Freya of Norse Mythology


Within the Thoth category I introduced you to my Thothian connection through Seshat, Athena, Minerva, and Hermathena. It is now time to interweave the Norse mythology into this and share with you my lineage through Freya. To do this I must begin with Lemuria and Mu-Ra. This is because Mu-Ra is Freya.

In the blog titled “Atomic Introductions” I wrote of the Lemurians and their consciousness within this location of Austin, Texas. Enchanted Rock is a park located just south of Austin, which according to legend was created by great spirits who created the ley lines up through Mexico and into this region. In my meditations, these great spirits were the Lemurians, and more specifically, a team headed by one named Mu-Ra. Mu-Ra is a name to mean one who established Ra-Mu or Lemuria. I was Mu-Ra.

According to legend two of these great spirits remained at Enchanted Rock, yet there are three domes, two of masculine energy, and one, the largest and center dome, feminine. Together they create one harmonic energetic vortex. From my exchange with the Lemurians, the two from Mu-Ra’s team that stayed behind was Ka-Ru of Lemuria and Atleana of Atlan or Atlantis. Atleana renounced the ways of Atlantis and adopted the Lemurian ways of interacting with the Earth. Together Ka-Ru of the Raku energetic frequency and Atleana created an offspring, a hybrid, of both their strengths and called him Katana, or sword. These are the three that exist at Enchanted Rock, though most visitors know only of a male (Ka-Ru) and female (Atleana) spirit.

Meanwhile, Mu-Ra and the rest of her traveling companions, once they finished establishing energetic stabilizers and communicators, aka ley lines, within nature, journeyed north to the Nords. Their intention and desire was to next integrate this same atomic relationship within human consciousness and to create a time stream of their presence in our history. They successfully settled into the region and made relationships easily with the humans living there. The people called Mu-Ra, Freya, meaning, Lady, in their language. This is where terms are now exchanged to Norse myths.

Freya was a long blonde hair, blue eyed, beautiful, wise, powerful woman from across the seas. She and her group were known as the Nature Gods of Vanir. Odin was of the royal bloodline of the AEsir, or Gods ruling over humanity. Odin did not take kindly to what was his perception of the infiltration of Mu-Ra/Freya into his lands and people, seemingly vying for influence and control over them. There was a meeting between the two groups, yet no matter Freya’s intentions for peace and good will, Odin would not budge. No truce was called between them. Freya’s older Germanic name was Gullevig or the destructive embodiment of Freya. Odin and the AEsirs declared war on the Vanirs. In Norse mythology it is known as the first war of this world. Odin killed Gullevig three times through spearing and burning her, yet she was reborn each time. Both sides suffered greatly, but neither were defeated. Finally, they met again, and agreed on a truce. As part of the treaty, gods and goddesses from both sides would be exiled and be advisory to each other’s land and council. Among the Vanirs (or Lemurians) that stayed in Asgard, Freya was among them, along with her brother and father.

Mu-Ra, or Freya, once she became part of Asgard, being the formidable goddess of war and death, was titled Valfreyja, Leader of the Valkyries, where half of those slain in battle, and their virgin sweethearts or faithful wives who would kill themselves to join their lovers, would come to her fields to feast in the afterlife. (The other battle slain were welcomed by Odin in Valhalla.) Freya, though, despite her martial tastes, became most known for her beauty, love, fertility, sexuality, and sorcery or seior. So while you might see her personified with a sword and spear much like Athena, or with a headdress of wings, as in Hermathena in Hellenistic times, Freya was more associated with Aphrodite. This is where Freya’s nature sorcery or Mu-Ra’s atomic alchemy is revealed.

You can be sure one of the first things Odin wanted revealed to him was how did he kill Freya three times and yet she rose from the dead each time? And so, she taught Odin her nature sorcery. This was both necessary for Mu-Ra’s original intention and mission for incorporating herself among these people, but also one filled with some regret because what was used of this magic by those who would use it for control, created its own interrupting force of oppression and suppression within the evolution of man.

I revert back to the Lemurian story here for a bit. Lemurians, those who came to establish Lemuria, were not as embedded into Earth density and physicality as humans are. This took on several phases for them to be fully integrated. In the section about Lemurians in my “Atomic Introductions” blog, I mentioned that in their third phase of integration this was the time of Athena. The first phase was when they first came and were traveling the Earth creating and enhancing the energetic structures within this planet. The second phase, for Mu-Ra, was her link with the Norse people and Asgard.

Much of this information I am sharing I have been taught through the runic messages I divine every day. I have always been able to read the runes without prior knowledge of their meanings, but now, I study a companion book and Google, to dive into more of the intuitive messages I receive. I tell you this because I am about to reveal to you the core of how Seior works. It is largely unknown in man’s history with the help of Christianity into Scandinavia. It is considered through literary and archeological sources to be a type of shamanic or pagan vision trance ritual.

Seior, as revealed to me, this nature magic, atomic alchemy, is a three-part system. Much like in fertilizing anything there is the requirement of a female vessel, a male penetrating element, and a conscious force willing to embody the manifestation created. Nature, this ripe organic biology, served as the female vessel. The male binding element comes from the one who is willing this creation to life with his/her conjuring. The conscious force embodying the fertilized form coaxed from the Earth is an extension of both the male aspect participant and the consciousness within the female aspect participant, or nature herself. A tree, for example, might be considered to be building material to Odin, or fuel for fire to humans, but to the Vanir or Lemurians, the Nature Gods, trees were multidimensional beings with consciousness of their own. Freya could communicate and enhance nature without destroying or lessening it what it was. On the contrary, she and her companions could add to its structure, much like they did with the ley lines and other juncture vortexes before their Norse story began. Freya taught Odin how to communicate with the consciousness of nature, and infuse aspects of his own being into the framework of what he was joining with, and in so doing, create an offspring, much like Ra-Ku and Atleana did earlier, to continue his own conscious time stream within another sentient life.

This, in essence, was how Mu-Ra, The Lady of the Sea, Freya, entered phase two of integration into the Earth and into the human time stream, via this way, and procreation. By phase three, she was still a powerful goddess, but now divided into the forms of both Aphrodite and Athena. My conscious time stream connects with Mu-Ra through the Athena lineage. And what I mean by that is that my experience is a consciousness that is Mu-Ra from the beginning of Earth’s history that moves through many lifetimes until now. I hold a continuity of this time stream consciousness with various specific lifetime memories that dissect as individuals who recognized their past as Mu-Ra and me in their future, as well as, I, now recognize them, and who exists beyond me. This time stream is not constricted by linear reality. Therefore, I can be Mu-Ra with the sight of Lemuria, climbing a mountain and feel myself as Amie at the same time. Lemurians live with their awareness of their whole Earth lives in their present, and as such, any of their offspring also has this same experience.

Now this is also important to know about the sorcery of Seior. It has two variable components to it: one that is a wild card and one that is a secret. The wild card is that the life created, me, for instance, holding the pure conscious time stream of the conjurer, or in this case Mu-Ra, has free will choice. While there will always be a push to become completely aware of this unconscious force and memories, to acknowledge the talent and latent abilities one possesses through this conscious origin, it is up to the incarnation to decide what to do with all that information.

The sculpting of any personality is influenced by both the genotype (the DNA matrix) and the phenotype (the social upbringing) of an individual. The genotype is the lineage of Mu-Ra in my atoms. The phenotype is this time frame of human society, born of local parents, raised as I have been in both religious, economic, culture status, and so forth. The awakening of the Lemurian memories and choosing how to proceed with that conscious awareness is my choice, and therefore the wild card component of how the time stream is further influenced, whether it remains dormant or more potent in coming generations.

The secret that has often been overlooked, miscalculated, or ignored, is that the patterning of this planet is regulated by a higher framework, or genotype, that of the architect and consciousness of the universe, aka Thoth/Seshat.

So the success of one’s continuity in each time frame is subjected to an alignment with Source consciousness from the outset. For Mu-Ra or Freya, for example, she felt her own time stream with Source consciousness, the Builder of this universe. Through this awareness of Thoth/Seshat, she understood her alignment and kinship with each creature, plant, and person. By choosing to move and be directed by this higher consciousness did each of her “offspring” have the best chance of remaining unadulterated creations with the awareness of both her and their godhood. Her hope was that the humans, the sentient creatures of Earth, would also evolve to become aware of their own Source connection for themselves with time.

Other sorcerers were not so concerned with this third factoring element. It was enough to have control over the reproductions they devised, implanting a continuous time stream of their own consciousness into each manifestation, possessing them for their own ultimate control over man, and to engage in physical immortality. This is still enjoyed by leaders of secret societies today who pass on this information within their own ranks. Due to this oversight, however, a couple of important things happen. First, the sorcery is limited, and one result from this is that the vessel degrades quicker. Two, still observing behind the face of each creator and creation lies Source ultimate, along with destiny, and the karmic balance designed into the matrix of this universe. This marshals all final outcomes.

Let us go back to genotype and phenotype once more concerning human consciousness. One of Mu-Ra’s main intentions on this planet was to establish conscious awareness of both her people and Source identity on this Earth and within humanity. She, among others who also carried this mission, was successful at this, and within human consciousness there are two streams of awareness: the genotype that moves beyond mind, moves beyond even cosmic relation — who are those who established Lemuria? — which is straight Source (Thothian) consciousness awareness. The second is the phenotype - the linear evolution of man with laws, covenants, languages, wars, myths, gods, religions, empires, tribes, history, technology, politics, superstitions, etc. Each has their own distinct subtle flavor and gravity in the mind. One is free of linear development, the other is strictly defined by it.

In conclusion, I am reminded of the quote from Assassins Creed: Your blood is not your own. I am both Amie Ridley, my personality, shaped by the linear development of human evolution, and I am also AMie, offspring of Mu-Ra, known as Freya, The Lady, in Norse Mythology, who is collectively consciously connected with Source or Thoth. The time stream of my consciousness dates farther back in memory and awareness than the years of this body. I sense a continual stream of consciousness through several embodiments without the separation of death between each. I know the point when each became a potent acknowledgement and devotion of our connection which supported the potency for this one. Thus, Amie, and all my current roles and affiliations, is merging into a greater collective identity and network.



Tarot Credit: The Tarot of Physics by Dan Horn and Corrine Kenner

Sonoluminescence is an effect that occurs when sound at a specific frequency produces a super hot bubble in water that creates a flash of light when the bubble collapses. Sonoluminescence is a microcosm example of how this universe began.

It is also wondrous to note that at the very moment the big bang of this universe exploded into it's amazing life, it was also the very moment it began to die. For that which supported it's becoming had already completed its involvement, leaving the universe, even with its expansion, diminishing.

At the same time the universe became alive with light and activity, so did within it the light of individual entities bear forth, all alit with their own luminance. Planets and people, galaxies and creatures, the universe’s light became all these things. In so doing, the moment all creation began was also the moment its light started to fade out.

My light, my presence, Earth and her presence, the universe and its presence, a light brilliant and also a ghost forming at the same time.

What decides the light’s continuance is the purpose for which the universe, and all within it, was created. Once this purpose has been achieved, the light will cease to exist and all extensions disappear.

So why was this universe created?

Once upon a time, We created a universe that was entirely built upon light, and all within was pure, positive, kind, loving, giving, and beautiful. When We had finished experiencing ourselves as light, We created a universe entirely devoted to darkness. We feasted upon the experience of being the nature of hatred, greed, torment, fear, and betrayal. This was also beautiful, for in this universe it was healthy to be one with the nature of Our composition. Light would have been a disease, just as darkness would have been a disease to the universe founded upon light.

