Stages After Death

angel_wings animefury

Stage One: Right Before Or At The Moment of Death

If one is dying of old age or illness, there comes a point when our soul becomes more untethered with our body. We will have more out of body experiences, see others from the other side, possibly even the “angel” who facilitates our crossing. We might be aware of these moments or not. We might pass it off as dreaming, or an affect of the drugs, or illness. When I was with my mother in hospice, many of the residents souls were wandering around the hallways, coming into each other’s rooms. Most were unaware, in a seeming trance. One of these even walked in on me while I was taking a shower one night. Sweet old lady, like sleepwalking, she entered, hovered for a few minutes, attracted to the activity, and then eventually, turned and walked out, through the wall.

As the frail sink into continual unconsciousness because they no longer have the strength and energy to remain consciously functional, they will enter into a deep sleep. This process is a further disconnection of their soul with their body. There may be moments of confusion on their face, when they open their eyes. Part of this confusion is because of feeling this separation phase. New awarenesses are starting to occur they never experienced in their body before. They may begin to become more conscious of the other side and try to match it with what their physical eyes are telling them. This, though, they may not register anymore as a coherent thought. Again, this is because they are slipping away into the next dimension.

When one has been killed, or killed themselves, stage one will look very different. Depending on the nature of death, a few things can occur. If killed by a lethal object, be it a weapon or car, one may exit their body before the actual impact occurs. For others it will be a quick pain shock stress overload on the system that will cause them to go unconscious. The force of the object triggers a circuit breaker release in the consciousness that causes them to be sheltered by the majority of the pain that is inflicted upon the body. The severity of the injury on the body then creates whether or not their consciousness can be resuscitated with their body.

When one has given up on the world and has died either because of deep grief or a facilitated injection passing, they may not even notice their death. In the former circumstance, they will become so disassociated with their own lives, that this zombie like state on Earth will transition them past their death. In the latter, it will feel like going to sleep.

Stage Two: The Moment After Death Leading to the Funeral

The moment after death, when one is no longer tethered to their body, two main events occur, simultaneously or near simultaneously. The first, a warm, inviting, supportive, loving, nurturing atmosphere will be felt. It is obvious a person will feel displaced and this soothing environment helps in the transition phase. This environmental sensation never dissipates; it is the continual state of the other side. Whether or not you will feel it, at first, depends on the nature of how you crossed over. For instance, a grief stricken soul, is really only aware of his/her grief, initially.

The second thing that will occur is a person will be greeted by what humans call the Death Angel. Now, this “angel” is not like we picture him at all. In all the deaths I have ever assisted, including the most recents ones, and even the memories I have of my own death of past lives, the Death Angel has always looked the same. This is what he looks like: The Being stands approximately seven feet tall. He appears male and snow white. He has a square jaw line, strong bone structure, and silver pupil eyes. He is broad shouldered and wears a white garment that defines his body. I wouldn’t call it a robe or gown like we particularly think of as angels, but instead, it is a crystalline structure, that gives the sensation of solidity and light. Like it is more what his body is made of than what he is wearing. His hair color matches the rest of him, with shoulder length, wavy, silvery white strands. His presence commands authority and gentleness. His voice is a deep baritone. He feels like a Guardian, a Guide, and the Commander In Charge. He is aware of the timing of everything. He is the one to assist you while you are still within this plane of the Earth dimension and guides you to the other side when it is time, usually after the funeral.

There may be more than one Death Angel present, depending on the nature of the individual when he/she crossed, or if more than one individual passed in an event. For instance, in the former, if a person has been abusive and/or is convinced they are going straight to hell, he/she may try to fight the angel or even harass the living when they have the chance. The extra presence tends to subdue the person, psychologically, and adds that extra structure needed to direct the situation. For instance, my brother-in-law, before he killed himself had threatened to end my life and my sister. When I stayed with her those first few nights, he showed up still threatening me. I wasn’t afraid. I knew all he could do was spit words, and this angered him further that he had no real power to hurt me. He had two Death Angels with him. They restricted his contact and when he became abusive they removed him.

The time after death and leading to the funeral is a short space of time experienced by the deceased. He exists on a plane that is still on the Earth plane, but not usually visible by the living, and does not obey the same time laws. The Death Angel accompanies the person, never leaving his side, facilitating this entire crossing over process. I have always noticed the Death Angel stands to the right side of the individual.

This segment of time is the opportunity for the deceased to gain some closure. He is able to witness the caring of his body, to say good-bye to his loved ones, and attend part of the funeral. The Death Angel answers most questions that might be asked, some are best referred to others who will assist once on the other side. Disorientation is natural. The person is grieving, dazed he is no longer alive in his body, grappling with what is going to happen next, sad for not being able to comfort his loved ones, and even confused that his present events don’t match what he once was taught. The Death Angel assists, cares, and guides the deceased through this and also transports him across when it is time to go.

