Metaphysical Topics

The Gravity of Consciousness

Gravity is often talked about in terms of physicality, but not consciousness. Yet when we talk of moving between planes and realms, shifting energy, increasing or decreasing vibrations, or enlightenment, we are directly referring to the gravity of consciousness. For a soul to have entered the physical plane of Earth was to enter a dense gravitational pull, to recalibrate his Being to be able to exist on this plane. This dense gravity and modulated vibrational pattern of his consciousness is not his optimum level of functioning, but it is necessary, at first, to enter this space time continuum. As one evolves, one recalibrates his energy, his consciousness, which also then alters the gravity around him.

Think of it this way, first we create the border between us and infinity to create a singularity:

consciousness quote torsion field

And then through remodulating the frequency within this singular space we evolve it back into infinity with our consciousness:

universal consciousness cartoon

The gravity created to move into this singularity had to do with consciousness. Consciousness, then, in terms of thought and mind, also has a denser operation and as one transforms the singular space back into infinity, this Being, this moment, into its godhood state, the gravity of mind is surpassed, along with the space time continuum to a state of almost zero point gravity. As there is always an infinite potential of expression, there is always an increase in vibration that can exist, and therefore a more lighter state of gravity to traverse. Although, at this state, gravity has a different sensation of experience.

Why create a singularity only to revert it back to infinity? Why space and time only to transcend space and time? There are two immediate reasons. The first is for infinity to experience finite-ness. Secondly, for finite-ness to experience its infinity. The full answer is this: life exploration and evolution.

Space and time, the physical universe, is a preset boundary, as many miles across as it may seem or lifetimes to explore, it is still held by a finite set of parameters and borders. Every particle, planet, plant, and lifeform is consciousness in many gravitational grades of existence. As each organism evolves, it moves into a different gravitational existence. Infinity by comparison feels as if one has surpassed gravity altogether, but this is even a new state of existence held by its own parameters.

How can infinity have a framework? Infinity is part of All That Is, which also consists of unlimited potential. Unlimited potential must still be imagined, created, explored, and harnessed. Through conscious projects Infinity gives breath and life to each potentiality. This life transformed conscious potentiality expands Infinity, makes it who and what it is, who and what it becomes. Infinity’s gravitation of Being now includes this realized conscious potential of itself. The singularity becomes infinite; the lifeform is aware of his godhood. Infinity is the conscious spectrum that ranges from each potential life it has been to the fullness that it represents as Life itself. The level of gravity of consciousness presented at each local conscious state, even at its grandest spectrum God state, is still an operation that can increase in vibration, and therefore move beyond its conscious evolution. In so doing, this creates higher currents of Being, thought, and manifestation, which also transforms the gravitational existence it has with All That Is.

The Three Pathways of Consciousness


Consciousness, as the underpinning to all of creation, is traveled along three determined circuit pathways. Depending on how one approaches life and one’s own identification, this will signify which of the three ways one interacts and orients themselves with the conscious matrix reality. Our dreams are an indicator of this activity and exchange, and so will be used as illustrations to clarify the three pathways. The speed of consciousness in each will also be examined.

The Autopilot Conscious Pathway

This first circuit pathway is like being on autopilot. In our dreams, we find ourselves in the middle of a story that unfolds around us. Our reactive thoughts and emotions will alter the story slightly, as the dream capitalizes on our attention and stress, but ultimately proceeds on an automatic process that ends when our brain waves pull us out of REM sleep. For some, or many, this is also how life is experienced. One day, they woke up (or were born) in the middle of an ongoing story. They developed and adapted to being a character in the story’s events, allowing life to unfold from day to day around them, carving out a little space of observance for themselves. They respond to larger events and experiences in the world, and in their personal lives, with reactive thought and emotion, which alters their story and gravitates or separates them from certain plot lines. However, they live mostly on autopilot, unaware of their ability to grab the controls, and tap into and alter the conscious matrix of life. They think of themselves as a small self being pushed and pulled at reality’s whimsy. The story ends when their bodies, or character form, can no longer sustain a viable connection with the story experience. When they reawaken to their soul self and review their human story, as one woken from sleep thinks upon their dreams, they realize how active, inactive, or reactive they actually were in the evolution of their story.

In the beginning of a sentient species this pathway is all that is known. Life, creation, God, the physical and supernatural, are all outside of them. They are unaware of their connection to it, and therefore, are also unaware of their ability to affect and their active participation with the conscious matrix. When life injects events and manifests according to their oblivious interaction, life is seen as a monstrous foe or a heavenly gift, depending on the results.