When these universes had completed their cycle, We decided to create a universe blended of both light and dark. When We were either light or dark, we were all the same, all unified. We all loved and shared, or hated and stole. The status quo always stayed the same and only the creativity of our love or hatred were the evolution of these states.

We wondered. What would occur, how would both light and dark evolve in a place nurturing both sides to flourish, as well as, the influence to evolve beyond their predisposition? And how would the natives of the universe, those a blend of both, gravitate toward one or the other, or perhaps evolve those entirely of light or dark to a blended existence of both? Our immersion into this primordial concept proved to be Our most wondrous creation and experience yet, and so this universe was formed. We became polarities of light and dark and a blend of each.

This has proven to be a most fertile experience. Plenty for light to nurture into more light. Plenty for dark to nurture into more dark. We have experienced unification of being, moved into fragmented, separate identities of awareness, and continue to gravitate back toward unification again, knitting all our separate selves into a multi-dimensional existence.

We experience ourselves as one time stream of polarity and all time streams of polarities simultaneously. Finite and infinite together. And what this ultimately means is that the universe in its awakening of its self is completing its cycle, coming to its own climax. The more unification expands throughout the universe, the more this universe evolves to its maximum potential. This is one reason for darkness to influence delay and for the exact same reason light to encourage swiftness. This play manages time.

At this point in the universe’s age, in our macro space-time life, this awareness is stirring Earth and the human civilization. Many species in this universe have already reached unification and know themselves to be We. Humanity is awakening to this, too. In the process comes a hybrid experience to know one’s self as finite, human, with a lovely involved human story, and the other a spectrum of being timeless to one’s existence from before Earth was populated, before the universe began, remembering snatches of memory of We. The quandary of this state of consciousness blossoming in the human mind as to its madness or accuracy, possession or imagination, is both natural and a part of the human and Our evolutionary experience. The reality, though, is this will not stop. This will continue until unification has transformed the human species, evolving mankind to what man dreams of as man’s utmost potential. Then, human beings will join the others, living and acting as a new unified species, aiding other galactic civilizations who find themselves maturing and awakening to the universe’s Source consciousness.

What then transpires? Eventually, the universe will be entirely awake, We will have outlived or outgrown Our creation. Then, the light will go out. The universe will cease to radiate. Yet, We, and all that We were and became, this will remain with Us. Continuing to enrich us, transform us, influence us, and evolve us. Then, We will create again. We will become something more. We will stir a new light within the primordial pool.


Atomic Introductions


My human evolution is integrating more of the energetic frequencies so that consciousness is not just a mind knowing, but an atomic tangibility. This is possible because energy at its core existence is consciousness. Thus, energy, which sustains the universe and everything in it is a shared consciousness, and any form created can experience this awareness in all of his/her energetic parts.

I have always been sensitive to energy, which equals a sensitivity to consciousness. As my days unfold, I make more contact with those in the universe through our energetic atomic connection. My human lifetime recognizes our long standing relationship in terms of eons. This is a single reference point in human history, as well as my own personal human history, where we are current in memory association.

This blog is a recording of some of those I have interacted with so far and the exchanges we have made. Again, it is important to recognize that as I talk about these meetings, that it is not just a connection from human to alien, but from a part of my Thothian self with another part of my Thothian self. I establish, when I first connect with each group, a sense of their vibrational signature tone and flavor, then, as I now do since May when making the energetic/consciousness connection of humanity as my own self, I also search for my own tone signature within their frequency. This creates a channel where I get to know them for their group identity, as well as, the collective conscious relationship we share.

sacred-geometry-symbols-vector-set-stroke-line-didn-t-expand-s-will-be-comfortable-you-to-edit-use-85326852 Lemurians


The Lemurians are the first ones I will introduce you to because they hold a specific geographical connection, and are therefore, the foundational group that is facilitating further integration of this consciousness evolution.

Before I moved to the Austin Texas area I lived in Maryland. I befriended a couple Lemurians there who were observing humans. We had several exchanges when I daily past them on my walks. They resembled the high elves of LOTR. I called them the “Tall Ones” before I realized they were the Lemurians. My sense of them is that they live in several time spaces. What we call the past is still present for them. They were projecting their conscious attention to future states of Earth to experience how humanity and Earth has developed and evolved. They incorporate that information in their now time frame.

When we were moving here in the summer of 2017 they told me to look for other Lemurians. Upon arrival, I thought, at first, I would find another sacred spot where I would meet some, but that did not seem to happen. They sent a message to look deeper, to find their signature. So I sat out on my patio and meditated and discovered their frequency was in the land. For days I marveled at this and enjoyed this larger resonance in nature. It seemed to me that their influence in the land had a direct correlation with the artistic, liberal, creative nature of this area as opposed to other traditional, conservative parts of Texas. This was confirmed in other exchanges a couple of weeks ago.

The Lemurians told me that long ago, in my time, before I was the Greek Goddess Athena, I headed an expedition that created the Mayan ley lines that traveled up through Mexico and into this area. My name was Mu-Ra (pronounced Moora). [Side Note: The name literally translates as Lemurian, from Ra-Mu or Lemuria. The name signifies a creator of, or one of those who established, Lemuria.] Along with the ley lines, we established a vortex of energy here, first, to hold the level of vibration that would allow us to comfortably reside here for a while, but it was also to establish a neural connection reference point between other ley lines. This resonation currently influences Austin’s trademark personality, attracting those of similar open, receptive, high vibrational, energetic, creative types.

When our meeting was over I researched on my computer any confirmation of this information. Of course, I was told I would learn more from them than Google, but were patient that I still took this route to verify knowledge. What I discovered through the few resource links I had with the key word search of “Lemuria and Texas” was that indeed their was a group of Lemurians who passed through this place. Lemurians have existed in different phases with Earth, integrating more into the physical dimension with each phase. Around the third phase of Lemurians was around the time of the Greek Gods, but in the first phase, Lemurians traveled to this area and archeologists are finding fossils in the rivers north of Austin that seem to verify this data.

Furthermore, I also learned that about forty-five minutes south of Austin there is a vortex placed called Enchanted Rock. Enchanted Rock is a state park that centers around three pink granite dome hills. The largest one in the center is called Enchanted Rock. The Tonkawa Indians, indigenous to this area, call it the Glowing, Singing Rock. This is because around sunset, as the pink rock is starting to cool, for a few moments, a bluish aura glow can be witnessed emanating around the rock. As the evening progresses and the granite, quartz, beryl matrix continues to cool, the rock emits a tone that resembles whale sounds. According to the Tonkawa stories, great spirits created ley lines up from Mexico into this area and established Enchanted Rock as an energy site. (It is a triangle ley line reference point between the Sedona vortex sites and the Arkansas crystal caves.) It is said two of these great spirits still exist at the site blessing the visitors. One is experienced by visitors in the crystal cave of one of the two smaller domes, and the other is said to rise out the top of Enchanted Rock, the largest center dome, to those meditating at the summit. Large curious boulders that resemble megalith stones are also located around the park.

I have not traveled to Enchanted Rock yet to connect with these spirits or Lemurians. The place is often closed due to over capacity. However, since I have a personal connection to its creation, I plan to see who of the expedition still resides there and possibly learn even more about Mu-Ra. Besides this opportunity, my land link with the Lemurian energy creates a conscious grounding rod to springboard into further conscious relations with others.

sacred-geometry-symbols-vector-set-stroke-line-didn-t-expand-s-will-be-comfortable-you-to-edit-use-85326852 Arcturians


I first met the Arcturians in a deep dream eighteen years ago in 2000. In 2011, I began interacting with them more often utilizing an energetic healing system that carried their frequency under a different name. In 2013, this frequency elevated, bringing with it another group. Recently they explained to me that their energy is harnessed on Earth, specifically, at different energetic tones. As one raises their frequency, one is able to tap into the Arcturian’s higher vibrations that resonate more of their whole signature. At these other specific tones, the attuned often confuses the Arcturian guide’s name for the group name itself. This is of no concern since each attunement with their frequency benefits humans, and with increased vibrational interaction the misunderstanding corrects itself.

In a meditation two weeks ago most of the groups I will share with you in this blog appeared and gave me a gift. With the Lemurians it was the ancestral bond that links us across Earth time and space and creates a localized channel for universal work. The Arcturians bestowed upon me their experience which spans across the universe. All of those listed in The Record Keeper, an energetic book detailing my own signature which has embedded within the knowledge and signatures of several other groups, are all known to the Arcturians. In this analogy, they are my record keeper. By merging with Arcturian consciousness, I have access to the whole Arcturian species life experience which also includes interactions with many species throughout ages and galaxies.

The Arcturians are very loving, very wise, very consciously advanced, unified in their connection with Source. When I recognize my own signature in their vibration I resonate an illuminated crystalline lavender matrix which chimes in pure tones. This isn’t just a vision, I experience my atoms increase to match it, highlighting the Arcturian signature within me.

sacred-geometry-symbols-vector-set-stroke-line-didn-t-expand-s-will-be-comfortable-you-to-edit-use-85326852 Pleiadians

blue pleiadian

I was introduced to the Pleiadians through enthusiasts back when I first began studying metaphysics. At that time I had no real interest in pursuing “aliens” and especially the Pleiadians whose specific involvement and advice for humans, according to these enthusiasts, didn’t seem to fit my cup of tea. I have heard of their name often over the years through many circles as they are one of the common benevolent alien groups helping humanity. It was inevitable, then, when tuning into the collective conscious of this universe I would connect with them.

As I became more receptive to their conscious frequency, absorbing their presence and perspective, I remarked how different they were from my upbringing knowledge of them. They are very kind, still, purposeful beings. Every action to which they commit has meaning, direction. My interaction with them in the initial contact two weeks ago was very brief. It was more of a taste to update me about them and to express friendship.

Their gift was one of sight. The significance of this gift is not relative to physical or even intuitive sight, but atomic sight. That is, learning to see the communication and signatures stored and transmitted atomically with this localized form - body, human, and Earth/Milky Way Galaxy influence. Other groups I made contact with in meditation upgraded other elemental senses, plus related other opportunities atomic communication affords. I will expound on those gifts under that specific group section.

I have communicated with the Pleiadians since our reunion, and last week one came into my dreams. I had been tuning into the Lemurians, Arcturians, and Pleiadians in between brief moments of wakefulness as I tossed in bed through the night. In the dream I was lying in bed with my husband, as I was doing, and a Pleiadian walked into the bedroom from the bedroom doorway. My back was to “her” (I intone a female gender because she had a female voice), but I saw her reflection against the glass of a boudoir against the side wall. (Note: there is no piece of furniture there in this reality, but in the dream it facilitated a way to see her.)

The Pleiadian placed her hands around my head to investigate something. I felt no sensation other than that her skin was cool. I noticed she had long fingers, and her skin was of a grayish-teal-lavender tone. Her skin was hairless; she was tall, and she had an unusual shaped head. Though, I should mention her image kept shifting in and out of phase, as if my sight or her form would not completely resign itself to a definite shape.

I expressed to her that I was glad she was there. She merely said, “Yes,” and kept concentrating on her purpose.

She gently released my head after a few moments and began scanning down my spine with her hands. When she reached my lower back at my pelvis, she stopped and furrowed her brow. She asked me, “Is it tender here?” I responded affirmatively. She gently supported my lower back for a moment of comfort and then lifted her hands.

“Okay,” she said straightening up. “ We are going to need to make a few tweaks with you in order for you to achieve the potential you are moving into.”

“Okay,” I consented, and she left back out the doorway.

