God in the Flesh

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Perhaps the most revelatory news mankind has ever received, is the fact, that they have the capability to become god in the flesh. This is achieved through their evolution of experiencing God the Creator in the flesh. But spirituality and God, in man’s understanding of these subjects, are often regulated to another dimension, some place far away, some unfathomable and invisible depth. Therefore, any expanded teaching about God or spirituality is assimilated with these basic precepts as a founded structure. And yet, God is tangible and existent within this physical dimension.

In many traditional and modern systems of spirituality, God is said to be experienced as something outside of one’s body, outside the flesh. It is taught that man has the opportunity to go to Heaven once he leaves the Earth or that he can experience a New Earth through his light body. Either way it is believed that the vibration of man will extend to the point that he will have no need for his body and the lower vibration of his flesh, and will then depart from it, and continue on in his new stately form or formlessness. Where then does that leave this plane of existence in the formation of reality?

The argument has always been where does the esoteric and exoteric align? When should something be interpreted metaphorically or literally? The trouble that can arise from both of these perspectives is that one place can be so magical and glamorous that no physical being can attain it and therefore seems unrelatable, yet promising for their weary souls. Whereas, the other expression, seems to give permission for opinions to dictate the paradise one can conceive of, and have the power to enforce for, and on, the masses. How is it possible to experience God in the flesh, without the carnal self skewing the awareness?

It requires the most basic precept of spirituality to be redefined. That is to say, that spirituality, or that which is spirit, as being defined as something intangible and beyond the physical is inaccurate. Physicality exists because of Spirit. Spirituality is the subtle matrix of, and which animates, matter. In other words, matter is a dense vibratory form of spirit.

So let us take this concept and imagine the following scenario: What if when you incarnated on Earth you never left Heaven? What if where we are now is actually a section of Heaven? Think about it. Look at the trees, the land, even the asphalt and cars. This is Heaven. You only thought you were sent someplace outside of home. Instead, you were merely transported to a neighboring sector of Heaven that was designed with a slightly different ecosystem and habitat to provide the polarity gravitational states that gave opportunity for souls to evolve into gods. Does Earth feel differently to you now? Would it, also, not be natural, since this is Heaven, to experience God or a Godly Being here, have Him show up on your doorstep, or contact you in some other form? After all, you are the same Spirit Being you were when you came here. You didn’t start a different life. This is a continuation from where you were just a few short years ago. When would that interaction feel as natural to you as seeing a friend or family member? Can you feel Spirit now? What if you lived every day with this knowledge as fact?

You may ask, what about all the suffering and what man has made of this place? This only exists because souls are learning and remembering who they are and where they are. Every experience and interaction should be understood in terms of it’s heavenly reality, for this is truly how the world turns. The more man orients themselves around the true nature of creation, spirit manifested, the more they will realize their own reality. Heaven on Earth is based on this comprehension. And as man realizes their own divine identity, God becomes more experienced in the flesh, in the tangible, right here and now, on this planet, in this century, in this moment of time, in you.