The speed of consciousness is observed as a slow unfoldment of time. Life revolves in seasons, cycles, and ages. It takes weeks, months, years, even eons, to observe evolution, transformation, and major change in the way of the world or one’s life.

The Master Conscious Pathway

In the second circuit pathway, the autopilot is turned off, and the captain is at the helm, trimming his sails, studying his charts, and flowing with the conscious current. In this active exchange, one has developed a partnership with the conscious matrix. For the few, or many, they are knowledgeable that they can affect and attract experiences to them based upon their attitudes, behaviors, and attention. Goals, visualizations, intentions, mantras, meditations, an active physical and spiritual healthy lifestyle, are all signs of someone oriented around being the master of their fate. They navigate with maturity and awareness to greater varying degrees of the larger conscious presence. They have created a network of internal and external resources that help them traverse their journey wisely, seizing and releasing, toward each transformational destination.

In dream state this would equate to lucidity and even astral traveling. In lucid dreaming, one is aware they are dreaming. They are consciously active and observant to their surroundings. It is as if they stepped into a landscape, realized it for being a fantasy, and began walking, waiting to see what would develop and who they might interact with. At this stage of awareness, one can presently process the symbolisms that appear, ask questions, and retain more information than one would in a non-lucid dream. For the mindful conscious person, they are not thrown by events and can weather them, seeing the meaning behind each experience they encounter.

In astral traveling, like a lucid dream, one is aware they are in an altered conscious state and have the same conscious abilities as they would in a lucid dream. The difference is, there is also the added benefit that the person becomes aware of the time framework to remain in that altered state. The dream, also, takes on more of a dimensional experience. The people present in the dream are either of a higher vibratory nature, coming with messages, or one is transported to a different place in the universe and interacting with those species and world. In comparable translation, this is a higher degree awareness of conscious interaction with reality. Moving along this pathway more information stirs within one. They become aware of memories and experiences that is more relevant to a higher reality of being than a linear reality. Time begins to move forward and backwards for them. They become expansive in nature to their own self, to those who are put into their life, as well as the many interdimensional beings and resources they have to travel along this existence. As they evolve, they are inspired and encouraged, and will eventually orient around the third circuit pathway.

The speed of consciousness is recognized at a much faster pace. The ebb and flow, rise and fall are noticed at each interval. Evolution and the patterns of change are experienced in its constant morphing nature.

The Creator Conscious Pathway

The third circuit pathway is one who is so interwoven with the conscious matrix reality that they can bend it, alter it, reshape it. They are the creator and authority of this conscious matrix. All reality as they have known it is their own consciousness, self, and sentience. This identity and pathway communication allows one to do anything and be anyone. As their incarnated self, one can perform miracles: calm the seas, move mountains, alter the weather, cure the sick, resurrect the dead, transport to other locations by thought, change the course pattern of a meteor, portal to other dimensions, whatever the imagination, need, or desire. With this godhood cognition, one experiences life in larger realities, recognizing themselves in every person and everything, throughout creation. Everywhere the conscious matrix exists, this is their existence.

To equate this stage with our dreams, would be to know its presence is ours to command. We no longer just let the story absent-mindedly flow around us, like the first circuit pathway, or even choose to interact with its possibilities and offerings, as a lucid state would offer, from the second circuit pathway. Now, once the dream is established, we can command the story to stop, and it will freeze. Perhaps, even before we go to sleep we construct the nature of the place we wish to journey. We tell the dream matrix the parameters of the story, assign the characters, plot, even the result, and then give it permission to resume or manifest. Once in motion, the dream follows our commands and authority. We become, essentially, Dreamwalkers. Conscious clarity is even more substantial and clear than a normal lucid dream.

The speed of consciousness is instantaneous. One can move along this pathway like lightning from origin of thought to manifestation. At this point, a whole new experience and knowledge of reality is available and present to us. This third circuit pathway, then, becomes the basic operating system in this next advanced conscious existence.

God in the Flesh

front row seat universe technology matrix

Perhaps the most revelatory news mankind has ever received, is the fact, that they have the capability to become god in the flesh. This is achieved through their evolution of experiencing God the Creator in the flesh. But spirituality and God, in man’s understanding of these subjects, are often regulated to another dimension, some place far away, some unfathomable and invisible depth. Therefore, any expanded teaching about God or spirituality is assimilated with these basic precepts as a founded structure. And yet, God is tangible and existent within this physical dimension.