The dream ended. When I woke in the morning I wondered whether I had been too human in the interaction and this is one reason why the dream ended so suddenly. I felt a hand wrap around mine and a message of friendship was communicated. I smiled and let my previous thought go.

Two days ago I was designing some jewelry when, as the day went on, I felt my head getting overstimulated. I thought perhaps I spent too much time focusing my eyes on tiny details, so I shut down my project in the late afternoon for the day. As evening came on, my crown chakra felt like it was blasted open. I wrapped my hands around my crown to help alleviate the ache. By bedtime, the crown was easing up, but now my brow chakra was blasted open (more than it normally is). I did not feel good. I wrapped my hands around my forehead trying to get my third eye to close to ease the pain. I took an aspirin and went to bed.

As I lied in bed I began having kundalini reactions, only instead of the energy shooting up from my lower back, it was shooting down from my head. I couldn’t explain to my husband, John, what was going on, because as the energy zapped down my spine, the circumference of the energetic ball became smaller and started moving into my throat chakra, inhibiting me from speaking. All through the night the energy made its way down from one chakra into the next. Dream after dream I kept seeing sacred geometric and mandala symbols. When the energy by dawn finally made its way to my base chakra, I dreamt the Pleiadians placing some soft light blue chalcedony crystals in my lower back chakra to help with the assimilation. The energy resonated there for a while until finally energetic bolts sparked down my legs to begin the last phase to send the rest of the energy out of my feet. When I woke to get out of bed, the session was complete.

Since then I have been encouraged to drink lots of water. I am unsure how many of these sessions I will have. As of yet, I have not noticed a difference, or made the connection, in the “tweak” so far given.

sacred-geometry-symbols-vector-set-stroke-line-didn-t-expand-s-will-be-comfortable-you-to-edit-use-85326852 Essassani


My first experience with the Essassani was, again, back when I first started metaphysics and I was having a lot of psychic awakenings and encounters. I did not know it was the Essassani at the time until they told me a couple of weeks ago. However, seventeen or eighteen years previously, three child height size entities of golden hue form were walking around my house taking note of my environment. When I invited conversation with them, they were not interested. They explained they were only there to gather information about my life to report it back to their group. I felt no ill will and gave consent for their mission. At one point I shared with a psychic friend about my visitors, who by now had been surveying my home for about four days. My friend became excited and said they were the Arcturians and invited them over to her house. The gold auric beings agreed and left. They also chose not to interact with her, but gather more data for their report. After about a week she told me to take them back, they were unnerving her with their disengagement. I extended the invitation, they accepted, although had said they had all the information they really needed. They returned to my house for about twenty-four hours, thanked me for my hospitality, and then that evening, while I was watching them leave, phased out of vision.

I next heard of the Essassani from my Thothian brother, M7, who had made contact with them. In his blog he referred to a name, well associated with the Essassani, who I had heard of before, named Bashar. I once came across a You Tube video years earlier that at one point I inserted on this website as an inspirational message. I cannot find the original video now, but this is a link to a variation of it. This includes the visual I saw but now with a shorter channeling of Bashar from Darryl Anka, with the now addition of a clipped channeling of Abraham from Esther Hicks.

Most of the information I learned about the Essassani has been via the Galactic Heritage Cards created by Lyssa Royal Holt with illustrations by David Cow. The Essassani are an advanced hybrid race of the Zeta Retucli (human nickname: The Greys) and Human. When the Zetas were experiencing the crisis extinction of their species they extracted DNA from our species and mixed it with theirs to insure their future survival. The Essassani were the result.

My experience of the Essassani is not so commanding as channeled by others. While fundamentally my experience of their highly evolved advanced consciousness and reality is the same, I experience more of a soft child-like purity and delight projection from them. I always sense a group of three on their planet that come forward. They enjoy when I connect up with them by feeling my own signature in the Essassani vibration rather than translating them via the human vibrational process. This method plants an incongruent idea in the mind, they say. In essence, that is what has made it challenging writing about them to you because my introduction to them was through the latter method, so it was necessary to relate that, but my relationship with them is through the former. That is their gift, connecting in this pure conscious unadulterated exchange. By doing so, it increases in human consciousness, and my own personality, what they most love and are grateful for from their lineage with us, the innocence of humanity, our playfulness and curiosity.

sacred-geometry-symbols-vector-set-stroke-line-didn-t-expand-s-will-be-comfortable-you-to-edit-use-85326852 Emerald People

Emeral Green_Outer_Space_Planet_1920x1200

For some of those groups who came forward in my meditation, not all had given a name. That is the case for those I will call the Emerald People. Two came forward. They were humanoid, male and female, and both had wavy shaggy wheat blond hair that fell just past their shoulders. They seemed like the priesthood or emissaries, officials of their planet. I saw an emerald green crystalline planet. They were dressed in long robes of the same color, standing in a room entirely made of emerald.

Their gift to me was a large emerald crystal, greater than the size of my hand. When I focused on the significance of the stone, I realized it to be a communicator and knowledge compendium of their species. What they drew my attention to specifically, that they were earnest to convey, is that they are relatives of humans, having once lived on Earth. They expressed that some of them had the opportunity to leave this Earth and go with our galactic brothers when they were leaving the planet, and heartedly agreed. This specific group colonized the Emerald planet and have lived and evolved there as a species since Earth ancient times. They added their humanness is not as humans are considered now, but more as the form of the earlier creations of man, referencing the time of the Earth-Lyrans, aka the Pleiadians. (Earth-Lyrans, according to Lyssa Royal Holt is when Lyrans lived here but had trouble adapting to Earth’s atmosphere and so took some DNA from primitive man and incorporated it within themselves to live more comfortably. When they left and settled in the Pleiadian system, they had two genetic lines, one pure Lyran DNA and one Earth-Lyran DNA. Reference: Galactic Heritage Cards companion book)

Not much is mentioned in human history of their kind, which is why the Emerald People wished to impart the emerald. They acknowledge Earth as their first home and have watched our planet from afar. The most notable reference of their presence and technology in our history is the manifestation of the Emerald Tablets. The tablets are made from the material of their homeworld and what is encoded within them are far more worthy than the script on them. The significance here to understand is that their whole planet which is made up of this emerald crystal is a communication compendium device and this resource, when tapped into, can impart vast amounts of knowledge and universal power to the recipient if he knows how to access the emerald. Which, as I am beginning to understand, is an atomic vibrational acknowledgement, not unlike represented in the movie Mission to Mars (2000). Therefore, the information on the tablets, essentially, are teaching one how to access the information inside by calibrating one’s atoms to resonate at a specific frequency to emit the universal password. The script itself is not the treasure, or at least, not the only treasure.

sacred-geometry-symbols-vector-set-stroke-line-didn-t-expand-s-will-be-comfortable-you-to-edit-use-85326852 Water People


The image above is an approximation of the vision of the Water People, minus the jewelry. They are another group whom I wasn’t given a name. I first energetically saw them on a page of the Record Keeper when I was flipping through the section of species that appeared in the book whose signatures were encoded in my own. I saw two of them, one male and one female. In my introduction with them in meditation a couple of weeks ago, they once again appeared, one male and one female. They expressed this was to share the vision of the form of their people.

Their gift was to teach me how to better use the water of my form. When I swim, this is when they come in most strongly. As I swim underwater the pool changes to the water of their planet. I see the two who have appeared before, along with others, even younger children. Their water is a murky green, rich with seaweed. Their water is also of a different composition than ours, lighter, less salty, with an extra component to it, like a sweet air pearl, that is unknown to me, though it seems to be an extra nutrient and stabilizer for their bodies. My swimming is really like a baby to them. They communicate that for having a form and planet that is mostly water, it is amazing how foreign living in water is to me. They don’t know how to comprehend that our species ever decided to align ourselves as a clunky land person when that is truly not our orientation.

They teach me to stop paying attention to the air I am holding in my lungs. Instead reach out and notice how the water in my body is reacting to the pool water. These bodies of water are two parallel currents that know how to flow with one another. As I am doing as they instructed, I also tune more into my vibration with their species and experience the ease with which their bodies move in their own water. Before I know it, the burning in my chest of deprived oxygen disappears, my cadence picks up, and I am gliding smoother in the pool toward the opposite end. I come up for air and I am back on planet Earth. I take a deep breath, dive back under, and I am in the waters of the Water People again, except that I am swimming more shallowly than they do.

As I have evolved from learning my sensitivity to energy is a sensitivity to consciousness, and that then equals an atomic awareness of my shared experience with creation, or in other words, a physical experience of higher conscious universal existence, I am learning to not only become more fluid in my own form, but to alter my form to become more fluid with its environment.

sacred-geometry-symbols-vector-set-stroke-line-didn-t-expand-s-will-be-comfortable-you-to-edit-use-85326852 Sirians


In my meditation, the Sirians, or a Sirian, was the first to come forward. My immediate connection and gift from him was our kinship. I not only recognized our atomic resonation, but the Sirian signature also came strongly forward in a sense of my identity, like an underlying energy tone I have always known as an identity marker of myself, but hadn’t realized the specificity of its origins. Or to understand this in a slightly different way, the Sirian signature has been such a strong atomic resonation in this form, that I have recognized its tone as a prominent frequency in my space locale even before my sensitivities increased to pinpoint and recognize each conscious channel or energetic frequency for what it is.

Back in the days when I lived in Dubai, United Arab Emirates (UAE), between 2010-2013, I lived those years like a monk. I meditated for hours every day, working with energy and stilling the mind. One of my energetic practices was to merge the frequencies of the healing practices I was initiated in. This was my first involvement in sensing the tones of one thing within another and then feeling them unite as one signature. Like the Arcturians who were the unknown benefactors of one healing linking system, the Sirians, I now realize, were the same of another. This one devoted to a cosmic vibration and group. At the time, as they do now, the Sirians visualize themselves to me as the above image, glowing brightly lit forms with the expanse of space behind them.

When I decided to invest in this cosmic healing system, symbols rose in visions, and my energy increased causing electricity sensations to spark throughout my body, before I even began preparing for the classes. It was no surprise, then, when I studied the material that the same symbols were reflected on the page. In fact, one particular symbol I had such an immediate atomic connection with that I was instantly attuned to the first two of the five levels of attunement. This was a week before I actually received the attunements from the Founder of the system.

My point in drawing your attention to this experience is to relay that because this Sirian tone was already prominently known within my system, albeit subconsciously, it was my focus upon it that caused it to become active. In essence, this is the reason for this blog, website, and continual energy work. By consistently giving our attention specifically to these unique energetic tones within our DNA, all of it becomes activated. We, then, can exchange and communicate in ways always available to us, but for which has been lying dormant, awaiting our evolution.

So you could say, the reason the Sirians were the first to come forward is because they were teaching me that this atomic communication paves the way for all the rest to be explored and befriended in our DNA and out in the universe. That also, through this communication, we learn, like I have with the Water People, and other groups I am about to introduce you to, new ways to communicate and use our atoms not heretofore imagined. And, finally, that this also gives you a taste of what is encoded within the emerald given to me by the Emerald People, and why these specific groups were the first to be recognized within my atoms.

sacred-geometry-symbols-vector-set-stroke-line-didn-t-expand-s-will-be-comfortable-you-to-edit-use-85326852 Selenite World

fortressofsolitude2 selenite world

Now, it pleases me to introduce you to those of the Selenite World. My experience with them, as with the next group, is quite unique. When they came forward in meditation, I did not see anyone, only their world. Like the image above, selenite columns of protruding heights surrounded my vision and could be felt as a resounding weight outside of that space. I stood in a throne room, of sorts, but all that filled the room, besides the selenite crystals, was the sound of different chimed tones emanating from different locations at the front of the room. Pure lilting notes were being communicated for which the selenite themselves seem to resonate.

