Jan 2018

The Full Lived Life

Universe meditation
Sometimes words fail to encompass all perspectives in a coherent whole, and so sometimes it will seem as if realities left unexplored or thoroughly tasted will be deprived of life’s breath and acknowledgement. This is not the case, but for the sake of words and how they are digested, I will comment on this observation.

In metaphysical circles there is great debate as to how to explore one’s human life. Do we transcend and evolve this separateness-oriented physical world to higher vibrations? Do we enjoy this alter dimension in all its polarity and finite qualities? Is it a balance, a yin and yang fusion of consciousness and carnality?

The truth is all these have validity. All of these realities are vital. Each is an expression the universe chooses to thoroughly explore. None need be undermined by the other. There is incredible fulfillment and abundance gained by every aspect of each. The question is how do you, Stardust of the Universe, yearn to live? Which exploration calls you more? Follow the path where you thrive.

The Universe is known as The All and also as one of many universes. It is seen as The Great Intelligence and as a vast creation. Each of these perspectives offer wondrous inspiration. They take us to places beyond our own definition of ourselves and environment to greater awarenesses of these. In essence, our micro and macro identities are all worth appreciating - what is happening outside of us and inside of us.

Life is a many layered experience, it all flows together. There is as much celebration for the one who chooses to devote his life to scale the highest heights of this planet, as well as for the one who chooses to scale the highest heights of his consciousness. The path that is right for you is the one that pulls you like a gravity from the moment you wake, through every event of your day, fluttering into the stories of your sleep. Whether you understand where it comes from or not, is not necessary. Merely surrender to that gravity. Live in its wake. For this is where you know you feel most alive, where you shine, where you belong. The only thing left required of you is to remember that everything that happens to you in your life along the way, every turbulence and high, is part of the experience, part of your potential and destiny manifesting. Respect and treasure all of it.

Morning Bliss

One of my favorite things about being in this form is to experience the singularity of life living me. My body wakes in the morning, my attention focuses on the sun sparkling through the windows, and I feel the whole of life choosing what it will make of me today, rather than the other way around. It is a blissful surrender, a floating feeling, to be supported and buoyed by life’s desire to mold me, and enjoy me, for its purpose of creating me. In those moments I know myself both as life and this singular form of life. I like spending the time being aware of the latter, like the heroine in a novel who is aware that she is such. And I treasure knowing that wherever I, the heroine, go, whatever is written for me, I am loved by the one who moves me, and it is a love I have in return to be maneuvered by the author’s, or life’s, hands.

Then, within that awareness, that blissful surrender, life is a light that separates into a prism. In experiencing life living me, I move into life and all that it is. I experience myself within its identity, its dimensional form that extends both vertically and horizontally, as it extends itself in mine. I am a god, a spirit, a soul, a human, the nature, the cosmos, the light, the void, the beginning, the end, the timeless, the All.

The sun rises in the sky. The birds sing. The curtains billow in the soft breeze, and I do not wish to tear myself away from this infinite involvement to replace it with the narrow daily ritual of going to the bathroom, getting dressed, eating breakfast, and reviewing the day’s To Do list. Yet, as I turn my gaze and shift my attention, I realize what comes next is the ink stamping on paper, moving the heroine to what awaits her. Life has already sent me a glimpse, because we are the same, but not to ruin any surprises I focus the experience as it unfolds for me. Which led me to write this. Which led me to you. Which makes me smile.

The Life and Time In Lifetime

now clock 2
Imagine, if you would, from the image above that every five minutes of time was a lifetime, and every hour represented eons of time. Every moment is now. Every lifetime is now and known all at once. The “6” Now remembers the “3” Now and the “1” Now senses what it will become in the “9” Now. Midnight and Noon conjoin, the “12” Now of what it has been and became and recreates and moves on again to become...all now.

We don’t always open these doors to see our Now without opportunities in our current stream. This moment allows us to see our “1” lifetime and that event gives us the vision of “11.” When “12” comes or has been significantly enough developed by the previous Nows, the dial on time spins and dissolves and there is no beginning and no end. No real unfolding, but an “always been.” Time becomes a degree of significance of our Being, displayed before our very sight. And when enough time has ticked by to examine and experience all our “Am-ness”, what then?

