnating.

This means, your finite life is managed by infinite factors. Any finite situation that does not match your blueprint will either not gravitate toward you or realignment will initiate.

There are revisions that can occur to your divine blueprint while you live your current lifetime. Though rare, you may evolve beyond your blueprint and another is created. As well, one can renegotiate the particulars of their blueprint. However, this request is decided upon on the divine level and there will be energetic ramifications to this alteration, if agreed.

Insight #11 - Authority

Authority is the power of existence, not the power of enforcement.

It is the gravity of identity, not appointment.

Insight #10 - The Microcosm and Macrocosm

Proverb: The whole universe is contained in a single grain of sand.

This is, in essence, the macro/microcosmic relationship.

The microcosm is the individual expression and reflection of the macrocosm.

Life occurs on a macrocosmic level which funnels down evolving the microcosmic creation.

What then results from this on the primal levels of microcosmic reality ultimately evolves the macrocosm.

The Microcosm and Macrocosm are one, merely location points of conscious existence which affect reality.

Insight #09 - Encoded Messages

Encoded Messages lie within the fabric of all creation.

To decode these subtle messages: pay attention. Remain receptive, flexible. The infinite and eternal are not bound by judgment nor exist only on the surface of what is presented to you. To comprehend these natures, be available to absorb more, give permission to add to the content of what you know. Be prepared to shred up current definitions to learn again. For it is only as we take it all in and see it whole, that all can be known. Learning through time, through a linear process, requires observation, so as not to be tripped up by the way the infinite moves into the world.

Move into All That Is and all things will be revealed unto you.

Insight #08 - Timelessness

Timelessness is that dimension beyond the universe of time and space. All creations and manifestations begin here. Before events occur in time and space, they are first formed in timelessness.

Insight #07 - The Nature of Infinity

The nature of Infinity is that it is all interconnected, all one.

This means at the root of us all, at our Source, we are all interconnected and all one.

This equals to say to understand Infinity is to know thyself. Know yourself and you will know God.

It is also true to say to comprehend anything else or anyone, we must first comprehend our own identity.

Insight #06 - Manifestation

The mind localizes motion. What once was infinite potential, becomes stationary, fixed, solidified, slowed down into that which the seer chooses or expects to see. Until then it was anything and everything. It can once again be released to its infiniteness, for what the mind creates is impermanent. All one needs to do is unidentify for that which was selected to see.

Insight #05 - Presence

Presence permeates everything. It is the breath within the breath, the quiver within vibration. To only acknowledge substance is to be mute to the fabric of existence.

Insight #04 - Body and Realm

The body and this realm are linked and inseparable. To enter one is to enter the other. To animate one is to animate the other.

Insight #03 - Gravity

Gravity is a matter of identification. What we identify with, we draw in or draw toward. What we un-identify with, we release.

Insight #02 - Revolution

Revolution is a climatic act of evolution.

It is a defining moment in the overlap of time between past and future when the past goes through a powerful metamorphosis to come to an entirely new understanding of the present.

Another way to say it is, it is the awakening that What Is gives to What Is Becoming that forces What Is Becoming to redefine and identify with What Is.

Time is not linear. It is cyclical like a spiral. And like the rungs on a spiral, there comes a moment when a rung turns into another rung and is no longer defined as it once was. Its story seems to stop and another takes its place. Though it is all one spiral, the point where part of itself curves to be redefined as another level rung is a demarcation of revolution.

Earth and its inhabitants are currently living in its own bend of time, revolving into a new becoming.

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Insight #01 - The Mind and Consciousness

We function best when we do not limit or make primary the orientation of our consciousness a thought based cognizance, but rather an Infinite one.

Our identity is not defined by our mind, but rather our Source existence. Therein, lies the origin and primary state of our consciousness.