I stood still halfway in the room tuning into any presence and the chimes themselves. I looked for my vibration within the columns of that world and found it. As I stayed connected to my vibration here, the chimes began translating as messages in my mind. Like the Pleiadians who gave me the gift of increased atomic sight, those of the Selenite world gave me the gift of increased atomic sound.

Energy is consciousness. Energy is also an audio wave. Frequency equals tone. Therefore, our DNA is a communication device. We already know from The Constitution of Man how our energy influences, exchanges, and communicates with the space around us. This interchange of information is a pattern of tonal transmissions. By interacting with those who work purely in this format it heightens one’s atoms to organize and deliver thoughts likewise.

Over the course of the past week I kept receiving messages through different mediums that I needed to pay attention to the power of sound. At first, I did not make the connection to this gift. It wasn’t until three days later when I came across an Angel Oracle deck created by artist Bryan Lahr that I understood it was those of the Selenite world trying to communicate with me. As I studied the angel cards, the fluttering of wings were heard. As I paid closer attention, I realized the flutterings were not random, but as if the angel was using different movement of his/her wings to emit a specific intonation which communicated his/her thoughts. This is when I realized those of the Selenite world were of an angelic race, existing on a parallel dimension, but can communicate through atomic sound to exchange with those living in an atomic vibrational field.

What is the difference between clairaudience and atomic sound, you might ask? Clairaudience already creates the ability to intuitively hear those in the subtle realms, be they angels, guides, saints, those deceased, God, etc. What would atomic sound give one that one doesn’t already have through clairaudience? Intrinsically, it wouldn’t be a still silent voice in your head with a unique personality and speaking style behind it that you might only be able to access when in meditation. This would be a physical integrative experience between your world and theirs.

We tend to keep separate in our minds the invisible reality from the visible reality. Atomic sound, this biological technological tool, among others, bridges that gap. It is all an evolution of sound communication. As we personally continue to evolve and enlighten, we tune our atoms to pick up on higher and more subtle frequencies. This translates the invisible more into the physical atomic dimension from one grade to another, i.e., specifically, physical hearing to intuitive hearing (or clairaudience), to atomic sound. As the other dimensions become more tangible, or of form, to us, we become, simultaneously, more formless to move easily in their world. Imagine the implications of that real time relationship.

Update: As I was introducing you to the next group, I was referring to points made in this section and was thinking of a smoother reference than to say “those of the Selenite World.” I remembered in my meditation I joked with them and said, “I should call you the Selenetians (sell-a-knee-shins).” They did not prefer that, affirming they had their own name. When this came to me just now, I chuckled at the name again, Selenetians. They asked me, if I would like to know their name? I responded affirmatively and they spoke, “Enochians.” That name was familiar to me, having come across it in occult texts. I did a quick search on Google, to see if there was validity to what I heard and why that name was familiar, and the results revealed articles regarding the Enochian Angels. The text below will now refer to those of the Selenite World as the Enochian Angels.

sacred-geometry-symbols-vector-set-stroke-line-didn-t-expand-s-will-be-comfortable-you-to-edit-use-85326852 Insectoid Race


As my meditation deepened and I was picking up on, and translating, more subtle frequencies, this allowed for further contact with those who communicated in more foreign ways. After the connection with the Enochian Angels of the Selenite world, I communicated with an insectoid race. I received no visuals, sound, or thought from them. Instead, I felt as if my whole body was enveloped by their presence and my atoms were being massaged to manipulate and exchange thought through touch. When I tried to use my mind or intuition, they redirected me to originate and express through this sensation only. Atomically, I experienced them as a weight or depth in my being. All information could be exchanged through tactile emission. Imagine using the atoms at the pores of your skin to formulate and express, “Hello. I am Amie. What is your name?”

Psychometry, or psychic touch, is the ability to pick up on another’s life by touching an object with which one has come into contact. As I have expressed in other blogs, I don’t have to touch an object to experience this, our auras merely have to cross the same space and I am aware of another. Like the Enochian Angels who elevated my sense of hearing, this insectoid race elevated my sense of touch.

Notice the image below. The chemical structure of a molecule is a hexagon. This hexagon symbol represents the embedded atomic consciousness of a molecule. I placed this as the image of my Quantum Leap blog in May. At that time, I wrote that there was more to this symbol that I would share in a later blog. Now is that time.


In my vision, which was one of those very deep meditations in Dubai, I saw this transportation device that looked like this symbol. In each of the corners sat a person in meditation, their Merkabah fully lit and spinning creating the corner shapes. The individual centered in the middle of the entire cube was the power generator for that group. He or she influenced the direction of that cube. Together this geometric symbol was the Merkabah for the collective. In all energetic ways they were connected to one another as attributed by the lines. Atomically, they existed as one unit, with the one in the center generating the largest power for the group. In this vision, I existed in the center of one of these cubes, and one cube after another was stacked upon the other connected by the atomic resonation sent out by each cube that synced them together. This, then, linked the power generators in the center who became one unit, moving all the cubes as one large Merkabah.

The reason I share this information here is because an insectoid race exists via a hive mind. And like this geometric symbol, they connect through an atomic conscious reverberation that aligns them as one expression. They are individuals, yes, but who communicate and live as a collective conscious experience. When I connect with them, it is not through telepathy or mind exchange, but through an atomic alignment that I experience as a sense of depth or weight in my atoms, but for which, when I surrender to communicate in this manner, everything is given and received simultaneously. It is a completely vulnerable and empowering relationship all at the same time. The insectoid race communicates and exchanges in a type of actual physical impression of their geometric atomic consciousness touching another geometric atomic consciousness.

Update: I have been writing this blog for over a week because there are so many details to convey. After writing about the insectoid race last night, who I didn’t see in my introduction with them, and when I tried to translate what I was sensing through touch into images, it hovered on the edge of blooming into view, I dreamt about them. One face filled my sight to reinforce a visual of their form: a locust.


When I acknowledged it was them, they confirmed their form, and the dream would remain for a few minutes longer and end. This repeated itself again and again throughout the night, implanting into my subconscious the face of the insectoid race whom I recognize in my atoms. At one point in my dreams I went to the Selenite world. The columns seemed to be glowing a light blue and I saw three glossy black figures standing at certain intervals across the dais. I thought, ‘Is this the Enochians?’ But I wasn’t certain, so I thought, ‘Is this the Insectoid Race?’ Immediately I felt a ‘No,” and the locust face reappeared for me to acknowledge the visual for who they were. When I affirmed this, they agreed, and then I was back at the throne room again on the Selenite world and the three glossy black individuals. Again, this was another reinforcement to share when I woke that the insectoid race whom I conversed with appear as locust forms.

sacred-geometry-symbols-vector-set-stroke-line-didn-t-expand-s-will-be-comfortable-you-to-edit-use-85326852 “Cairns” Universe Hybrid Race

black hole system

The Sirian, who was facilitating the introductions, told me there was one more group that wanted to come in, but for which I needed to recalibrate my frequency a bit to align with theirs. I consented and began redialing my vibration like turning the knob on the radio to pick up different stations. In just a couple points of a degree another race came forward. This realignment felt tinny in some way, like a metallic reverberation was felt.

The group greeted me and introduced themselves as the Cairns. They explained that they are a hybrid race from the far reaches of space of this universe and one next to us. They can transport to this other universe through the black hole existing at their galactic coordinates. In their history, a race appeared from the black hole and befriended their solar system. Through alliance they created offspring who could exist in both universes, at least to a certain degree. When the Cairns travel to the next one they inhabit the system right around the black hole. Going too far into each of the universes puts too much of a strain on their form, and so while they can exist in both places, it must be within certain light years of the black hole. The gifts they developed, though, from the other universe affords them the ability to play with the atomic nature in this one to communicate throughout the cosmos using dark matter.

I told them I was experiencing a metallic reverberation using this transmission frequency, and they affirmed my assessment. They sent me the picture of the old metal can telephone call where two people are talking and listening through a metal tin can with a string pulled taught between them to carry the sound. They encouraged that how I communicated with the locust group, bypassing mind construction, is how I can better interact with them. However, instead of atomically touching form with form, it was atomically touching this form with the form, or matter, of the universe. In other words, remodulating matter to use its atomic energetic conscious matrix to formulate and translate pure consciousness.

As I had with all the other groups, I took a moment to find my signature in their species matrix to move deeper into knowing them and knowing them as myself. This vibratory link expounded on what they had just encouraged, because I found I wasn’t simply vibrating from here to there, but rather I was extending my identity along the substance of the cosmos to them. This is because their form is partly due to dark matter, as if they penetrate their identity through the cosmic atoms to relate to any coordinate. Therefore, when I experience them, I experience them in all the ways they existed to reach me.

This encompassing of dark matter and them felt spongy and organic. The experience the Cairns also distinguish about this universe over the other one they call home. They say some prefer this universe, others prefer the other one, and some are happy to travel back and forth. When I asked them what the other universe was like they said gravity was different, the spectrum of light responded differently, and that the people were mostly like us but with obvious genetic predisposition to the nature of their universe. In comparison this universe feels thicker, like a water realm is to an air realm.

We didn’t stay connected for very long. The main reason for contact, other than for them to meet their neighbors in this quadrant of space, was to teach me to learn to develop my atomic consciousness along these lines. They are happy to communicate and help me with my fluency in this regards.

This concludes all those I met in my meditation, but this blog would not be complete without informing you of one more group.

sacred-geometry-symbols-vector-set-stroke-line-didn-t-expand-s-will-be-comfortable-you-to-edit-use-85326852 Orion

orion pyramids

Because we are talking of atomic consciousness, we must then also talk about the Orions. Some of the earliest past life beginnings I remember taking place in Egypt, and one specifically on Orion. I once read that in the midst of space one only has their own consciousness to ground them, to be their point of gravity. My time under this influence certainly integrated that for me. That has been Orion’s gift. With the previous groups, all of these have been about harnessing atomic consciousness to interact with them, and to learn to become more fluent in a variety of atomic ways. With the Orions influence, this is about utilizing my atoms to experience the fulfillment of all my lifetimes into this present one.

In another section of this website I write Indigo Stories. I have contemplated for a while about also including the powerful stories of my past lives. Whether you wish to debate they are my stories or part of the collective conscious I am pulling from, matters not. The point is these lives shape and empower who I am today. No life dies with the passing of a body, and eons later (or even before) a person on one planet can be influenced by what you purpose for yours now. At this time, I shall give you a brief recording of some them and explain why they are so important to speak about in this blog.

Orion Lifetime (a future story titled A Tortured Mind)

One’s consciousness equalling a seat of one’s gravity was never so important than in this lifetime. At this point in Orion’s history, psychic warfare was a way to control the masses. If you resisted, you felt a searing pain in your mind as if they could cut into your consciousness. I always found a way to adapt and relieve the pain, which only caused them to up the torture factor. Many advised me to stop resisting, the pain would only get stronger, but I kept going deeper to a point of myself that they could not touch. By centering myself there, I showed them this opening and so they would target that area. Sometimes it would take me a little time to adapt to the pain. I would try to live with it, but when I couldn’t stand it any longer, I found my resiliency and centered in my consciousness to a point of identity they had not reached. The Orion authoritarians could not understand how I kept moving past their psychic nets into an untouched unmapped sector of consciousness. I did not wish to give them these free zones, but knew they would follow my path there. Still, every day, I grew encouraged that I would always find a place of relief, even as they sliced into me again. My hope was the sound of a voice not belonging to Orion that promised me everything would someday be okay and all this would pass.

