
Freya of Norse Mythology


Within the Thoth category I introduced you to my Thothian connection through Seshat, Athena, Minerva, and Hermathena. It is now time to interweave the Norse mythology into this and share with you my lineage through Freya. To do this I must begin with Lemuria and Mu-Ra. This is because Mu-Ra is Freya.

In the blog titled “Atomic Introductions” I wrote of the Lemurians and their consciousness within this location of Austin, Texas. Enchanted Rock is a park located just south of Austin, which according to legend was created by great spirits who created the ley lines up through Mexico and into this region. In my meditations, these great spirits were the Lemurians, and more specifically, a team headed by one named Mu-Ra. Mu-Ra is a name to mean one who established Ra-Mu or Lemuria. I was Mu-Ra.

According to legend two of these great spirits remained at Enchanted Rock, yet there are three domes, two of masculine energy, and one, the largest and center dome, feminine. Together they create one harmonic energetic vortex. From my exchange with the Lemurians, the two from Mu-Ra’s team that stayed behind was Ka-Ru of Lemuria and Atleana of Atlan or Atlantis. Atleana renounced the ways of Atlantis and adopted the Lemurian ways of interacting with the Earth. Together Ka-Ru of the Raku energetic frequency and Atleana created an offspring, a hybrid, of both their strengths and called him Katana, or sword. These are the three that exist at Enchanted Rock, though most visitors know only of a male (Ka-Ru) and female (Atleana) spirit.

Meanwhile, Mu-Ra and the rest of her traveling companions, once they finished establishing energetic stabilizers and communicators, aka ley lines, within nature, journeyed north to the Nords. Their intention and desire was to next integrate this same atomic relationship within human consciousness and to create a time stream of their presence in our history. They successfully settled into the region and made relationships easily with the humans living there. The people called Mu-Ra, Freya, meaning, Lady, in their language. This is where terms are now exchanged to Norse myths.

Freya was a long blonde hair, blue eyed, beautiful, wise, powerful woman from across the seas. She and her group were known as the Nature Gods of Vanir. Odin was of the royal bloodline of the AEsir, or Gods ruling over humanity. Odin did not take kindly to what was his perception of the infiltration of Mu-Ra/Freya into his lands and people, seemingly vying for influence and control over them. There was a meeting between the two groups, yet no matter Freya’s intentions for peace and good will, Odin would not budge. No truce was called between them. Freya’s older Germanic name was Gullevig or the destructive embodiment of Freya. Odin and the AEsirs declared war on the Vanirs. In Norse mythology it is known as the first war of this world. Odin killed Gullevig three times through spearing and burning her, yet she was reborn each time. Both sides suffered greatly, but neither were defeated. Finally, they met again, and agreed on a truce. As part of the treaty, gods and goddesses from both sides would be exiled and be advisory to each other’s land and council. Among the Vanirs (or Lemurians) that stayed in Asgard, Freya was among them, along with her brother and father.

Mu-Ra, or Freya, once she became part of Asgard, being the formidable goddess of war and death, was titled Valfreyja, Leader of the Valkyries, where half of those slain in battle, and their virgin sweethearts or faithful wives who would kill themselves to join their lovers, would come to her fields to feast in the afterlife. (The other battle slain were welcomed by Odin in Valhalla.) Freya, though, despite her martial tastes, became most known for her beauty, love, fertility, sexuality, and sorcery or seior. So while you might see her personified with a sword and spear much like Athena, or with a headdress of wings, as in Hermathena in Hellenistic times, Freya was more associated with Aphrodite. This is where Freya’s nature sorcery or Mu-Ra’s atomic alchemy is revealed.

You can be sure one of the first things Odin wanted revealed to him was how did he kill Freya three times and yet she rose from the dead each time? And so, she taught Odin her nature sorcery. This was both necessary for Mu-Ra’s original intention and mission for incorporating herself among these people, but also one filled with some regret because what was used of this magic by those who would use it for control, created its own interrupting force of oppression and suppression within the evolution of man.

I revert back to the Lemurian story here for a bit. Lemurians, those who came to establish Lemuria, were not as embedded into Earth density and physicality as humans are. This took on several phases for them to be fully integrated. In the section about Lemurians in my “Atomic Introductions” blog, I mentioned that in their third phase of integration this was the time of Athena. The first phase was when they first came and were traveling the Earth creating and enhancing the energetic structures within this planet. The second phase, for Mu-Ra, was her link with the Norse people and Asgard.