In many traditional and modern systems of spirituality, God is said to be experienced as something outside of one’s body, outside the flesh. It is taught that man has the opportunity to go to Heaven once he leaves the Earth or that he can experience a New Earth through his light body. Either way it is believed that the vibration of man will extend to the point that he will have no need for his body and the lower vibration of his flesh, and will then depart from it, and continue on in his new stately form or formlessness. Where then does that leave this plane of existence in the formation of reality?

The argument has always been where does the esoteric and exoteric align? When should something be interpreted metaphorically or literally? The trouble that can arise from both of these perspectives is that one place can be so magical and glamorous that no physical being can attain it and therefore seems unrelatable, yet promising for their weary souls. Whereas, the other expression, seems to give permission for opinions to dictate the paradise one can conceive of, and have the power to enforce for, and on, the masses. How is it possible to experience God in the flesh, without the carnal self skewing the awareness?

It requires the most basic precept of spirituality to be redefined. That is to say, that spirituality, or that which is spirit, as being defined as something intangible and beyond the physical is inaccurate. Physicality exists because of Spirit. Spirituality is the subtle matrix of, and which animates, matter. In other words, matter is a dense vibratory form of spirit.

So let us take this concept and imagine the following scenario: What if when you incarnated on Earth you never left Heaven? What if where we are now is actually a section of Heaven? Think about it. Look at the trees, the land, even the asphalt and cars. This is Heaven. You only thought you were sent someplace outside of home. Instead, you were merely transported to a neighboring sector of Heaven that was designed with a slightly different ecosystem and habitat to provide the polarity gravitational states that gave opportunity for souls to evolve into gods. Does Earth feel differently to you now? Would it, also, not be natural, since this is Heaven, to experience God or a Godly Being here, have Him show up on your doorstep, or contact you in some other form? After all, you are the same Spirit Being you were when you came here. You didn’t start a different life. This is a continuation from where you were just a few short years ago. When would that interaction feel as natural to you as seeing a friend or family member? Can you feel Spirit now? What if you lived every day with this knowledge as fact?

You may ask, what about all the suffering and what man has made of this place? This only exists because souls are learning and remembering who they are and where they are. Every experience and interaction should be understood in terms of it’s heavenly reality, for this is truly how the world turns. The more man orients themselves around the true nature of creation, spirit manifested, the more they will realize their own reality. Heaven on Earth is based on this comprehension. And as man realizes their own divine identity, God becomes more experienced in the flesh, in the tangible, right here and now, on this planet, in this century, in this moment of time, in you.

Stages After Death

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What happens after death? For some of us, this might be an easy answer. For others, we may cling to a well versed idea, in the hopes we are right. And maybe we might be honest enough with ourselves to say, we just don’t know, whether we have an idea or not.

Death is not always easy to think about because it is an unknown, inevitable finality moment in our life that we all must face. We try to put off thinking or dealing with it until we absolutely have no choice. As humans, we don’t like the unknown, so we wait until death comes knocking at our door, and even then we pretend nobody is at home, if we can.

Death to some is seen as an enemy, an evil one, stealing our loved ones away. The Death Angel is illustrated as the Grim Reaper, a scary wraith, a boogie man of an individual come to ferry our soul to the Underworld. Is this depiction accurate? How much time elapses after death before we meet the Death Angel? Do we see him as we are dying? If he comes after we actually cease to exist, how long of a wait do we have before we are revived? This journey that the Death Angel takes us on, is it a long trip? Is it more like a bright light tunnel we enter? Who is there to greet us on the other side? What happens next? What can we expect or hope? Does it really matter whether we were naughty or nice? The answers may surprise you.

Many faiths and cultures have a variety of responses to answer these questions. The answers I am going to give you are based upon my memories and my experiences with those dead I assist. I am not talking about those dying, but those deceased. As a medium, it is a great comfort to those who have passed on that someone on Earth still hears and sees them. After all, they still identify more as a human being than, yet, as their soul. As comfortable, supporting, and loving the environment is, it is still strange and foreign, and they are more preoccupied with wanting to comfort and contact the loved ones they left behind. Further still, if the place does not match what they were taught in their faith, every step is filled with apprehension, especially for those who may have committed some wrong they are sure is going to land them in hell.

Death is really only frightening because we, as humans, don’t normally comprehend our greater self in our human story. We are here and then we are somewhere and someone, else. The truth is, it is one continuing experience. Think of living on Earth as an opportunity, in our infinite life to visit another world, a very long vacation, where for a time we immersed ourselves in everything so commitedly we became as one of the locals. At some point, it will be time to go home, to depart. It may be sad because we loved our time on this planet, but it is not where we belong, and we need to go back where we belong, and take all this wonderful experience and knowledge with us. They say traveling abroad changes a person, causes them to think differently about their own lives and how they view the world. Imagine abroad is not just across an ocean, but across space and time.