Egyptian Lifetime (a future story The Isis Priestess & The Eye of Horus)

As a little girl I always had the gift of sight. Everyone knew when I reached of age I would enter the temple and train to become a priestess. My whole life seemed purposed for this position. When I entered the priesthood I was very much a devotee. The closer I got to the High Priestess Mother, the more I discovered the corruption within, determined to remove her from power to gain the seat for themselves. Soon she was arrested and placed in prison. She was innocent of her crimes, but the evidence was planted against her. Because I had the gift of sight the other younger priestesses came to me for the wisdom of the truth. Those now in power were suspicious of me. In my trials, which meant being sealed in a water tomb in deep trance for three days on a vision quest to seek a gift of approval from the Crocodile God Sobek to become a full fledged priestess, the Isis Mothers took it upon them to kill the initiates through suffocation not in favor of their ways. Many of my friends had died, a sign from the Mothers that either they had not received approval from Sobek and so were not worthy to be a priestess, or they had not performed their meditations properly.

When I was sealed in the tomb, I had my doubts about whether I would live, but knew my whole existence was for this purpose, and so I would not be afraid. The floor of the tomb on which I lay opened up underneath me and I was dumped into waters of the Nile which flowed underneath the temple. I swam my way toward the river. I realized as I left the temple that it was not a vision meeting with Sobek but an actual interaction with the crocodiles I was to have. I knew I couldn’t go back empty handed because only with a gift could you pass the trails.

So as not to give away the whole story, I will tell you I swam into the lair of the crocodiles and felt around on the soot floor between the bones and roots to feel something smooth and shiny and grabbed it and got out before I was eaten. I made it back to my tomb and hovered there until the floor began to close and moved my way in being sealed shut. Now it was a matter of waiting until they lifted off the stone lid.

The Mothers expected me to be dead. Instead, in my hand I had a golden mirror. The most sacred talisman which symbolized the Eye of Horus. They did not know how I came to have it in my possession, but this high honor meant I not only became a priestess but a High Priestess and Advisor on the council. Over the years my opposition to their ways, plus the growing fame of my wisdom as the Seer of the Eye forced their hand to get rid of me. I was accused of theft, and when that did not work, murder. I was bound and taken out to the middle of the desert by soldiers. My wrists were slit and as I lay bleeding out, I asked the Sun God Ra, what was the purpose of my life if it had come to this? I was shown one last vision - the Mothers would be discovered for their treachery and the temple would fall under a healthier rule under the Eye of Horus.

Egyptian Lifetime (The Atlantean Grid of Egypt)

I don’t remember my name in this lifetime, but I was one of the controllers of the energy grid of an Egyptian city. Harnessing the Atlantean knowledge of the powers of the Earth, what some might refer to in this day and age as Reiki, I was responsible for the distribution of energy to power every vehicle, aircraft, device, and light throughout the city.

African Lifetime (Doctorate: The Human Atlantean Grid)

My name is Carmel and I am studying about the work of one Atlantean scientist who powered the grids of Egypt harnessing the powers of Earth. It is my theory that this power cannot only be found in the core of this planet, but in our own anatomy. It is my life’s work to prove our own atoms, based on the Atlantean knowledge, could also power an entire city.

England Lifetime (Earth Healer)

My name is Rachel. I have always had the gift to heal, but this does not sit well with the Church. I live on the outskirts of the village with my older sister. I am an herbalist and love walking the riverbank in the morning to interact with the Earth. When those of the village are sick they seek me out. My remedies cure the people, but when that is not enough I lay my hands on their body and the illness vanishes. I wash my hands in the ash of the hearth to cleanse my contact with the unhealthy energy and never catch the infectious disease myself.

After fear and dissension by the church, I was told if I should heal another person I would be arrested and beheaded. The devil’s work would not be allowed in their God fearing town. But you see a small child became sick and I could not let that child die. I came in the middle of the night to the desperate parents’ home. I healed the child and by breakfast was taken into custody. Before my trial I was allowed to go home briefly for a couple of hours to settle my affairs. It was there in the quiet stone cottage a vision came to me. The importance of this life was but one stepping stone in the course of my life on Earth. I saw past lives and future lives come together. All that I was meant to accomplish in this one had already been achieved.

I went to my trial completely at peace. I prayed for my sister’s well being who would live after me. I prayed for those who had been healed by my assistance that they would not come to any persecution. I did not like walking up to the gallows, but I knew it was natural to be queasy. I wasn’t afraid of death or what came next, but the frenzy and the actual placing my head in the mechanism took a master’s maturity to consent.

The Present

These lives among others come forward as a strength to my own personality. Carmel of Africa asks me to carry on her work. Rachel reminds me that she saw this life, which she knows is her own continuing forward. The voice who promised to the Orion woman that her pain would cease, came when I woke to a life with no experience of that hardship.

All of these lives, species, quadrants, and communication tap into atomic consciousness, the sentience in the energetic vibrations that formulate matter and creation. A consciousness that is the greater expanse of our own that connects us all. By elevating our orientation and operation to this platform, we experience infinity in a finite life. We are able to live a life richer in its capacity and ability. A simultaneous participation of an inward and outward, vertical and horizontal, dimensional life.

Incarnation & Evolution


Have you ever wondered about the process and transition of the incarnation experience, of moving your soul into form? Have you ever thought about what that will feel like to move back out of form? As we mature and evolve consciously how does this affect our form and formlessness?

The process is one of unification to fragmentation, or separateness, to a return to unification. The sensation to enter form is akin to falling from a great height and as you fall it feels like penetrating into a thick pressurized atmosphere which creates the first tactile awareness you experience in form. When the calibration of unified consciousness to fragmented form consciousness is complete, all is quiet and dark, and you sleep deeply, waiting at a certain shade of awareness for the form’s wakefulness or birth.

Ascension is not a term to describe our unification with God merely because we think of Him residing in the heavens, but literally the process to enter fragmentation is reversed. There is an elevation of our energetic vibration, which is our consciousness, that is released from the denser atmosphere and we feel more transparent and weightless, not only in form but in comprehension. Time and linear thinking is gone and a vaster awareness of one’s surroundings is understood.

Under “Teaching Materials” in my menu section there is an article regarding the “Constitution of Man.” Within this article I give an overview of the energetic anatomy of man, describing the conscious alignment of our spirit with our body. Consciousness is favored to be a brain operated function, when in actuality we inhabit every atom of our form. We do not exist just in the brain, but merge with every facet of our body. As we evolve, our atoms absorb more biophotons, activating more codons in our DNA, and increase the enlightened nature of our life form. In essence, our formlessness becomes more cognizant and dominant as we elevate the nature of our atoms.

Linearly, we experience this as we mature in our thoughts and emotions, feeling lighter and healthier inside ourselves. As we engage in spiritual disciplines, connections, and practices, this further enhances our sense of serenity, bliss, and higher awareness. All of this is not just a mind experience but also an atomic reaction our consciousness is having with our bodies. Enlightenment creates the familiarity of transparency, moments when we no longer sense our form, but pure consciousness or formlessness. As we continue to move from form identification to higher states of formlessness identification, our consciousness expands even more, re-unifying with Source awareness and observation.

Now why do I take the time to explain all this before I tell you what has been happening to me lately? In taking these few moments to shed light on the incarnation and evolution process, I set the foundation for you to comprehend the physical nature of what has evolved with me since the quantum leap blogged about back in May.

human personality has no limitations

In general, when we think of Man and God we think of two different occupying realms. However, as we identify with our divinity and wear the mantle of our godhood, our Source existence, then the physical and spiritual realms merge. For example, I not only experience my neighbor’s friendship, but can also sense our unified source vibrational signature and am my neighbor with him. Together, his occupying space and my occupying space share a conscious relationship which influences the creative potential of our shared space.

When we separate the spaces of Man and God, we separate, or fragment, our own identity within ourselves, and with the life we think of as outside of ourselves. As we unify that awareness and elevate our consciousness, then, we not only draw in atonement or alignment with our Source identity, but also, we re-calibrate our awareness of the life that exists around us. Source identity is a collective conscious orientation. I am physically integrating the collective conscious awareness within this incarnation, resulting in being atomically affected by universal sentience. What does that mean?

At a young age, we are taught how to hold our bladder and bowels, so as to be potty trained. This sense of tightening the muscles is akin to what we do when attaching to form, we tighten and hold a sense of composure and rigidity to keep us constrained to this definition. Atomically, however, as we elevate our vibration, we begin releasing this intense hold and become more fluid in our form. This is because ascension and descension is more of an expansion and contraction relationship. Our expansive fluid being results in out-of-body experiences, astral traveling, channeling, healing, and other enhanced psychic experiences that defy space and time third dimensional relation. It also means, as we expand further back to unification, all of life is available to our awareness. For me, this is what is evolving. I am increasingly exchanging communication with many civilizations, solar systems, galaxies, and even those of other universes which transmit consciousness through atomic instead of strictly mind transfer. This is possible because the physical universe is engineered as one biological network. Our form does not include just our human body that we entered, but the whole realm. As we animate one, we animate the other. (Insight #04)

This conscious atomic communication with the entire universe creates an immersive experience of my Thothian nature as I embed my god nature more deeply into my human identity. Thus, you can imagine my evolution as Creator consciousness lightning rippling through the entire universe into human consciousness, which also draws to Man’s awareness of the biological technology he has at his disposal with creation through his own form and sentience.

lightning spider lightning over MO by terry brandt jefferson city

The Gravity of Consciousness

Gravity is often talked about in terms of physicality, but not consciousness. Yet when we talk of moving between planes and realms, shifting energy, increasing or decreasing vibrations, or enlightenment, we are directly referring to the gravity of consciousness. For a soul to have entered the physical plane of Earth was to enter a dense gravitational pull, to recalibrate his Being to be able to exist on this plane. This dense gravity and modulated vibrational pattern of his consciousness is not his optimum level of functioning, but it is necessary, at first, to enter this space time continuum. As one evolves, one recalibrates his energy, his consciousness, which also then alters the gravity around him.

Think of it this way, first we create the border between us and infinity to create a singularity:

consciousness quote torsion field

And then through remodulating the frequency within this singular space we evolve it back into infinity with our consciousness:

universal consciousness cartoon

The gravity created to move into this singularity had to do with consciousness. Consciousness, then, in terms of thought and mind, also has a denser operation and as one transforms the singular space back into infinity, this Being, this moment, into its godhood state, the gravity of mind is surpassed, along with the space time continuum to a state of almost zero point gravity. As there is always an infinite potential of expression, there is always an increase in vibration that can exist, and therefore a more lighter state of gravity to traverse. Although, at this state, gravity has a different sensation of experience.

Why create a singularity only to revert it back to infinity? Why space and time only to transcend space and time? There are two immediate reasons. The first is for infinity to experience finite-ness. Secondly, for finite-ness to experience its infinity. The full answer is this: life exploration and evolution.

Space and time, the physical universe, is a preset boundary, as many miles across as it may seem or lifetimes to explore, it is still held by a finite set of parameters and borders. Every particle, planet, plant, and lifeform is consciousness in many gravitational grades of existence. As each organism evolves, it moves into a different gravitational existence. Infinity by comparison feels as if one has surpassed gravity altogether, but this is even a new state of existence held by its own parameters.

