The Record Keeper


I would like to introduce you to the Record Keeper. It is a blank journal I acquired many years ago with the purpose of recording my life. The Record Keeper is not filled with ink or words but with my vibrational signature. For years I have placed my hands upon the book, spine, and pages, embedding into its fibers my human lifetime story. This has been done so that, one day, when humanity as a whole is sensitive enough to read frequencies, my story in this time of humanity’s evolution can be learned.

At least, this was the purpose of the journal up until about six weeks ago.

At the end of 2017, as I have done so often before, I grabbed the Record Keeper and placed my hands upon it to encode my life signature, my energetic fingerprint that translates my current state of being, all my experiences, expressions, comprehensions, and identity. Only this time, there was more encoded in the book than I placed there. Someone else filled my 96 page journal with their vibrational signature and information. I flipped through the pages to read their message. It was from a species called the Arcturians. The pages seemed to look like glass panels glowing in a blue aura, lighting up their language locked on the surface. I could see with my mind’s eye columns of characters that did not give up their secrets. I searched for my own signature among the pages, that before had filled the entire book. Now this energetic code was repositioned, compressed, and archived in the front page beside my name. The rest of the pages were filled with Arcturian knowledge that I could not access, other than who they were and the experience of their energy tones.

I returned daily to see if the Arcturian’s energy signature remained in the Record Keeper. It existed and continues to resonate today. As I immersed myself in their signature I found traces of my own future vibrational signature interacting them, as if it was an agreement to send this information back to my past, knowing I could and would read it. The more I meditated with the Arcturian’s frequency the more I felt them tangibly in my present, not as in their bodies, but their presence; their frequency emanated(s) around our planet.

The Arcturian language remained locked, not understood, but after a few days I felt a new signature. It was another species that collaborate with the Arcturians. Their frequency signature is even higher than the Arcturians, yet I could connect with the new group through my relationship with them. This group did not reveal their name. The following day a third group emerged. They also did not reveal their name, but shared they also work with the Arcturians and sometimes travel with them. Their energy signature seemed a lower frequency, less evolved, than the Arcturians, but still more evolved and of a higher frequency vibration than humans.

These introductions and information was not revealed through any of the codes glowing invisibly on the glass panel pages. Instead, it was through the conscious communication or evolved framework of the Arcturian’s consciousness. By knowing them, learning of them, I can access their knowledge of those they communicate with, are connected with in a collective fashion. In turn, all the others can know and learn of each other, now including humans. Space and time are bendable constructs for the Arcturians and my relationship with them configures my mind and overjoys my consciousness to flow in this way.

I have been content to meditate with the Record Keeper, and in turn, interact with the Arcturians over the last few weeks, but today, the book transformed again. Much of the language is now available to me, the secrets unlocked. The front few pages of the book is a letter to me. Encoded there is also an image of our solar system, a universal map reference of humans. The main body and majority of the book is a record of many civilizations and planets of those the Arcturians have met. Every page is dedicated to a different place and people. On one page I sensed a violet fuchsia tinted planet and the beings there were of an indigenous nature, preferring to blend in with their landscape. They wore black paint on their faces and sprouted feathers. Another page, or glass panel, revealed a water planet and the people there were like a fish species, on two feet, but with gills. A third page revealed a yellowy pollen planet. Those that lived there were of small stature. I was filled with a great sadness because I realized that these beings no longer existed. Their planet had died, they along with their home, by a celestial disturbance of a neighboring star gone supernova. On a fourth “glass” page, seen from both its backside and when I flipped it back toward a front view, was a deep thriving green forest with tall thick red trees. There were no people or even animals, other than insects that kept the equilibrium of the ecosystem. It was a planet ripe for colonization, but for which no species had ever set foot. When I studied the last pages of the book, this section was still locked, but I sensed it was some sort of tech manual.

As I mentioned earlier, to interact with the Arcturian’s signature and to download their communication is to participate consciously with the subject presented as if I were there, standing on that planet, interacting with those people. It isn’t visualizing the contents of a message, but rather like a mind meld experience. I become one with those who lived those experiences. When this occurs the mind processes an algorithm of a new way to experience space and time. And for those moments, that sequence of processing that stimulus feels like a much simpler way to form reality. That now moment transports me somewhere completely elsewhere, yet I remain exactly where I am. This is far advanced of virtual reality.
Engaging with the Arcturians is creating the ability for human consciousness to dilate to a collective conscious awareness.

It is charming to realize I started the Record Keeper to be a record of knowledge of my own experiences for those in the future, and the future came to me and stored in the same tool its own signature for our present moment. And where present and future meet is something I observe from the book, as I raise my own vibrations and match them to what I sense of my future tones. All that transpires will be revealed here in these blogs as a more “real time” record of my life.