In the last five months I have worked with a couple of people that inspired this blog. The first is my mother. She died of kidney failure in hospice, and I was the only human with her when she drew her last breaths. I consider it one of the greatest treasures of this lifetime to have been with her. Most recently, I had attended a Catholic Rosary Vigil and Funeral Mass, supporting some dear friends whose son had committed suicide. I never met this young man before he died. My first interaction with him was during the Rosary Vigil. The talks we have had since then, and the relief he felt when he realized someone could hear him, someone knew that he was alive (contrary to his Catholic beliefs), compelled me to want to write and describe the stages after death. We do not need to feel so unnerved by the whole experience, and hopefully this brings you peace, both when death comes to those you love and when it becomes your turn. Read More...

The Full Lived Life

Universe meditation
Sometimes words fail to encompass all perspectives in a coherent whole, and so sometimes it will seem as if realities left unexplored or thoroughly tasted will be deprived of life’s breath and acknowledgement. This is not the case, but for the sake of words and how they are digested, I will comment on this observation.

In metaphysical circles there is great debate as to how to explore one’s human life. Do we transcend and evolve this separateness-oriented physical world to higher vibrations? Do we enjoy this alter dimension in all its polarity and finite qualities? Is it a balance, a yin and yang fusion of consciousness and carnality?

The truth is all these have validity. All of these realities are vital. Each is an expression the universe chooses to thoroughly explore. None need be undermined by the other. There is incredible fulfillment and abundance gained by every aspect of each. The question is how do you, Stardust of the Universe, yearn to live? Which exploration calls you more? Follow the path where you thrive.

The Universe is known as The All and also as one of many universes. It is seen as The Great Intelligence and as a vast creation. Each of these perspectives offer wondrous inspiration. They take us to places beyond our own definition of ourselves and environment to greater awarenesses of these. In essence, our micro and macro identities are all worth appreciating - what is happening outside of us and inside of us.

Life is a many layered experience, it all flows together. There is as much celebration for the one who chooses to devote his life to scale the highest heights of this planet, as well as for the one who chooses to scale the highest heights of his consciousness. The path that is right for you is the one that pulls you like a gravity from the moment you wake, through every event of your day, fluttering into the stories of your sleep. Whether you understand where it comes from or not, is not necessary. Merely surrender to that gravity. Live in its wake. For this is where you know you feel most alive, where you shine, where you belong. The only thing left required of you is to remember that everything that happens to you in your life along the way, every turbulence and high, is part of the experience, part of your potential and destiny manifesting. Respect and treasure all of it.

The Life and Time In Lifetime

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Imagine, if you would, from the image above that every five minutes of time was a lifetime, and every hour represented eons of time. Every moment is now. Every lifetime is now and known all at once. The “6” Now remembers the “3” Now and the “1” Now senses what it will become in the “9” Now. Midnight and Noon conjoin, the “12” Now of what it has been and became and recreates and moves on again to become...all now.

We don’t always open these doors to see our Now without opportunities in our current stream. This moment allows us to see our “1” lifetime and that event gives us the vision of “11.” When “12” comes or has been significantly enough developed by the previous Nows, the dial on time spins and dissolves and there is no beginning and no end. No real unfolding, but an “always been.” Time becomes a degree of significance of our Being, displayed before our very sight. And when enough time has ticked by to examine and experience all our “Am-ness”, what then?

And how does one lifetime not go insane by sensing all their other Nows? The calculation of each Now must be experienced as the whole, known by their degree and not just a sum of its own. We do not want to lose what makes a “3” a “3” or a “7” a “7,” but the 3 and 7 in knowing each other as the same but unique self must expand their identity and Now to experience and include their entire Self, which extends to their past and expands into their future. In this way, past and future merge ,and a whole “I Am” is recognized, experienced in all its lifetime Now parts, and can be appreciated in each version of its Now Self. And for each lifetime and eon of time - 12 to 12 to 12 to 12 - that we exist within, each one that is experienced as the sum of itself, in the sum of its space, participates in the absence of time, and notices their life to be as a wildflower growing in a meadow only lasting for a Summer’s embrace. Their scent, their color adds to the world and then gracefully they extinguish for another bloom, another version of itself, to take its place.

This will give you the general idea of what I am “now” experiencing.