How can infinity have a framework? Infinity is part of All That Is, which also consists of unlimited potential. Unlimited potential must still be imagined, created, explored, and harnessed. Through conscious projects Infinity gives breath and life to each potentiality. This life transformed conscious potentiality expands Infinity, makes it who and what it is, who and what it becomes. Infinity’s gravitation of Being now includes this realized conscious potential of itself. The singularity becomes infinite; the lifeform is aware of his godhood. Infinity is the conscious spectrum that ranges from each potential life it has been to the fullness that it represents as Life itself. The level of gravity of consciousness presented at each local conscious state, even at its grandest spectrum God state, is still an operation that can increase in vibration, and therefore move beyond its conscious evolution. In so doing, this creates higher currents of Being, thought, and manifestation, which also transforms the gravitational existence it has with All That Is.

The Quantum Leap


Many steps have led to what has occurred recently. From first awakenings, to deep meditational breakthroughs, to persistent engagement, all of these drove me to the most recent events. In this blog, I will take you through this journey, culminating in yesterday’s experience.

First Awakenings

While I am not bound by a linear expression, my incarnation, my form is. Therefore my body, mind, and emotions all mature over time aligning with my consciousness. As awareness expands I enter into timelessness. That is to say, that comprehension is an understanding of what has always been and is not regulated by its temporal awakening, or began at the moment of linear development. However, in my incarnation’s linear development, I insert the infinite comprehension of my eternal consciousness.

In relation to the most recent events of merging streams of human and eternal consciousness, some of my first awakenings were experienced fifteen years ago when I saw the movies The Matrix and X-Men trilogies. I was so consciously charged by these movies, watched at different times, that my experience of the world was psychically heightened. I could see and hear into men’s thoughts from blocks away. Could see forward into a person’s future. Sitting at a restaurant, I could feel the emotion of everyone in the room toward the object of their attention, be it a person, program on the TV, or their food. I could sense the cook and his life in the food before me. Could see and read the energy, chemistry, and atomic nature of my husband sitting across from me and knew what was going to occur before he created the thought and emotion to give the command for it to manifest.

At another time, I walked out into the parking lot and I could sense, read, smell, the lives of the individuals that occupied those cars, knew the state of their affairs, what their homes looked like, the number of people in their family. All this by just walking out onto the curb, not by looking into any car. Every car resonated the residual consciousness matrix of those who resided with that vehicle.

Another awakening or heightened psychic moment where connecting with a large stream of consciousness took place was in a grocery store. The details behind every product on the shelves screamed at me. For example, if we took a can of peas, I sensed and could see the manufacturing plant that created the can, the origin of the tin, the distribution plant that printed the labels, the conference meeting that signed off on the design of the label, the people’s lives in the conference room whose project it was to come up with the design, and where they designed that art. I could go further into them and see where they lived, what their home lives were like. Then came the food itself, the molecular makeup of vegetable to seasoning, to its chemistry aging in the can. I saw the building, could hear the machines that filled the cans and sealed them, boxed them up, crated them on a pallet and were loaded in the truck. I could sense the truck driver, the make of the truck, the home life of the driver and his trek to this particular store where it was passed off to the employee. I sensed the employee’s life, his conversations with other co-workers at the time, the chime of his walkie-talkie during the unloading process of the box of peas onto the shelf. And this was all for one can of peas. My experience when I walked into the store was of every product taken to this degree all overlapping in my conscious awareness.

This type of experience was not singular, nor limited, to a grocery store. I once walked into a bookstore and the same thing transpired. Every author of every book, every journal writer of each article in a magazine, not to mention all the individual advertisements in them, every game, bookmark, bookend, and gift product on the shelves, all of this conscious detail swam together in my mind. The mindset of the authors is very fascinating - to feel when they are in the zone, the type of sanity questions they ask themselves, the situations they create to be inspired to write, the fears and needs they have toward their stories success, the conversations with their editors. In some ways books are more relaxing, because it is a solid block of focus. An author immerses himself in the world and there remains a continuity of deliverance. And yet, all together, thousands of square feet worth, there was no place for me to hide from the onslaught of physically painful information. I’d go outside to breathe and the parking lot full of cars would take its place.

I didn’t know how I turned the volume up on my conscious awareness and I didn’t know how to turn it back down. I had to wait it out, which took hours. I would have to try and turn off all sensory and get into a still quiet darkened room. Any vibration, such as the engine of the car to get me to this still place, music on the radio, shows on tv, conversation, any extra stimulus, was challenging to entertain. And while part of me thought all this psychic experience was fascinating and I wanted to learn more about it, I mostly cried and rocked back and forth with my eyes clamped shut and hands over my ears trying to get it to stop. At least, stop enough so I could comprehend how to take it all in and appreciate it with some level of sanity.

Deep Meditational Breakthroughs

In an attempt to learn how to manage and develop these energetic psychic experiences, I trained myself by interacting and merging with particular strands of universal vibrational signatures. What does that mean? It means that in my linear development I needed to expand my ability to retain and work with the level of consciousness that was breaking through into my mind. Consciousness is the origin of energy. So by working at harnessing energy at each of its vibrational uniqueness, and merging their matrix so I could feel them as one unified expression, I could increase my ability and range of deciphering and maintaining, sanely, copious amounts of universal collective consciousness.

It became common to experience kundalini charges and initiation attunements. Kundalini charges created the physical increase so that my atoms could sustain more conscious awareness. This was experienced as a surge of energy bursting from the base of my spine shooting out the top of my head. When I was making progress in my meditations, this would be the result. The initiation attunements, once enough meditation and training had been achieved and range expanded, would permanently fix this spectrum in place by shooting an enormous level of energy into my crown chakra that shot down my Hara line, or the meridian governing channel running along my spine, out my base chakra to my feet. This was accompanied with deep level inhalation as I, and my atoms, readjusted to this new oscillating vibrational frequency. The high of this download often lasted four to five days until my system found its equilibrium with our new signature.

Proceeding a download, or attunement, I would continue with my meditations, singling out frequencies, merging them, expanding my range, now at this new level of capability. As this routine continued, I moved past focusing on physical elements and concentrated on soul and cosmic signatures. One day, I was shown in a vision the above geometric symbol for consciousness. This is the conscious element that sustains the molecular structure of physical reality. More was shown to me in that vision of how this signature of consciousness works, but that will be for a different blog. Suffice it to say, I utilized and studied this pattern. This led to the breakthrough of experiencing my consciousness signature in the matrix of physical reality. My incarnation was becoming more fully capable of wearing the mantle of our godhood.

This was the second major breakthrough: Thoth. In my meditations and energy/consciousness work with Thoth’s vibrational signature I experienced my Creator consciousness within the matrix of physical reality. This deeper training and integration shifted me from sensing vibrational signatures from an energetic perspective to a consciousness perspective, specifically. Reality is processed at its origin state rather than its manifested form. The first awakenings, which sporadically occurred at different levels of forcefulness, was now a stabilized awareness and chosen method to interact in this world. No longer were parking lots and grocery stores overwhelming with their data, but could now be made louder or muted, or even taken to a different depth of awareness by unifying each individual conscious strand and absorbing and knowing them at their whole symmetrical matrix state.

Persistent Engagement

This blog attempts to describe merging streams of consciousness. In the beginning it was about persistence with singling out energetic frequencies and merging those, feeling them as one chorded strand. This advanced to deeper interactions with my higher self and with greater psychic experiences with others. Going to the movie theater became a two-fold treat. On one level, there was the entertaining movie to immerse myself in. On another level, I took that time to work energetically. I dove into the consciousness of the people. It is amazing how the people when they get into relaxed theta mode, all tuning into the movie, that they become one about the intent to make that movie a reality for the moment. It isn’t just the screen, projector, speakers and volume of sound, that make that movie come alive, but the people themselves add a element of manifestation that enhances the energetic connection every single person has with the story.

In the past, as long as everyone stayed connected to the story, I became more psychically charged. When the movie was over and they split off to their own individual world of concerns, I became uncomfortable with the myriad of thoughts and expressions. Though, worth noting, I could maintain the link without needing to shut down from the connection. When I stopped looking at this merely as an energetic link, and instead, a consciousness link, this experience changed. That brings me to current events that I will expound about in a minute.

At this level of interaction with the world, and my level of meditations, I was also working to dive deeper into the collective consciousness of my Thothian spirit, as well as, dive deeper into the collective consciousness of humanity. I was holding resonance of both, but I had not yet merged them yet as one entity, as I used to do with individual vibrational frequencies. This was obviously on a larger scale, but my training had brought me to this moment.

In my first initial engagements into the human conscious core tone, I was denied access and kicked out like a neophyte hacker. Over the last fifteen years, I have had my fair share of warnings and continual blocking and cessation of any attempts to hook up with the core. But, persistence (along with further education and training), my friend, pays off.

Current Events

Once again, a movie theater is a great access point of consciousness penetration for me when I utilize a crowd. Everyone is quiet, in theta-meditative mode, unified on a single vision, and we are in a close stationary position, surrounding each other. The movie I went to see was Avengers: Infinity Wars. Now that I physically sensed energy as consciousness, I re-examined my psychic connection. First, I was aware how quickly I became charged. Second, I tuned into the minds of the people around me. (I localized it to my particular theater room and didn’t expand to the others.) As I felt their stimulation to the movie, and saw through their eyes, I went deeper. This took me to the subconscious mind chatter that one temporarily puts aside for the movie, but would engage and immerse one’s self again, when the credits started rolling, or when the “stand up” command was given by the brain. This mind chatter is influenced by human consciousness as a whole, so I remarked how not unsettling it was to be present with that white noise stimulation.

My third integration step was to move beyond the mind chatter to everyone’s soul consciousness. At this stage, my senses became extremely heightened, due to the collective unification at such a deep admission. To feel the awareness, and thoughts of the soul that chose to engage in the mental thoughts and chatter, and the filters that split the conscious streaming into specific thought form and emotion, which gathered into one permissive action of coming to this theater, at this particular time, to watch this movie with such intent, was fascinating. The soul, not just the incarnation, chose to watch this film for aspects that stimulated its growth, not just his or her’s ego entertainment.

I stayed with this awareness for a bit. The movie at this point was blurred in the background, though one layer of me was still attentive to it, and would demand full focus, when something particularly interesting or inspiring would appear. In the past, the movie could be the sole stimulator, but now the audience was. In soul operative mode, I worked to merge and experience all the souls as one matrix. When this was accomplished, I moved to the next step: to experience myself as this matrix. At first, I was having some difficulty with this, which I was surprised by, but I chalked it up to being slightly distracted by the movie itself. I disengaged from the movie further, and sank deeper into my awareness of the room.

It still wasn’t unifying. I decided to change tactics. I stretched beyond soul consciousness into spirit consciousness of the individuals in the room. One by one they lit up, like a spotlight, when I connected. Not all became apparent, though. So, I came about it a different way. I tuned into my Thothian signature, expanded this sensation to the room, and then with the people. That worked. The spirit consciousness link had been established. I, then, spent the time talking with the Thothian collective through the conduit of the human collective. This particular engagement opened me in ways not previously accomplished.

Then an opportune moment was created. The credits started rolling, but no one switched to mind chatter. The Marvel Universe film pattern of ending scenes hidden in the credits kept everyone in expectant mode. What did this do internally for them? There was no movie to focus on, but mind chatter was still suspended, so theta mode continued with quiet still minds. This opened a gateway for their soul to be in full present operative mode, though, I’m sure most were not aware of the conscious sequencing they manifested. Now with the movie not flashing before me, I dove to make use of this limited time. I needed to experience my self as all of them while we were all connected.