And how does one lifetime not go insane by sensing all their other Nows? The calculation of each Now must be experienced as the whole, known by their degree and not just a sum of its own. We do not want to lose what makes a “3” a “3” or a “7” a “7,” but the 3 and 7 in knowing each other as the same but unique self must expand their identity and Now to experience and include their entire Self, which extends to their past and expands into their future. In this way, past and future merge ,and a whole “I Am” is recognized, experienced in all its lifetime Now parts, and can be appreciated in each version of its Now Self. And for each lifetime and eon of time - 12 to 12 to 12 to 12 - that we exist within, each one that is experienced as the sum of itself, in the sum of its space, participates in the absence of time, and notices their life to be as a wildflower growing in a meadow only lasting for a Summer’s embrace. Their scent, their color adds to the world and then gracefully they extinguish for another bloom, another version of itself, to take its place.

This will give you the general idea of what I am “now” experiencing.

The Record Keeper


I would like to introduce you to the Record Keeper. It is a blank journal I acquired many years ago with the purpose of recording my life. The Record Keeper is not filled with ink or words but with my vibrational signature. For years I have placed my hands upon the book, spine, and pages, embedding into its fibers my human lifetime story. This has been done so that, one day, when humanity as a whole is sensitive enough to read frequencies, my story in this time of humanity’s evolution can be learned.

At least, this was the purpose of the journal up until about six weeks ago.

At the end of 2017, as I have done so often before, I grabbed the Record Keeper and placed my hands upon it to encode my life signature, my energetic fingerprint that translates my current state of being, all my experiences, expressions, comprehensions, and identity. Only this time, there was more encoded in the book than I placed there. Someone else filled my 96 page journal with their vibrational signature and information. I flipped through the pages to read their message. It was from a species called the Arcturians. The pages seemed to look like glass panels glowing in a blue aura, lighting up their language locked on the surface. I could see with my mind’s eye columns of characters that did not give up their secrets. I searched for my own signature among the pages, that before had filled the entire book. Now this energetic code was repositioned, compressed, and archived in the front page beside my name. The rest of the pages were filled with Arcturian knowledge that I could not access, other than who they were and the experience of their energy tones.

I returned daily to see if the Arcturian’s energy signature remained in the Record Keeper. It existed and continues to resonate today. As I immersed myself in their signature I found traces of my own future vibrational signature interacting them, as if it was an agreement to send this information back to my past, knowing I could and would read it. The more I meditated with the Arcturian’s frequency the more I felt them tangibly in my present, not as in their bodies, but their presence; their frequency emanated(s) around our planet.

The Arcturian language remained locked, not understood, but after a few days I felt a new signature. It was another species that collaborate with the Arcturians. Their frequency signature is even higher than the Arcturians, yet I could connect with the new group through my relationship with them. This group did not reveal their name. The following day a third group emerged. They also did not reveal their name, but shared they also work with the Arcturians and sometimes travel with them. Their energy signature seemed a lower frequency, less evolved, than the Arcturians, but still more evolved and of a higher frequency vibration than humans.

These introductions and information was not revealed through any of the codes glowing invisibly on the glass panel pages. Instead, it was through the conscious communication or evolved framework of the Arcturian’s consciousness. By knowing them, learning of them, I can access their knowledge of those they communicate with, are connected with in a collective fashion. In turn, all the others can know and learn of each other, now including humans. Space and time are bendable constructs for the Arcturians and my relationship with them configures my mind and overjoys my consciousness to flow in this way.