Much of this information I am sharing I have been taught through the runic messages I divine every day. I have always been able to read the runes without prior knowledge of their meanings, but now, I study a companion book and Google, to dive into more of the intuitive messages I receive. I tell you this because I am about to reveal to you the core of how Seior works. It is largely unknown in man’s history with the help of Christianity into Scandinavia. It is considered through literary and archeological sources to be a type of shamanic or pagan vision trance ritual.

Seior, as revealed to me, this nature magic, atomic alchemy, is a three-part system. Much like in fertilizing anything there is the requirement of a female vessel, a male penetrating element, and a conscious force willing to embody the manifestation created. Nature, this ripe organic biology, served as the female vessel. The male binding element comes from the one who is willing this creation to life with his/her conjuring. The conscious force embodying the fertilized form coaxed from the Earth is an extension of both the male aspect participant and the consciousness within the female aspect participant, or nature herself. A tree, for example, might be considered to be building material to Odin, or fuel for fire to humans, but to the Vanir or Lemurians, the Nature Gods, trees were multidimensional beings with consciousness of their own. Freya could communicate and enhance nature without destroying or lessening it what it was. On the contrary, she and her companions could add to its structure, much like they did with the ley lines and other juncture vortexes before their Norse story began. Freya taught Odin how to communicate with the consciousness of nature, and infuse aspects of his own being into the framework of what he was joining with, and in so doing, create an offspring, much like Ra-Ku and Atleana did earlier, to continue his own conscious time stream within another sentient life.

This, in essence, was how Mu-Ra, The Lady of the Sea, Freya, entered phase two of integration into the Earth and into the human time stream, via this way, and procreation. By phase three, she was still a powerful goddess, but now divided into the forms of both Aphrodite and Athena. My conscious time stream connects with Mu-Ra through the Athena lineage. And what I mean by that is that my experience is a consciousness that is Mu-Ra from the beginning of Earth’s history that moves through many lifetimes until now. I hold a continuity of this time stream consciousness with various specific lifetime memories that dissect as individuals who recognized their past as Mu-Ra and me in their future, as well as, I, now recognize them, and who exists beyond me. This time stream is not constricted by linear reality. Therefore, I can be Mu-Ra with the sight of Lemuria, climbing a mountain and feel myself as Amie at the same time. Lemurians live with their awareness of their whole Earth lives in their present, and as such, any of their offspring also has this same experience.

Now this is also important to know about the sorcery of Seior. It has two variable components to it: one that is a wild card and one that is a secret. The wild card is that the life created, me, for instance, holding the pure conscious time stream of the conjurer, or in this case Mu-Ra, has free will choice. While there will always be a push to become completely aware of this unconscious force and memories, to acknowledge the talent and latent abilities one possesses through this conscious origin, it is up to the incarnation to decide what to do with all that information.

The sculpting of any personality is influenced by both the genotype (the DNA matrix) and the phenotype (the social upbringing) of an individual. The genotype is the lineage of Mu-Ra in my atoms. The phenotype is this time frame of human society, born of local parents, raised as I have been in both religious, economic, culture status, and so forth. The awakening of the Lemurian memories and choosing how to proceed with that conscious awareness is my choice, and therefore the wild card component of how the time stream is further influenced, whether it remains dormant or more potent in coming generations.

The secret that has often been overlooked, miscalculated, or ignored, is that the patterning of this planet is regulated by a higher framework, or genotype, that of the architect and consciousness of the universe, aka Thoth/Seshat.

So the success of one’s continuity in each time frame is subjected to an alignment with Source consciousness from the outset. For Mu-Ra or Freya, for example, she felt her own time stream with Source consciousness, the Builder of this universe. Through this awareness of Thoth/Seshat, she understood her alignment and kinship with each creature, plant, and person. By choosing to move and be directed by this higher consciousness did each of her “offspring” have the best chance of remaining unadulterated creations with the awareness of both her and their godhood. Her hope was that the humans, the sentient creatures of Earth, would also evolve to become aware of their own Source connection for themselves with time.

Other sorcerers were not so concerned with this third factoring element. It was enough to have control over the reproductions they devised, implanting a continuous time stream of their own consciousness into each manifestation, possessing them for their own ultimate control over man, and to engage in physical immortality. This is still enjoyed by leaders of secret societies today who pass on this information within their own ranks. Due to this oversight, however, a couple of important things happen. First, the sorcery is limited, and one result from this is that the vessel degrades quicker. Two, still observing behind the face of each creator and creation lies Source ultimate, along with destiny, and the karmic balance designed into the matrix of this universe. This marshals all final outcomes.