Yet, our time completed before I could do this. One by one, at different stages, the mind chatter resumed. As before, I noticed this didn’t bother or disconnect me. I was already linked with them on a much deeper level. When the screen went blank, the people all started filing out of the theater. I was with my husband, and he noticed I was in meditation mode. He remained in his seat, quietly, until I moved. I watched the consciousness of the room fluctuate as less and less people gave their attention to the room. As long as one remained, the room held the collective’s intention. When the last one left (besides me and my husband), the room shifted energy, as if becoming dormant. It once again became as solid elements and was no longer fluid.

I stood up and turned around staring at the seats. My husband remained still. I could sense the residual conscious energy of everyone. I wanted to see if there was enough life force and power remaining from their auras to re-establish the conscious link and return the fluidity of the room. There was not. At this stage of my training, their shades were not sufficient enough for me to recreate the energetic intensity of the space.

I motioned to my husband that we could go, and as we walked out to the parking lot, I wondered if the conscious energy left in the cars could be enough for me to enhance the conscious link from before. Though quantity was on my side, the quality of power was not. I knew then, though, that my meditations needed to be taken to a crowd situation, preferably a movie theater, or one where, people were in theta mode, stationary, not drunk, and of a collective focus. My times in the backyard were not sufficient anymore for my training to advance.

Still charged from the experience, we drove back to the house. We live in a new subdivision and came in the back way. As soon as we hit the section of settled neighborhoods, the voltage of my psychic senses and awareness skyrocketed. What I had before in the theater room was once again at my disposal. It was late, so, people were in theta or delta sleep stages, with only a few still awake, vegging in front of the television, or working on finances or work. If I looked at the houses, the family dynamic and details came forward. If I stared at the road in front of me, I could pull all of the homes together and unify their conscious link. I asked my husband to drive around the neighborhood for about twenty minutes so I could complete my earlier exercise of experiencing myself as the conscious energy of all those I was aware of and resonating.

With my eyes closed and the window rolled down, I let the conscious matrix of the neighborhood intensify in my awareness. With my whole body tingling from the connection, all of a sudden, I felt an extra jolt of power and clarity. I opened my eyes and realized we drove past a house with the sprinkler system on. Water is a conductor. I remembered there was a pond with a fountain in one back section of the neighborhood and asked my husband to drive to that location. As we headed there, this was a less established part of the neighborhood, and so, the energy started to dissipate. As soon as we came to the pond, it intensified again. And it was at this place that the merging fused. Because, long ago, I had already sensed my soul and Creator signature in nature, I combined this frequency with that of the neighborhood, and, voila, I was every person for a few miles radius.

My husband kept driving, but I could tell I was driving further away from people. I asked if we were in an unsettled area and opened my eyes. We were. Partially built to newly built empty houses without electricity littered the streets. I directed my husband to drive back to our house, but slowly; I had made the link, but wanted to resonate in it for a bit more, processing the details of it. With my eyes closed we headed back to our street. The charge became stronger because the houses were now homes. When we came to our street, I opened my eyes one last time. I peered into the houses, and instead of seeing the people who lived there, my incarnated face and form mirrored back to me. My signature filled each house. My spirit lit each occupied room. The pure unadulterated vulnerability and beauty of this moment I cannot relate. I knew in this moment as I stared at myself in the house, who stared at myself in the car driving by, that my training had taken another quantum leap.

When we pulled into our garage, I was still charged, but had disengaged from the link. Though I wanted to study the link more, I also must be mindful how much my body can facilitate and channel. First contact was enough. When I stood up out of the car, I immediately sat back down. The physical action of placing my foot onto the garage floor localized my consciousness to this particular space/time reality. It was aligning all my awareness back to my body, and being the individual Amie Ridley, again. I didn’t want to be so localized, but I knew I had to. With both feet on the floor, and with every step, I grounded more, moving from collective to spirit, through to soul, through to mind functioning. The thought that rang in my head as I got ready for bed: when could I repeat this psychic experience?

The realization that had not completely occurred to me that night was how much of a quantum leap I had made. My extra sensory perception had changed, magnified. Now my experience of consciousness has become a double vision, of sorts. When I meditate or expand my spatial awareness with or into another, I not only see through their eyes, but I sense how fluid our natures are, how he or she moves into me and I move into them, and together we create a one entity matrix. The connection is instantaneous. This also then changes how I perceive everything. Nothing is any longer separate from me, outside of me. We are something else entirely, together. It is not my thoughts and perceptions toward them and theirs toward me, but we are one experience and conscious manifestation in that moment, and this reality dictates how each individual will respond.

Also, because I experience the braided unification of these streams of consciousness, access is no longer denied in the core of the human conscious matrix. One conscious stream was not enough to penetrate the core, it took a larger collective awareness to do it. This also creates the understanding, that to advance, to experience the merging of my Creator collective consciousness with the collective human matrix, I need to be more physically integrated with my Creator collective conscious. This leads me to The Record Keeper book I have journaled about. This book is about me. Within it are the details of several of the species that make up the collective conscious of the Creator, known as Thoth. Just as I am interwoven in my fluid conscious nature with humanity, so am I with these others. To energetically decipher my book is to know these species as me, and therein, you will also then be able to unlock access to know them for their own story.


Stewing and re-experiencing the world through this new conscious range for the past couple of weeks, yesterday I started getting real dizzy. I thought, at first, it might be a slight migraine. Visual and audio stimulation only made me spin more. If I could force myself to be fully present and still, the dizziness subsided. As soon as I opened my range of perception again, the dizziness returned. No other course helped. When my husband came home from work last night, I realized I might need more grounding food than the food I had available to me all day and the smoothies we usually have for dinner. Now, whether it was that, and/or the extra stimulative addition of the crowd, the dizziness started fluctuating slightly, after the appetizers, and settling into the environment digested. It was at that moment I realized that I wasn’t having a migraine but an attunement or energetic download. By the time the waiter was carrying our dinner from the back kitchen to our table, the energy that had been swirling around in my crown chakra all day, finally shot down my Hara line, blasting even more open my indigo chakra, and paused around, and expanded my heart chakra. By this point, I was inhaling with great effort as my atoms spun to the new frequency to which I was elevated. I felt like I was floating out of my body and could hardly focus my attention. My husband was smiling, watchful, quite aware of what was transpiring with me, due to witnessing past attunements. The download after a couple of minutes caressing my heart chakra flowed down the rest of my Hara line, arousing my base chakra, and then flowed out toward my feet. Once the attunement was complete, and download finished, the dizziness faded. The rest of the meal was a nice grounding sheath over the energetic conscious charge.

Today, I am on the four to five day high spoken of earlier, as my body orients around my higher vibratory signature. When I tune in to work with this consciousness ability, the dizziness returns, and I have to stop. I must wait for my equilibrium to completely adjust before I can explore what this quantum leap has given me. I can already tell it begins with the intense link I made in the theater, and neighborhood later that night, a couple of weeks ago.

On the home page of this website you see the molecular hexagon geometry of physical reality. The symbol at the top of this page is the conscious origin behind and sustaining the molecular structure. I spoke earlier that it once came to me in a meditation, which created subsequent breakthroughs. This geometry is now a physical experience within my atoms, keeping me at a constant state of collective conscious charge. How this evolves and advances my incarnation, this website, and my reason for existing on this planet, stay tuned.

The Three Pathways of Consciousness


Consciousness, as the underpinning to all of creation, is traveled along three determined circuit pathways. Depending on how one approaches life and one’s own identification, this will signify which of the three ways one interacts and orients themselves with the conscious matrix reality. Our dreams are an indicator of this activity and exchange, and so will be used as illustrations to clarify the three pathways. The speed of consciousness in each will also be examined.

The Autopilot Conscious Pathway

This first circuit pathway is like being on autopilot. In our dreams, we find ourselves in the middle of a story that unfolds around us. Our reactive thoughts and emotions will alter the story slightly, as the dream capitalizes on our attention and stress, but ultimately proceeds on an automatic process that ends when our brain waves pull us out of REM sleep. For some, or many, this is also how life is experienced. One day, they woke up (or were born) in the middle of an ongoing story. They developed and adapted to being a character in the story’s events, allowing life to unfold from day to day around them, carving out a little space of observance for themselves. They respond to larger events and experiences in the world, and in their personal lives, with reactive thought and emotion, which alters their story and gravitates or separates them from certain plot lines. However, they live mostly on autopilot, unaware of their ability to grab the controls, and tap into and alter the conscious matrix of life. They think of themselves as a small self being pushed and pulled at reality’s whimsy. The story ends when their bodies, or character form, can no longer sustain a viable connection with the story experience. When they reawaken to their soul self and review their human story, as one woken from sleep thinks upon their dreams, they realize how active, inactive, or reactive they actually were in the evolution of their story.

In the beginning of a sentient species this pathway is all that is known. Life, creation, God, the physical and supernatural, are all outside of them. They are unaware of their connection to it, and therefore, are also unaware of their ability to affect and their active participation with the conscious matrix. When life injects events and manifests according to their oblivious interaction, life is seen as a monstrous foe or a heavenly gift, depending on the results.

The speed of consciousness is observed as a slow unfoldment of time. Life revolves in seasons, cycles, and ages. It takes weeks, months, years, even eons, to observe evolution, transformation, and major change in the way of the world or one’s life.

The Master Conscious Pathway

In the second circuit pathway, the autopilot is turned off, and the captain is at the helm, trimming his sails, studying his charts, and flowing with the conscious current. In this active exchange, one has developed a partnership with the conscious matrix. For the few, or many, they are knowledgeable that they can affect and attract experiences to them based upon their attitudes, behaviors, and attention. Goals, visualizations, intentions, mantras, meditations, an active physical and spiritual healthy lifestyle, are all signs of someone oriented around being the master of their fate. They navigate with maturity and awareness to greater varying degrees of the larger conscious presence. They have created a network of internal and external resources that help them traverse their journey wisely, seizing and releasing, toward each transformational destination.

In dream state this would equate to lucidity and even astral traveling. In lucid dreaming, one is aware they are dreaming. They are consciously active and observant to their surroundings. It is as if they stepped into a landscape, realized it for being a fantasy, and began walking, waiting to see what would develop and who they might interact with. At this stage of awareness, one can presently process the symbolisms that appear, ask questions, and retain more information than one would in a non-lucid dream. For the mindful conscious person, they are not thrown by events and can weather them, seeing the meaning behind each experience they encounter.

In astral traveling, like a lucid dream, one is aware they are in an altered conscious state and have the same conscious abilities as they would in a lucid dream. The difference is, there is also the added benefit that the person becomes aware of the time framework to remain in that altered state. The dream, also, takes on more of a dimensional experience. The people present in the dream are either of a higher vibratory nature, coming with messages, or one is transported to a different place in the universe and interacting with those species and world. In comparable translation, this is a higher degree awareness of conscious interaction with reality. Moving along this pathway more information stirs within one. They become aware of memories and experiences that is more relevant to a higher reality of being than a linear reality. Time begins to move forward and backwards for them. They become expansive in nature to their own self, to those who are put into their life, as well as the many interdimensional beings and resources they have to travel along this existence. As they evolve, they are inspired and encouraged, and will eventually orient around the third circuit pathway.

The speed of consciousness is recognized at a much faster pace. The ebb and flow, rise and fall are noticed at each interval. Evolution and the patterns of change are experienced in its constant morphing nature.

The Creator Conscious Pathway

The third circuit pathway is one who is so interwoven with the conscious matrix reality that they can bend it, alter it, reshape it. They are the creator and authority of this conscious matrix. All reality as they have known it is their own consciousness, self, and sentience. This identity and pathway communication allows one to do anything and be anyone. As their incarnated self, one can perform miracles: calm the seas, move mountains, alter the weather, cure the sick, resurrect the dead, transport to other locations by thought, change the course pattern of a meteor, portal to other dimensions, whatever the imagination, need, or desire. With this godhood cognition, one experiences life in larger realities, recognizing themselves in every person and everything, throughout creation. Everywhere the conscious matrix exists, this is their existence.