I have been content to meditate with the Record Keeper, and in turn, interact with the Arcturians over the last few weeks, but today, the book transformed again. Much of the language is now available to me, the secrets unlocked. The front few pages of the book is a letter to me. Encoded there is also an image of our solar system, a universal map reference of humans. The main body and majority of the book is a record of many civilizations and planets of those the Arcturians have met. Every page is dedicated to a different place and people. On one page I sensed a violet fuchsia tinted planet and the beings there were of an indigenous nature, preferring to blend in with their landscape. They wore black paint on their faces and sprouted feathers. Another page, or glass panel, revealed a water planet and the people there were like a fish species, on two feet, but with gills. A third page revealed a yellowy pollen planet. Those that lived there were of small stature. I was filled with a great sadness because I realized that these beings no longer existed. Their planet had died, they along with their home, by a celestial disturbance of a neighboring star gone supernova. On a fourth “glass” page, seen from both its backside and when I flipped it back toward a front view, was a deep thriving green forest with tall thick red trees. There were no people or even animals, other than insects that kept the equilibrium of the ecosystem. It was a planet ripe for colonization, but for which no species had ever set foot. When I studied the last pages of the book, this section was still locked, but I sensed it was some sort of tech manual.

As I mentioned earlier, to interact with the Arcturian’s signature and to download their communication is to participate consciously with the subject presented as if I were there, standing on that planet, interacting with those people. It isn’t visualizing the contents of a message, but rather like a mind meld experience. I become one with those who lived those experiences. When this occurs the mind processes an algorithm of a new way to experience space and time. And for those moments, that sequence of processing that stimulus feels like a much simpler way to form reality. That now moment transports me somewhere completely elsewhere, yet I remain exactly where I am. This is far advanced of virtual reality.
Engaging with the Arcturians is creating the ability for human consciousness to dilate to a collective conscious awareness.

It is charming to realize I started the Record Keeper to be a record of knowledge of my own experiences for those in the future, and the future came to me and stored in the same tool its own signature for our present moment. And where present and future meet is something I observe from the book, as I raise my own vibrations and match them to what I sense of my future tones. All that transpires will be revealed here in these blogs as a more “real time” record of my life.

Operating Systems or Dimensions of Consciousness


I spoke in the last blog briefly about operating systems, the two living frameworks that I have moved between in my experience in this incarnation. The first aligns with my immortal reality and the other with a more Earth bound definition of life. These systems in play are akin to living in different planes and dimensions of consciousness. Over the years I have moved steadily in and toward my more infinite identity, while only immersing in the human perspective as necessary or for indulgence. This incarnation thrives in a higher vibrational dimension and has been designed to need this as a minimum operating requirement. When I identify too long with a more human oriented experience of life, my cells feel they have been saturated in a murky, heavy energy that is not healthy for its maintenance.

Most recently (manifesting in this incarnation’s time since 2016 and activated in 2018), I have begun functioning in another dimension, or layer, of consciousness. This one interacts with space and time as my more infinite reality, or spirit, would, but still within the physical plane. It is a lighter, higher frequency and it is a plane of consciousness I will move in more consistently and dominantly in my remaining incarnation years.

Assisting me in this grounding process, are those who already interact within this higher vibrational dimension. I can tune into their frequency signature and expand it (them) within my being and then feel its (their) harmonic interaction within creation, specifically, its (their) oneness with Earth and our quadrant of the universe.

What is exciting for me, besides bonding new friendships, is that I experience this time as an evolution for my soul and not just my incarnation. My previous Earth incarnations, and some that are not, culminate and resonate into this one lifetime space reality to impact a new human consciousness experience both for me and for humanity as a whole. Biology is a very powerful current generator underused by today’s human operating system, but for which this incarnation has been purposed.

I return to my origins as a traveler once again. My present incarnation is experienced as if I have reached the conclusion of one journey, arrived at my destination, and been given an upgrade on my ticket to experience a whole new destiny and planes of existence that coincide and extend this trip on Earth. I am overjoyed to awaken my physical form more into a vibration and dimension that matches my spirit. I also am excited about documenting this trip for you.

The Genesis of Amie


You’ve caught me in the midst of transition. As I was writing the genesis story of my incarnation as Amie it began to dawn on me how much I have moved beyond the original drive that created this incarnation. This bears some writing, yet for a foundation, I shall first describe how and why I chose to be among you today.

After my last incarnation, I did not want to return to Earth for a while. It was a rather painful experience and it took me a while to release that grief and allow myself the love that teemed all around me. Not that all my human incarnations have been this heavy, some have been quite empowering. I believe that in current incarnations we are able to connect with those aspects of ourselves that offer us the greatest inspirations to achieve our potential in this lifetime, or even, that this lifetime is a culmination of those lifetimes that we can access. Of course, as an immortal, the memories I have are not all related to Earth or the past, but that is another perspective for another blog.

