Jun 2018

The Gravity of Consciousness

Gravity is often talked about in terms of physicality, but not consciousness. Yet when we talk of moving between planes and realms, shifting energy, increasing or decreasing vibrations, or enlightenment, we are directly referring to the gravity of consciousness. For a soul to have entered the physical plane of Earth was to enter a dense gravitational pull, to recalibrate his Being to be able to exist on this plane. This dense gravity and modulated vibrational pattern of his consciousness is not his optimum level of functioning, but it is necessary, at first, to enter this space time continuum. As one evolves, one recalibrates his energy, his consciousness, which also then alters the gravity around him.

Think of it this way, first we create the border between us and infinity to create a singularity:

consciousness quote torsion field

And then through remodulating the frequency within this singular space we evolve it back into infinity with our consciousness:

universal consciousness cartoon

The gravity created to move into this singularity had to do with consciousness. Consciousness, then, in terms of thought and mind, also has a denser operation and as one transforms the singular space back into infinity, this Being, this moment, into its godhood state, the gravity of mind is surpassed, along with the space time continuum to a state of almost zero point gravity. As there is always an infinite potential of expression, there is always an increase in vibration that can exist, and therefore a more lighter state of gravity to traverse. Although, at this state, gravity has a different sensation of experience.

Why create a singularity only to revert it back to infinity? Why space and time only to transcend space and time? There are two immediate reasons. The first is for infinity to experience finite-ness. Secondly, for finite-ness to experience its infinity. The full answer is this: life exploration and evolution.

Space and time, the physical universe, is a preset boundary, as many miles across as it may seem or lifetimes to explore, it is still held by a finite set of parameters and borders. Every particle, planet, plant, and lifeform is consciousness in many gravitational grades of existence. As each organism evolves, it moves into a different gravitational existence. Infinity by comparison feels as if one has surpassed gravity altogether, but this is even a new state of existence held by its own parameters.

How can infinity have a framework? Infinity is part of All That Is, which also consists of unlimited potential. Unlimited potential must still be imagined, created, explored, and harnessed. Through conscious projects Infinity gives breath and life to each potentiality. This life transformed conscious potentiality expands Infinity, makes it who and what it is, who and what it becomes. Infinity’s gravitation of Being now includes this realized conscious potential of itself. The singularity becomes infinite; the lifeform is aware of his godhood. Infinity is the conscious spectrum that ranges from each potential life it has been to the fullness that it represents as Life itself. The level of gravity of consciousness presented at each local conscious state, even at its grandest spectrum God state, is still an operation that can increase in vibration, and therefore move beyond its conscious evolution. In so doing, this creates higher currents of Being, thought, and manifestation, which also transforms the gravitational existence it has with All That Is.