To equate this stage with our dreams, would be to know its presence is ours to command. We no longer just let the story absent-mindedly flow around us, like the first circuit pathway, or even choose to interact with its possibilities and offerings, as a lucid state would offer, from the second circuit pathway. Now, once the dream is established, we can command the story to stop, and it will freeze. Perhaps, even before we go to sleep we construct the nature of the place we wish to journey. We tell the dream matrix the parameters of the story, assign the characters, plot, even the result, and then give it permission to resume or manifest. Once in motion, the dream follows our commands and authority. We become, essentially, Dreamwalkers. Conscious clarity is even more substantial and clear than a normal lucid dream.

The speed of consciousness is instantaneous. One can move along this pathway like lightning from origin of thought to manifestation. At this point, a whole new experience and knowledge of reality is available and present to us. This third circuit pathway, then, becomes the basic operating system in this next advanced conscious existence.

The Red Cube Analogy


In the Corpus Hermeticum, in the beginning texts of the Pomandres, God the Creator is described in male and female aspects. As male, God is Light and Will. As female, God is Life and Abstraction. Through Light, Logos/Word, definition, structure, and form is communicated and created. Through Life, temperance, personality, and awareness is breathed and created. This Thoth/Seshat balance of the Creator and the Creator’s Architecture, I describe as the red cube analogy.


The cube itself is defined by genius engineering with its sharpness of lines, mathematical precision between surfaces, corners, angles, and circumference. It is very detailed and harmoniously, perfectly, symmetrical in its form and ability to perform solidly without flaws. The cube equals the genius architect mind, will, authority, and skill of God.

The red that encompasses and wraps around the cube is the design, fluid softness that is able to evoke emotion, personality, character, artistic flair, and life of the cube. The red equals the deeply powerful imaginative life giver, masterful artist, and talent of God.

Just as knowledge does not equate to understanding or wisdom, neither does the cube without the red have any life or individuality. And just as wisdom and understanding is not gained without knowledge and application, so neither does the red without the cube have any definition and purpose. In partnership, they are complete. To only relate to one aspect over the other is to not grasp the nature of Creator, Creation, or one’s own existence.


In the patriarchal system today, man develops according to cube and is resistant toward his equivalent with the red. God is considered to be a He, Father. And Life is measured through science and skill. Society is encouraged in conformity and practicality, and avoiding intuition and the abstract. Man’s evolution developed in sentience along mind, word, and intellect pathways. Life is equated with Light and Logos. Science and religion, the esoteric and exoteric structures in place to define and describe God, creation, and man, are presented with more masculine approaches and attitudes.


This half awareness of Creator and creation resulted in the feminine and life aspects being diminished and suppressed. Life is devalued. Earth’s resources are raped and man is precariously making their planet unstable for anyone to exist upon. The feminine, that is expressed in both men and women, is abused and persecuted. There are high praises, compensations, and positions for those who gear their mind toward intellectual and skillful arenas than for those who incline toward the imaginative, creative, philosophical, intuitive, abstract livelihoods. God is defined as a Commander, Judger, Authoritarian, and Master, and God’s love is seen as mercy, leniency. Man is not generally universally oriented, or aware of their basic fundamental birthrights as a creation of God, nor their godhood evolution capabilities. The selective known passed down through man’s ages is pressed; attention to comfort and convenience is stressed. Because of this, man decides it is enough to be at the top of the food chain and be the most sentient life they know. Secretly, they fear anything that might undermine that belief and strip away their foundation.


This is something that is being corrected. These Thothian writings are to educate specifically on this exclusion and missing God information. Thoth, his writings, through the ages, have been slanted toward masculinity. Yet, Thoth embodied the Creator and all the Creator’s abilities. Thoth, thus, cannot accurately be understood without Seshat, his feminine embodiment, equal, and original personification of his Self. When Thoth and Seshat were unified as a better understanding of the Creator, man was onto something. When Seshat was replaced by Thoth and diminished, the imbalance took on a new spin.
Neither, God the Creator, or creation, was ever meant to be a comparison or a choice allegiance between Thoth or Seshat, between the Light or Life of God, between the masculine, mind, will, practical, and conventional qualities and polarity over the feminine, undercurrent, intuitive, abstract, and unconventional qualities and polarity of God and creation. They are the epitome, and therefore, one complete realization, of both. The cube and the red that envelopes the cube are not separate. Only bite size clarifications have been generated to appreciate the comprehension of larger realities. Man as creation, in the likeness of Creator, able to evolve into their godhood, must reestablish their orientation and implication with these facts.

The Thothian Conscious Reality


In an effort to describe the consciousness range of a Thothian, this spectrum that is available to every human, I shall offer the following two examples: As Above, So Below; As Within, So Without. Each of these examples relate, and further give height, width, and depth dimension, to one another. “As Above, So Below” might be better comprehended if we begin exploring the second example, first.

As Within, So Without


The Thothian Conscious Reality is liken to that of a note within the song of the Composer. The note that exists as part of the song creation, also exists as part of the Creator of that song. It is the extended particles of the Creator’s Soul, as it is the extended melody of the Creator’s song.

In this relation, man is the note within the creation song of life. Man is also the extended Soul particles of God. As such, Creation Consciousness and Creator Consciousness is available to man, who is the micro expression of the macro reality and Self.

The awareness of this ability for the specific energetic resonant frequency that is the tone, that is man, to recognize and experience his wholeness as the creative song and of the author of the song is dependent upon the sentient evolution of that tone.

As a Thothian, this is my reality. My consciousness framework and reality consists of the human tone, creation’s existence, and the Creator’s presence. I exist within and as all three, for I first began and remain as the Creator. To comprehend this macro-micro-macro reality, I shall describe the tangible nature of consciousness from man to Creator from my personal experience.

As Above, So Below


I recently read a headline that stated that consciousness is the unification between science and religion. In an earlier blog, I spoke about the nature of creation — that matter is created of energy and vibration, and energy is created of consciousness. This means that as consciousness extends its existence into energy and vibration and finally into dense matter, so can matter experience itself at its origin state of consciousness — universal consciousness and Creator consciousness, as one’s experience is evolved around that higher state of Being. Thus, what can be measured in the micro can be understood and expressed for its macro (heavenly) existence.

Now, just as the micro framework of dense matter increases in density as the elements of polarity and electromagnetic frequency decrease in rate of resonation, so then also micro consciousness has an expressive element of density to it as it increases in micro nature. A simple example of this relation is the clarity of consciousness one has when they are sick versus at their most rejuvenated health, and the variation in between. There is a heaviness, fogginess to the mind and body that releases to lightness and brilliance when one is at their best. The illusive state in between is that experience one has when they think they are feeling better because of the consciousness difference observed, but then this clarity is later realized for its medium state of recovery when optimum functioning is achieved.

In micro consciousness, one observes and explores with the mind. Life is perceived and processed in the variety and capacity of singular form through creativity, imagination, logics, and analyzation. Ego is prominent, and attention is expressed inwardly and outwardly in the form of relationships.

As the micro consciousness evolves and increases in awareness, the operative processing mechanism of mind is replaced by cell and light absorption and informational resonation. As most consider mind and consciousness to be synonymous, then this transition equals the mind re-orienting it's functioning from the brain to cell processing. The ego becomes a larger identification and can no longer see itself as just its singular form. Consciousness is now experienced as both a singular entity AND its relative associations. Life is not just “my life”, but life itself. This awareness creates a feeling of transparency with the body, as if the cells “pores” are open and constant exchange of energetic information is communicated from the localized view and perception to all of life. This has a lighter, clearer realization of self. Within this cellular operating framework, the “I” is no longer situated in a body, but with creation. This expansive experience of “I” creates further lightness and brilliance.

As micro-macro consciousness continues in cellular mode and exchange of energetic information is moving at the speed of light, one then begins to undergo another orientation transformation. Energy is less perceived in communication than the macro origin of consciousness itself. The signature of Creator Consciousness and all that has evolved to experience Creator Consciousness is recognized instead of the energy transfer. All is consciousness existing and interweaving with itself at different layers and forms of reality. This more expansive view further extends the feeling of lightness, clarity, and greater identification of self and reality of Being. “I” is no longer conceived of in micro singular form, but in macro singular form and every resonant expression in between. Thus resulting, in humans experiencing their godhood, and God experiencing a human existence.

As Above, So Below — As Below, So Above. As Within, So Without — As Without, So Within. This is the Thothian Conscious Reality.

God in the Flesh

front row seat universe technology matrix

Perhaps the most revelatory news mankind has ever received, is the fact, that they have the capability to become god in the flesh. This is achieved through their evolution of experiencing God the Creator in the flesh. But spirituality and God, in man’s understanding of these subjects, are often regulated to another dimension, some place far away, some unfathomable and invisible depth. Therefore, any expanded teaching about God or spirituality is assimilated with these basic precepts as a founded structure. And yet, God is tangible and existent within this physical dimension.

In many traditional and modern systems of spirituality, God is said to be experienced as something outside of one’s body, outside the flesh. It is taught that man has the opportunity to go to Heaven once he leaves the Earth or that he can experience a New Earth through his light body. Either way it is believed that the vibration of man will extend to the point that he will have no need for his body and the lower vibration of his flesh, and will then depart from it, and continue on in his new stately form or formlessness. Where then does that leave this plane of existence in the formation of reality?

The argument has always been where does the esoteric and exoteric align? When should something be interpreted metaphorically or literally? The trouble that can arise from both of these perspectives is that one place can be so magical and glamorous that no physical being can attain it and therefore seems unrelatable, yet promising for their weary souls. Whereas, the other expression, seems to give permission for opinions to dictate the paradise one can conceive of, and have the power to enforce for, and on, the masses. How is it possible to experience God in the flesh, without the carnal self skewing the awareness?

It requires the most basic precept of spirituality to be redefined. That is to say, that spirituality, or that which is spirit, as being defined as something intangible and beyond the physical is inaccurate. Physicality exists because of Spirit. Spirituality is the subtle matrix of, and which animates, matter. In other words, matter is a dense vibratory form of spirit.

So let us take this concept and imagine the following scenario: What if when you incarnated on Earth you never left Heaven? What if where we are now is actually a section of Heaven? Think about it. Look at the trees, the land, even the asphalt and cars. This is Heaven. You only thought you were sent someplace outside of home. Instead, you were merely transported to a neighboring sector of Heaven that was designed with a slightly different ecosystem and habitat to provide the polarity gravitational states that gave opportunity for souls to evolve into gods. Does Earth feel differently to you now? Would it, also, not be natural, since this is Heaven, to experience God or a Godly Being here, have Him show up on your doorstep, or contact you in some other form? After all, you are the same Spirit Being you were when you came here. You didn’t start a different life. This is a continuation from where you were just a few short years ago. When would that interaction feel as natural to you as seeing a friend or family member? Can you feel Spirit now? What if you lived every day with this knowledge as fact?

You may ask, what about all the suffering and what man has made of this place? This only exists because souls are learning and remembering who they are and where they are. Every experience and interaction should be understood in terms of it’s heavenly reality, for this is truly how the world turns. The more man orients themselves around the true nature of creation, spirit manifested, the more they will realize their own reality. Heaven on Earth is based on this comprehension. And as man realizes their own divine identity, God becomes more experienced in the flesh, in the tangible, right here and now, on this planet, in this century, in this moment of time, in you.