A Lesson About Immortals


This blog constitutes the currents and processes of my consciousness as Amie. I share it with you out loud in cyber space to enter your precious eyes and settle into your being. Before I start at the beginning of how I arrived here I should first make you aware of how immortals think, or rather, exist. This will help you understand my writings better.

Immortals are Oneness oriented, that is to say, we exist in communion with all living things. It is our nature to see the whole and experience the whole as ourselves. We, of course, can move into singular perspectives, but our central state of being is in the All, in a collective conscious orientation. As such, we can identify as a single incarnation, yet also know ourselves beyond a lifetime’s present state to other experiences we have accumulated throughout our existence. We will also identify with other entities with whom we share our conscious as if they are our own lives. In some instances, they are, for we are not limited to one incarnation at a time and move freely, learn, and evolve in many states and dimensions. Therefore, in my writings, “I” can refer to any of these expressions of myself. “I” am more than Amie, more than this body and incarnation, but “I” experience Amie and you could say, I, the human, experiences Us. This is what occurs in a multidimensional life. We are very layered and we can know ourselves at each layer, as if each were a whole in themselves, for which we are. But, these whole identities in each layer of ourselves also form to create one conscious entity, that also moves through and with other states and forms of expressions.

It would be a mistake to only think of me as a human writing you, though, at times, you may receive very human viewpoints. “I” enjoy all states of my existence and it is here I share with you all I experience in this incarnation and how this incarnation experiences my place in We. Therefore, my writings should be perceived both singularly and in union with each other. One perspective may be shared in one blog and another perspective in a separate writing. By placing these together, you will begin to see the whole me. Each blog is a piece to the puzzle’s image of my existence.