Let us go back to genotype and phenotype once more concerning human consciousness. One of Mu-Ra’s main intentions on this planet was to establish conscious awareness of both her people and Source identity on this Earth and within humanity. She, among others who also carried this mission, was successful at this, and within human consciousness there are two streams of awareness: the genotype that moves beyond mind, moves beyond even cosmic relation — who are those who established Lemuria? — which is straight Source (Thothian) consciousness awareness. The second is the phenotype - the linear evolution of man with laws, covenants, languages, wars, myths, gods, religions, empires, tribes, history, technology, politics, superstitions, etc. Each has their own distinct subtle flavor and gravity in the mind. One is free of linear development, the other is strictly defined by it.

In conclusion, I am reminded of the quote from Assassins Creed: Your blood is not your own. I am both Amie Ridley, my personality, shaped by the linear development of human evolution, and I am also AMie, offspring of Mu-Ra, known as Freya, The Lady, in Norse Mythology, who is collectively consciously connected with Source or Thoth. The time stream of my consciousness dates farther back in memory and awareness than the years of this body. I sense a continual stream of consciousness through several embodiments without the separation of death between each. I know the point when each became a potent acknowledgement and devotion of our connection which supported the potency for this one. Thus, Amie, and all my current roles and affiliations, is merging into a greater collective identity and network.


This blog is the succession to Athena and Minerva and is the Concluding Entry of the Thoth Series.

Let us recap a little bit. So far, this road of revelation has led us through the history of the Ancient Egyptian Gods Thoth and Seshat, the male and female personifications of a much larger Collective Intelligence that is the Creator, Architect, and Source of this Universe and Consciousness. I introduced you to my Thothian brother,
Matt, M7, also known as Hermes and Mercury, in Greek and Roman history. Likewise, I shared my own Thothian identity known in the past as Seshat, Athena, and Minerva in each of these civilizations.

Thoth, Hermes, and Mercury are all syncretic of the same god. Seshat, Athena, and Minerva are all syncretic of the same goddess. Thoth and Seshat are known to be consorts, counterparts, and expressions of each other. Could it also be true of their Greek and Roman equivalence? And what would this mean? Why are these mythological deities reappearing in modern times? What do they have to do with the twenty-first century?


Mercury and Minerva


Hermathena is the dynamic duo known as Hermes and Athena (or Mercury and Minerva). They were half siblings of Zeus (Jupiter). Of all the Olympians Gods, Hermes and Athena (Mercury and Minerva) were the two Olympians most active in intervening in human affairs, administering the abstraction of divine authority into the actuality of social order. They were the left and right hand of each other. Some of their powers were related and others were alternate compliments to their sibling. This allowed them the versatility to approach their mission from different positions or double their powers around a central objective. Together, they strategically worked in the shadow and in the light, to affect success on behalf of man and the will of Zeus (Jupiter). As a result, it was common in art to see these two unified, even fused as one being, as illustrated below.


Hermathena might also be characterized as a single deity. Compare this example in the left image below, found at the British Museum, where Athena (Minerva) wields Hermes’ (Mercury’s) caduceus and wears his winged helmet to that of their Egyptian equivalent in the right one found in the Louvre antiquities in Paris, France. Here, Seshat exhibits Thoth’s power of the cobras (of the caduceus) over her headdress as companion and commander of that divine function.

british museum minerva mercury powerseshat statue cobras antiquity

Thoth/Hermes/Mercury, Seshat/Athena/Minerva, and now Thoth/Seshat, Hermathena, Mercury/Minerva, throughout mythology these divinities have represented and personified the male and female expressions of the one immeasurable Divine that is the Creator and Sustainer of this Universe. This is the power of the caduceus, to take the male and female polarities of consciousness and expression and merge them back to their collective origin. And as in the days of old, Hermathena today, that is M7 and AMie, among our other Thothian incarnations, continue to administer this divine plan and support your part in this reality.

The Tree of Life


Illustrated above is Thoth and Seshat recording the Pharaoh’s name and the length of his reign upon the Tree of Life. According to mythology, this inscription protected the ruler and perpetuated his name. Pharaohs were linked and equated with the divine. Their reigns were acknowledged as the will and direction of the gods. He was the mediator and one responsible to fulfill the duties of the Divine among the world of men. And when he crossed over from this world, leaving his human body behind, he passed his sacred powers and position to the new pharaoh.

