Insight #02 - Revolution

Revolution is a climatic act of evolution.

It is a defining moment in the overlap of time between past and future when the past goes through a powerful metamorphosis to come to an entirely new understanding of the present.

Another way to say it is, it is the awakening that What Is gives to What Is Becoming that forces What Is Becoming to redefine and identify with What Is.

Time is not linear. It is cyclical like a spiral. And like the rungs on a spiral, there comes a moment when a rung turns into another rung and is no longer defined as it once was. Its story seems to stop and another takes its place. Though it is all one spiral, the point where part of itself curves to be redefined as another level rung is a demarcation of revolution.

Earth and its inhabitants are currently living in its own bend of time, revolving into a new becoming.

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