Operating Systems or Dimensions of Consciousness


I spoke in the last blog briefly about operating systems, the two living frameworks that I have moved between in my experience in this incarnation. The first aligns with my immortal reality and the other with a more Earth bound definition of life. These systems in play are akin to living in different planes and dimensions of consciousness. Over the years I have moved steadily in and toward my more infinite identity, while only immersing in the human perspective as necessary or for indulgence. This incarnation thrives in a higher vibrational dimension and has been designed to need this as a minimum operating requirement. When I identify too long with a more human oriented experience of life, my cells feel they have been saturated in a murky, heavy energy that is not healthy for its maintenance.

Most recently (manifesting in this incarnation’s time since 2016 and activated in 2018), I have begun functioning in another dimension, or layer, of consciousness. This one interacts with space and time as my more infinite reality, or spirit, would, but still within the physical plane. It is a lighter, higher frequency and it is a plane of consciousness I will move in more consistently and dominantly in my remaining incarnation years.

Assisting me in this grounding process, are those who already interact within this higher vibrational dimension. I can tune into their frequency signature and expand it (them) within my being and then feel its (their) harmonic interaction within creation, specifically, its (their) oneness with Earth and our quadrant of the universe.

What is exciting for me, besides bonding new friendships, is that I experience this time as an evolution for my soul and not just my incarnation. My previous Earth incarnations, and some that are not, culminate and resonate into this one lifetime space reality to impact a new human consciousness experience both for me and for humanity as a whole. Biology is a very powerful current generator underused by today’s human operating system, but for which this incarnation has been purposed.

I return to my origins as a traveler once again. My present incarnation is experienced as if I have reached the conclusion of one journey, arrived at my destination, and been given an upgrade on my ticket to experience a whole new destiny and planes of existence that coincide and extend this trip on Earth. I am overjoyed to awaken my physical form more into a vibration and dimension that matches my spirit. I also am excited about documenting this trip for you.