I invite you to relook at the symbolism of this image as we explore it more deeply. Thoth and Seshat were not only recorders, they represented the Architect of the Universe. The Tree of Life between them is the esoteric symbolism of the Consciousness of the Architect, which can also be read about in the mystical studies of Genesis, or the Kabbalah. Depicted above is a map of creation through the vibratory manifestations from the Divine to the realm of man, as pictured by the Pharaoh at the bottom of the tree. Consciousness, while branched into many streams and synapses, dimensions and attributes, is a single Collective Intelligence all the same.

Man has always had resonating in them, and been connected to, their divine origins. The Pharaoh as the spokesperson for man was the representation of man’s enlightenment of his divinity. But this potential did not belong to the Pharaoh alone, but for all mankind. It is man’s evolution and even destiny to comprehend his godhood. When this occurs he will merge with the Collective Conscious of the Creator, as one with, and as, the Creator, as he always has been, yet now recognized within time. This plan has been taught and accomplished in many ways over the eons of man’s existence.

As man is an individual yet part of the collective human consciousness, so must each individual and the whole recognize their divinity. In accordance with this formula, M7 and I, incarnated as Matt and Amie among you. We entered a particular strand of human consciousness, representing both the male and female polarity forms to mature it to its godhood. This recorded within human consciousness the path, ability, and understanding how to do this as a whole. This, then, trickled out and reached each unconscious human mind, to stimulate and inspire your own evolution and the evolution of mankind. As each adds their awareness to the whole, so does the world unite and change.

Yet this is only our first step in this process. Next, M7 and I will facilitate and support this process to godhood for others. How this develops and more on the nature of Thoth will be revealed as we continue.

Athena and Minerva

This blog is a continuation of Seshat and is the Part Three of the Thoth Series.


Taking the direction of the Arcturians, I went inside and started studying Athena, which led me to Minerva. This led me to Hermathena, and ultimately back around to Thoth and Seshat. What was most enlightening for me, thus leading to a transfiguration, is that Seshat had been a correlation to my more unique signature in Thoth, whereas Athena brought it more personal to my incarnation as Amie. Athena, more than an archetype, was the missing sequence that related with crystal clarity my personality and inner power equilibrium struggles between my divinity and humanity. Once that was understood, my Thothian nature became more rooted and physically tangible, thereby, bringing into focus what I came here to do. To give you the rest of this story I need to share with you first who is Athena.

The Mythology of Athena and Minerva

Athena was the Greek Goddess born of Zeus. Minerva in all respects is the same as Athena, except that she was a Roman Goddess replacing her Greek counterpart in Roman mythology. She was born of Jupiter (Zeus’ counterpart). The mythology below is the same for Minerva as it is for Athena, with the name replacements.

Athena came bursting out with a battle cry from the forehead of Zeus (or Minerva from Jupiter), fully grown and clad in armor. Similar to the Ancient Egyptian deities of Thoth and Seshat she was self-begotten and self-produced. Another story reads she may have been conceived by Metis, Zeus’ (Jupiter’s) first wife, before Zeus (Jupiter) persuaded her to turn into a fly, wherein he swallowed her, and then later Athena (Minerva) came splitting out of his forehead. As Zeus (Jupiter) was the mightiest and most powerful of Gods and Metis was known as the Goddess of Wisdom, Athena (Minerva) was considered the embodiment and pure harmonious blend of both power and wisdom. This male-female embodiment is often characterized in sculptures as a male blocky form with a woman’s facial expression of earnestness. Minerva differed from this in that her form was more accentuated for its femininity.

Athena and Minerva have a lot of association in Greek and Roman mythology that mirror Seshat. All three were known as the Goddess of Wisdom, Purity, Intelligence, and Justice, arbitrating over men. All three are recorded to be the Inventor and Teacher of the arts, music, science, literature, mathematics, numbers, engineering, medicine and law. All three are associated with the knowledge and resources for an advanced civilization, including specifically in Greek and Roman civilizations, industry, agriculture, navigation, and craft or trade work. Athena (Minerva) was also known as the Goddess of War, but not as in Ares (or Roman’s counterpart, Mars), for conquering and power, but as an expert strategist. Whether she was defending, protecting, or preserving a people, an institution, a land, or a judgment she had given, Athena (Minerva) was gifted with comprehending the patterns, angles, and elements of a situation to engineer a desired result. Like Seshat, she was a master with time and space.