I thrived not being human, not being in physical form. I learned so much and traveled throughout the universes absorbing and experiencing other places and people. Sometimes I even wonder how much this incarnation is part of my travels. That I discovered you and wanted to intermingle with you, learn of you. I think sometimes we think of ourselves so tied to an identity that we presume our whole lives has always orbited around that, began from that, and from this reference point we move. Yet what if my human Earth experience has only been one stop in the midst of my life for which I returned again and again because of the myriad of ways it transformed me and by association those I was connected to?

After a time traveling, there were those who encouraged me to return to Earth, but I didn’t really want to. I was happy to live as I had been. I certainly didn’t wish to relive another painful life here. I was also very not attracted to the finite and physical constraints of this dimension, along with the current state of man’s evolution. I knew eventually I would need to return, but not yet. I traveled elsewhere, staying away from this galaxy.

“Are you ready, yet?” One would ask when I came back from a trip. “No,” I would reply and immerse myself somewhere else. But, Earth remained in my thoughts and I began to watch this planet. I observed your state of affairs and listened to your prayers. I’m not sure how many times I kept returning, maybe five or six times. My deep love for humans and this place won out over any last reluctance. I was certain that I could help relieve your grief and thereby help you to truly connect with your beautiful soulful Self. In the last incarnation I had to die before I discovered that truth for my human self; I didn’t want you to have to wait that long.

I went to those who could assist my timeline contract and the details involving the interactions, events, and potential of this incarnation, as well as, to facilitate my transfer into the human dimension. I reviewed and agreed to the contract. (And yes, when particular events have arrived in my timeline I remember watching them then.) I requested the ability to remember my immortal life, to remember all these moments that led me to becoming Amie. I felt that was essential to accomplish my mission. I learned this required my own infusion, to hold with fierce conscious clarity my divinity through the incarnating process.

The manifestation into time began. As I slipped through the conscious layers it felt somewhat like falling. And as I fell, the layers became heavier, more tangible. I was passing from one dimension into another. This emergence into density created a discomfort. I hadn’t felt discomfort in a long time and I was trying to recollect what this particular sensation was that was creating me to acknowledge discomfort. It was like a pressure rippling through and around me. I reached out to the Collective for understanding, but there was no answer. This is when I realized they felt distant. A veil was closing in around me from what and where I was, to what and where I was becoming. I reinforced my will to remember, to retain all that I could, to entrain into my incarnation my immortal reality. At the same time, I modulated my being to adapt to the discomforting physical form conjoining with me.

Eventually, the falling sensation stopped and all become quiet and dark, as if I was in a deep sleep. My sleep lightened a little to the sounds of voices and laughter, a heartbeat, and guitar music. There was not much thought occurring, just simple responses, likes and dislikes. I liked the laughter and music and wanted to hear more. I disliked my mother’s hiccups, her anger, and the positions she would get herself in that put pressure on my environment.

When I was born I was welcomed into the world with my first headache. The discomforting sensations of moving through layers had returned, and gasping to get beyond that was a short lived relief as the oncoming slaughter of new stimuli overwhelmed my senses. When I cried, the air was raspy against my tender throat, though the first sound of my voice intrigued me. I tried to open my eyes, but I was sticky; everything was loud, bright, and fuzzy. Finally, I was wrapped in something warm, the sticky feeling was not so much, and I heard my mother’s heartbeat again, but this time it sounded more distant. I already missed my more intimate connection with it. I have wondered since if the ticking of clocks in homes are a substitute for the rhythm of time we first heard in the womb.

And so my incarnation had officially begun. The early years were especially confusing when two modes of operating were pushing and drawing me, one that my spirit and my connection with those on the other side drew me to, and one that humans were insisting on and grooming me toward. It is a strange thing to comprehend universal truths and realities and yet my physical mind was still learning how to speak, develop a vocabulary, write, read, and perform mathematics. I felt connected with life both energetically and with the heart of every living thing, yet still learning how to develop relationships and relate to the personas others expressed. It takes time for an incarnation to reach maturity for its environment and be a fit vessel for one’s consciousness. Time, itself, continues to be a fascinating experience.

