There is an exact science, there is an exact technology, there is an exact knowledge in which an individual finite little man who is nothing - he doesn't even know whether or not he'll get up in the morning or whether the praanaas of life will come to him - that individual can manifest Almighty God...This is the great knowledge which is in existence.
Yogi Bhajan 8/13/1978 Sermon Siri Guru Granth Sahib
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Welcome to The Indigo Dimension! I am AMie Ridley, M. Div., Master Healer Teacher.

Within these pages I surrender the creative conscious that I AM, to you, dear reader. You could say you have entered the rabbit hole and come upon a dimensional mind-bending reality that is my life. Now you must decide how far you wish to explore it.

My blogs are filled with hefty metaphysical expressions of my every day excursions and evolution, regarding Creator and creation consciousness. I share these journals to empower you, as well as, myself. The written word can be a powerful gravity to the validity of the content of one's reality. To utter the words in any form is to affect a man's soul.

Teaching Materials are a way to share some of the basics of what I talk about in my blogs, along with quotes from other writers who have inspired readers throughout the ages with their life's wisdom.

The Sacred Art Vault is a third medium by which I communicate. A lighter expression, most decidedly. This is my more social alchemy, wherein, I craft and channel energy in very specific delightful weavings, such as videos, music, and more actively, stories and jewelry. Recently, I partnered with Raine Price of Visionary Mines to offer some of my consciousness jewelry to the public. Soon, we also plan to perform some alchemy together, combining our talents to create something magickal to share.

Now the choice is yours. Which path would you like to explore? Or perhaps you would rather go back the way you came? The white rabbit awaits your decision.
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