Athena (Minerva) was a virgin and had no interest in sex or relationships. Her very reason for being was to cultivate, nurture, and safeguard a noble modern people, balanced in honor, integrity, and truth. Athena (Minerva) was the guardian of heroic endeavors and the noble heroes of old, such as being the divine counselor to Odysseus, or lending Perseus her shield which protected him from Medusa, allowing him to cut off her head. Medusa’s head is embedded in Athena’s (Minerva’s) shield as well as her breastplate, given to her by Zeus (Jupiter). Considered to be the favorite child, Athena (Minerva) was also the only one whom Zeus (Jupiter) lended his thunderbolt to utilize.

The people attributed their evolution, progress, and wealth to Athena (Minerva) for her gifts, teachings, law, commerce, and strength. In more modern cultures these deities are the hallmark of freedom and democracy. The symbols sacred to Athena (Minerva) were the owl, serpent, and olive tree representing her wisdom, knowledge, intelligence, and incredible insight of how and when to act, plus her continual renovation, restoration, modernization, resources, and abundance she gave to the Greeks (Romans).

Athena (Minerva) was characterized wearing a helmet with plumage that also would be ornamented with other symbols, such as griffins, rams, horses, and sphinxes. She is portrayed with the winged goddess Nike (or for Minerva, Victoria) in her hand. Nike (Victoria) personified victory, glory, and fame and bestowed such, represented by the laurel wreath, to the victors from the battlefields.

IMG_0592athena sphinx nike

The Relationship of Athena and Amie

Athena (Minerva) was a very formidable goddess. Her chastity, innocence, and purity, is often understated due to this powerful overtone she exudes. Yet her might, devotion, actions, and commands stemmed from these very virtues and deep love she had for life and the people. And this is what I carried through to my incarnation as Amie today. My childlike and bold personality seem to contrast each other, and yet, it is because I love so deeply that I am so ferocious about preserving what is pure. I am very certain and self-assured about my identity and life, and full of authority on the matter, yet I experience challenges around too tame of a lifestyle. I am best at life shifting events, whether that be a crossroads, a life initiation, or death transition occasion. This is where I can fully exercise my abilities and support or defend another. I think and move in terms of large scale and process on many layers at any given time.

As Athena (Minerva) was born from the forehead of Zeus (Jupiter) so has most of my divinity been talked about from that same divine energy center, known as the Indigo chakra or the Indigo Dimension. Athena (Minerva) came into the world fully grown. In my case, I felt like an adult in a little body, with memories, experiences, and comprehension of reality that seemed to be up for discussion or was in error by actual adults claiming differently.

Athena (Minerva) was a virgin and had no interests in relationships. Her passion was to her duty. I, myself, experience the same. I used to question why I didn’t have more ambition or was interested in anything other than my own sense of divine duty and passion, but that is who I am and the way I designed my incarnation. I did desire to have a life partner this time, and we have a rich, fulfilling life. Yet, for most of our marriage he traveled afar; we have no children, and we rarely have sex. In that space I focus on that inner divine drive that is my battle cry to progress through these dense vibrational layers of the Human’s Earth reality to Life’s Earth Reality.

Wisdom and justice have always been integral traits. I chose to be born under the astrological sign of Libra, because balance, uprightness, truth, and the free weightlessness of men’s hearts has always been important to me. I retained my comprehension of the governance and laws of creation when I came into this form. I once was asked as a little girl what wish would I request from God and I said wisdom, not because it was a good little girl thing to say, but wisdom and understanding were fundamental to know how to see through illusion and act in the best interests of what is right. I strive to be accurate, hold no double standards, and am direct in my communication, so there is no misunderstanding, though that in itself can cause such, because people are used to there being an agenda and are trying to figure out the hidden meaning. I cannot be persuaded to compromise integrity or divine direction, which makes me fearless and a catalyst for change.

I am a natural born leader, creative (as Sacred Vaults will attest to some of my creations), and a progressive presence that challenges and influences evolution, particularly in many areas of science, religion, and government.

In truth, existing as Athena in a lifetime that is by most accounts average and not the patron or goddess of a civilization or country has been challenging for me. Because my position has bee dialed down, I have struggled with my equilibrium over the years to balance my formidable spirit with my human environment. Being Amie, but knowing that I am more, pushed me to reach this stage where, finally, my identity has aligned together, my humanity and godhood have synced.