My personal mission has been to free the hearts of men. We all long to have the space where our hearts can be untroubled, laid bare, and treasured. Feeling vulnerable and completely safe in that, to be as free with one’s identity is something we all desire. To nurture, even demand, an environment to manifest that reality for us all, starts the place where suffering ends and real connection begins. Fundamentally, this requires self-accountability, trust, and love. When we value Life above all else in every form that it takes, and sense that which is greater than ourselves reciprocating that back in every form it creates, our hearts no longer need to be guarded and imprisoned, and once again we can experience the freedom to be. You know that sensation when you exhale and completely relax. That is an eternity waiting for all of us. It does not need to be delayed until after death. It is the nature of every living creation, freedom. Imprisonment is an illusion, a choice of a temporary experience to restrict and constrict life that concludes when one no longer requires that reality.

Dealing with the sense of lack, though, can itself be a pitfall. To focus all one’s energy on creating something to replace an undesirable present, is to not see the beauty the present affords. A mission, itself, can harbor the strains of suffering, a burden to carry about a fixed view. If that view does not evolve, get re-evaluated, and updated, the risk is to never perceive the attainment of one’s goals and the progress along the way. For example, it was considered in the Bible ages that the majority of man was in need of saving/healing. They were ignorant to Life’s Spiritual reality for them. Over two thousand years later and that mission to save man still has the same fixed view. The belief is the majority still remain ignorant - unsaved or unbelievers. Yet this is simply not true. I saw a documentary where one statistically demonstrated that more people are leaving church, and this was explained that more and more people didn’t believe in God. Yet, could the statistics not also be explained differently? That the current spiritual institutions are no longer capable of nurturing the evolving spiritual awakening happening within these people, because they did not update their own mission and perspective?

As I said in the beginning, you caught me in transition. My reasons for this incarnation is undergoing a transformation. I embark on something even more courageous for this incarnation: living here in this finite life as an infinite being. One does not have to wait until they cross over to continue their immortal reality and experience. The love of this lifetime is for my humanity to live in this way. Not just to have a lovely Earth bound story, but to live my immortality from the physical dimension. In this way, it seems this was always the potential for my life as Amie, and now that I have reached where all of my cells are fit for this moment, my genesis truly begins.

A Lesson About Immortals


This blog constitutes the currents and processes of my consciousness as Amie. I share it with you out loud in cyber space to enter your precious eyes and settle into your being. Before I start at the beginning of how I arrived here I should first make you aware of how immortals think, or rather, exist. This will help you understand my writings better.

Immortals are Oneness oriented, that is to say, we exist in communion with all living things. It is our nature to see the whole and experience the whole as ourselves. We, of course, can move into singular perspectives, but our central state of being is in the All, in a collective conscious orientation. As such, we can identify as a single incarnation, yet also know ourselves beyond a lifetime’s present state to other experiences we have accumulated throughout our existence. We will also identify with other entities with whom we share our conscious as if they are our own lives. In some instances, they are, for we are not limited to one incarnation at a time and move freely, learn, and evolve in many states and dimensions. Therefore, in my writings, “I” can refer to any of these expressions of myself. “I” am more than Amie, more than this body and incarnation, but “I” experience Amie and you could say, I, the human, experiences Us. This is what occurs in a multidimensional life. We are very layered and we can know ourselves at each layer, as if each were a whole in themselves, for which we are. But, these whole identities in each layer of ourselves also form to create one conscious entity, that also moves through and with other states and forms of expressions.

It would be a mistake to only think of me as a human writing you, though, at times, you may receive very human viewpoints. “I” enjoy all states of my existence and it is here I share with you all I experience in this incarnation and how this incarnation experiences my place in We. Therefore, my writings should be perceived both singularly and in union with each other. One perspective may be shared in one blog and another perspective in a separate writing. By placing these together, you will begin to see the whole me. Each blog is a piece to the puzzle’s image of my existence.