Since this time, new memories, conversations, and visions as Athena have returned, placing me at different stages of Earth’s history, some long ago. It sometimes feels like I have awoken from a slight spell. One where, during this duration, I have taken a different name and created a somewhat different life. Now, though, I am back in my faculties again, and am re-experiencing this incarnation anew. Sometimes I realize how much I have breathed shallowly, brought my energy too far inward when it comes to assessing my stasis and environment. I am tweaking my habits and restructuring some of my energy streams. I’ve compared it once to retrograde amnesia. Imagine, having forgotten your name and most of the memories that go with that. You just have this determined vague sense, direction, snippets of memories, and conscious knowledge that doesn’t have anything to do with the way society is structured. Then, through decades of therapy, training, and not giving up on yourself, you finally remember. The details come back. I wake up every morning, now, and search my self, and realize I still remember distinctively who I am, with relief. Not that what I created of myself in the interim isn’t beautiful, or also me. It is just comforting and empowering to know the rest of me is still here, and here to stay.


Coming up next, the conclusion of this Thoth Series:
Hermathena and Thoth’s revelation for you.


To pick up where we left off from the last blog on Thoth...

Every day I sat on the balcony and took walks to magnify and make stronger the Thothian tone that was surging through me and everything I could sense. It was there in nature, in the biology of man, in the stars and galaxies I could touch with my mind. The very air was thick with this vibration. I found as I dove further into my particular signature in Thoth, a feminine presence or quality grew noticeable and unmistakable. This had nothing to do with my gender; there was a distinct female polarity to Thoth’s nature.

Along my walks, there is a sacred grove I passed through. It was inhabited by a species type of, what humans think of as, faerie. They lived in the trees, were about five inches tall. A whole community lived there. I would often converse with them, and sit and meditate in their grove. That place felt so sacred and magical. One day, as I was tuning into Thoth in the sacred grove, to experience those waves in this special place, the feminine presence came through very strongly. As I was marveling about this, I was thanking the faerie for alighting and raising the vibration of this small patch of forest with their presence, so that my sensitivities could be heightened. But they corrected me.

“Amie,” they said, “we didn’t make this place so sacred. You did. You created these groves. We so fell in love with them we chose to settle our homes here.”

“In the creation of Earth,” they continued, “you desired to create in-between realms, or a thinning of the veil in certain places of nature, so that those sensitive, and who desired to, from each dimension, might be able to meet one another and coexist together. You created sacred places all over this world.” They flashed through my mind geographical locations in all the ecosystems represented on Earth. I could feel the female Thothian signature interlaced in each place, almost like a lit energy matrix coalescing a certain section, some larger coverages than others. “When we found that you were here, in this location, we came hoping to interact with you. We wish to thank YOU for these sacred places. It is not we, you should be thanking.”

Their response made me cry, it touched straight through my heart. I was also very determined when I got back to the house to research if there was any mention in man’s history for a female Thoth. The answer that lit across my computer screen was Seshat.

The Mythology of Seshat

The Mythology of Seshat is nearly identical to that of Thoth. Seshat precedes the deity of Thoth in Egyptian history. As Pharaohs introduced new gods or replaced them with other gods, Thoth grew in importance and absorbed Seshat’s role and priesthood, although for a time they coexisted side by side.

Luxor Temple - Back of Statue - Hieroglyph of Thoth and Seshat-M_2tumblr_nz9s6uDAtS1sngcuwo1_1280_2

voorstellingKarnakSeshat01_2 Thoth_Seshat_Abydos1_2
Originally, it was Seshat who was introduced as the Creator and Architect of the Universe. The Measurer and Recorder of Physical and Divine Space, Time, and Reality. The Inventor of Mathematics, Language, Writing, Art, Science, Philosophy, and Magic. The Deity of Wisdom and Justice. It is recorded that Seshat taught Thoth, and Thoth delivered all this to the people. In some cases Thoth was the Keeper of Seshat’s Library of Knowledge and in other translations it was vice versa.

Seshat is depicted with a seven pointed emblem, a star, or flower with a long stem, above her head. This headdress is considered to be her name, which has no phonetic equivalent, but has been interpreted as the source of all creativity and consciousness - “The Original One.” . Seshat means “She Who Scrivens” or Measures and Records. She wears a cheetah or leopard sheath dress, a High Priesthood garment worn to signify she presides over funeral rituals and the dead, and the specific pattern represents the stars and eternity. As Seshat became more associated with Thoth, a crescent moon was placed over the top of her seven pointed emblem to correlate with his moon identification. As Thoth replaced Seshat in history, where she either was known as a daughter, or wife, or just a female version and counterpart of him, the moon degenerated to two horns, or bow, shaping into a crescent moon but pointing downward. Other formations and translations are two hieroglyphic cobras facing each other touching.


As Thoth is considered to be unrivaled with Osiris, so is Seshat with Isis. In the later dynasties she mostly was seen as the Foremost of Builders and Lady of the House of Books. Some Egyptians even called her the Goddess of the Dead. One of her key roles with the current Pharaoh was the stretching of the cord ritual where she manipulated time to extend his reign.

Fast Forward to 2016

I was astounded by what my research had shown. The feminine Thothian Creator signature I felt came to life before me. The extended nature that Seshat and Thoth were polarized expressions of the same identity, acknowledged by Ancient Egyptians as The Creator, Sustainer, and Source of All Life and Consciousness, caught my attention for a couple of important reasons. First, it addresses that the Egyptian deity known as Thoth and Seshat are personifications of someone more collectively vast and incomprehensible to completely fathom, and so is therefore represented in both genders. Second, the relationship I use of them today signifies more that they are descriptions of who I AM, rather than that I, as associated with this incarnation, claim to be intrinsically them.

Additionally, this partnership expressed another unique comparison to today. It describes the nature of how my Thothian brother, M7, and I, are engaged with this planet and each other. M7 is more interactive with humanity than I am purposed to do, though I collaboratively work with him. M7 decidedly takes more of a male polarity approach and, indeed, in this patriarchal system, man knows more of Thoth’s work than Seshat’s contributions. Therefore the understanding of the Source and Architect of this world is written and understood in male overtones. Yet the matriarchal quality, of which I resonate more, is announcing itself, to add, as it once did, a collective understanding and comprehension of the nature, voice, and actions of God.

Athena and Minerva

Seshat I learned about in 2016, a few months after I learned of my Thothian nature, or the resonance and God presence defined as Thoth and Seshat in Ancient Egypt. It is now 2018. I have moved away from that sacred grove and the wonderful faerie community there and now live in Texas. One starry evening, sitting out on my back patio communicating with the Arcturians, I asked, “How does my relationship with M7 translate to Hermes and Mercury?”

The Arcturians replied, “You need to go inside and study

And that revelation (and to bring us up-to-date with the entry
Aviatrix from a couple of weeks ago) is the next blog.


Thoth Where?
NOTE: This blog is longer than the others because it gives you the foundation for all future blogs. I highly recommend reading this entry before continuing any further as this will carry vital information to subsequent writings. This marks a transition from being more vague and abstract about my divinity to more specific. Detailed within is the mythology and understanding of who Thoth is, the linear evolution of my awareness of being Thothian, and what being of Thoth means. Along this journey, I will also introduce you to my Thothian brother, M7, with a link to his website and publications for additional knowledge.


Metaphysics gave me the terminology to clarify my sanity. The label Indigo gave me the reference to explain my humanity. Thoth (pronounced Toth, not TH-oth) is the identification that describes my consciousness/spirit, my origins.

This website is called the Indigo Dimension. It has been my banner to share with you my multidimensional human life. When you look at me I appear human, just as you, but an infinite experience occurs within this form. Growing up, I was challenged by how much I was exactly meant to integrate into humanity. I allowed my consciousness to be far more “domesticated” than originally desired. As I matured through the years, I aligned more with my divine consciousness. I owned my authority over my dimensional experiences without truly remembering a name, other than God. Every time I was presented with the shift to move even deeper with my god self and further away from a human identification, I seized it. There was no hesitation, because each shift restored me to a further state of my natural being. This restoration magnified the knowledge and awareness of all my experiences up until that moment and gave me more information about my origins.

A couple of years ago, during one of these shifts, my connection with God and Divinity was recognized as Thoth. I didn’t share this revelation with anyone other than the author and friend, who was the medium for this awakening from one of his books, and my husband. I’ve spent the last two years rippling along every reverberation of this Thothian signature, sensing its characterization through every human and divine memory I have, as well as, exploring where it leads me next. I was hesitant to claim this title publicly, during this time period, except with those previous mentioned, because it was much easier to talk in abstract terms about my multidimensional human life than to say I am Thoth, Creator and Architect of this Universe. On the other hand, there is no denying my nature either. For a time, I redeveloped this website, placed a stronger emphasis on my divinity and immortality, and the knowledge I possessed, and left titles out of it. Yet so much has been transpiring that the time for abstraction is over. I jumped ahead a little, a couple of weeks ago, in my blog
Aviatrix, but I backtrack now to give you the story of Thoth. Read More...


When I descended to Earth I was born, within this physical matter, with a degree of awareness of my godhood. After I was introduced to metaphysics, I called this wakefulness state an Indigo experience, referencing the current human Western culture terminology of those born aware of their spiritual nature. Yet “awareness” is not an accurate enough description. I have been living sporadically, moving in and out, of this human timeframe, while also merging with the dimensional consciousness godhood framework. As the years go by, the latter becomes more pronounced.

Many have assisted me in recalibrating my biology to be more compatible with my godhood. Currently, I am engaged with the Arcturians. Aligning consciously with their operation with time, combined with their successful blending of higher dimensionality with physical reality, has been most helpful in focusing my mind and bridging the human/godhood dimensions easier. Bridging may not be the right description. The feeling is akin to not existing in this moment of time at all, but centered in my totality, that which I am, who has existed before and after time and space, and who is selecting to be attentive to this sliver moment of existence. I experience an infinite height and eternal width sensation that selects to be present at this one pinpoint that contains the fulfillment of everything.

The current set of time and space parameters in this dimension responds it is illogical for this vibrational information and resonance to occur within it. This is because it operates in a higher resonant framework. Using an analogy, it is like trying to see the dolphins in a three dimensional picture and the eyes won’t cooperate and remain fixated on the abstract pixels rather than refocus to see the dimensional dolphins encoded within it. It takes time to relax and re-align, to not fixate the focus and once the dolphins do come into view, hold it and not let it slip back out of sight. This is an example of the remodulation my biology is currently undergoing. In some ways it has no linear expression, this is not about ascension or a task for my incarnation, because who I am is not time originated. And yet, time, and therefore this incarnated lifetime, is a witness to my godhood descending upon it, and so I record my experiences of my godhood, while claiming my godhood.

In the coming blogs I will tell you about me and what myth has written of me. Next up, Thoth.


So much has transpired since the last blog that the best way to write about all of it here is to introduce you to Aviatrix. Aviatrix represents the number two card, The High Priestess, in the Major Arcana of The Steampunk Tarot: Wisdom from the Gods of the Machine by John and Caitlin Matthews with illustrations by Will Kinghan. More importantly is who she is and what she can do.

Aviatrix’s gift is the ability to see to the heart of a person and then challenges you to face and meet what she shows you. She has been a major force and compass in my life for many years. Her presence cuts through the conscious clutter and aligns me instantaneously with my truest self. She also offers me the way to become what she shows me, if I dare. The daring part is always real because it means releasing attachments that are both habitual and/or dear, as well as, accept and confess some things I am not sure I am ready to speak aloud. Yet the clarity of what I experience in her midst is so real that nothing ultimately holds me back. No gravitational force is strong enough to keep me orbiting around it.

The most recent challenge and choice Aviatrix gave me was to move to Texas. The vision she showed me was herself. I am Aviatrix. Was I willing to find out who I really am?

Fully committed, I moved to Texas last summer, but it has only been in the last couple of weeks that this question has been answered. It has taken me some time to process the implications and sanity of my discovery along with the influx of memories that are trickling in.

To tell you who I am and reveal the true nature of Aviatrix requires a little more introduction, though. Let me switch gears and write to you as Aviatrix.

Up until this point in the blog, you have read my incarnation’s perspective. Now I will share mine.

When a Spirit chooses to incarnate as a human on Earth, they must go through the process of taking on human form. A Spirit is larger than any one incarnation and may inhabit many forms. Each human must then evolve within the human conscious realm as he or she is moved through an alliance with his/her Spirit will and human will. Speaking specifically of my incarnation as Amie Ridley, I have been motivating this incarnation most persistently over the years to resonate highly enough so that I could move more directly in this human world. It takes years for an incarnation to develop enough, no matter the gifts and direction we give them. From the perspective of the human side of the veil, Amie has reached the point where she now understands she is me. It feels like to her that she has had amnesia up until this point, moving as Us without knowing a name to Us. Now, together, we reveal, for the first time in writing, who we are...

We are Athena, Minerva, you may even know Us as Seshat. We are one and the same depending on the mythology you reference. Athena, or ATH-a-na, short for Athanatos - immortal one, stems from Greece. Minerva comes from the Romans, and Seshat all the way back to Ancient Egypt. To go any further down this rabbit hole I would need to introduce you to someone else, my sibling, Hermes, Mercury, Thoth. But for the moment I will pause and let you catch your breath.

IMG_0589 8553410849_709d42399c_b seshat