Most have not adapted yet to notice the signals of departure or know how to reach his destination. For those who are aware and more able to release their human identity and orient themselves easily to this stage, this scene may process differently. My hope is that this blog can facilitate an easier crossing and this stage holds less turmoil, that this might equip one to orient faster.

Stage Three: After the Funeral, Before the Life Review

In Earth time, there is a two week period between the Funeral and the person’s Life Review. Several things occur in this stage as assistance to help the deceased to adapt better to his reality.

The first thing that will happen is that the deceased will cross to a holding, or designated area, as it were, on the other side that is away from the main community. They are not in heaven or hell. God, or the attributes of Him, are felt, though He is not seen. The line before the Gates of Peter is an analogy that is used to refer to this space. Again, the atmosphere and energy is very supporting, warm, nurturing, and encouraging. The Death Angel is sometimes with the individual, looks in on him, and he can be called upon, when he is not. That familiar in-control, reassuring strength is very stabilizing. This partitioned area offers the individual a personal private space, that extends upon open grounds, to walk around and engage with their surroundings. Just as the individual was given space to say good-bye to his known reality, this area gives him space to adapt to his larger reality. He may interact with others newly deceased, it depends. Most are too busy digesting their situation to engage in conversation, at first.

Next, he may be greeted by a select few chosen, two to five, who have crossed before him. It depends on his state of mind, as this is a very sensitive period. It might only be the Death Angel, and the Death Angel counsels and supports him through this entire interval. Otherwise, those selected will be those who give the more direct encouragement and help, and the Death Angel will be available for more assistance. Some may be not the particular relatives the deceased was looking forward to meeting, due to the delicacy of the arrival period. This is better suited until after the Life Review. Some of those selected to greet the deceased, they may never have crossed paths on Earth. For example, my mother had the opportunity (and she seized it) to greet my friends’ son. This was allowed for three reasons. One, he felt bad for his mother’s deep grief and my mother could help a little with that. Also, because we never met while he was alive, she was a connection there to assure him my promise to share his messages and learn of me. The third reason is because she recently passed herself, five months previously, and she could encourage him by sharing her experiences, and this would also facilitate helping her to release more attachment, or close that chapter, to her Earth identity. These helpers are not there to bombard the deceased, but to be available for support and questions.

Third, this is one of the main times the deceased can return to Earth to check in with his/her loved ones, enter their dreams, send messages, or try to contact someone who can facilitate this process, and ask them questions regarding their afterlife experiences. For most, they are still very tied to their Earth identity and this acts as another stage of equalizing. I have known the Death Angel to be present with the individual, and other times, within observance reach from the other side, ready to assist in the individual’s return when it is time.

Finally, sometimes, time, meeting others, and trips back to Earth may not be enough to help one adjust to their surroundings. For some, extra support is required, especially for the grief stricken or belligerent. When this is the case, the deceased will visit a healing chamber. The healing chamber rejuvenates the soul. It gently alleviates the emotional pain and stress from the individual. He begins to feel better, think clearly, and see his situation from a calmer oriented state. The session is as comforting and refreshing as a nice long hot shower. When the individual steps out of the chamber, he is more at ease, for a short time. As he continues to adjust without the aid, he then decides whether he will allow old thoughts, emotions, and behaviors overwhelm him again. If he chooses to invite that back in, the therapy fades, thereby requiring more of them. These visits may continue for some time after his/her Life Review, depending on when the individual decides to let go of the past, forgive his or her self and others, and finally move on.

Stage Four: The Life Review

Eventually, as the deceased has acclimated to his new surroundings better: i.e., expanding the definition of his identity, living in a different place, adjusting to how time exists now, the release of human pressure and propaganda, fears and concerns, absorbing instead the continual support and mental/emotional/spiritual nourishment, meeting old and new friends, he will be called upon for his Life Review.

The Life Review is a very significant pivotal moment in the life of the deceased. Humans liken this moment to Judgment Day. The time when one will either be allowed into heaven or sent to hell. But this is far from what actually happens. In fact, there is no judgment at all, except for what one places upon his self.

It is normal to be a little nervous, human knowledge is all one really knows what to expect, though encouragement of the place, and others, tell you a different story. The name makes you wonder what they will show. There might be events and conversations you’d rather not rehash or for anyone else to see. The apprehension is understandable, but not necessary. Everyone who leaves feels more uplifted than when going in. The Life Review is a very sacred moment and so I never ask those who have experienced it to share any details, and many no longer need me after this meeting. Therefore to explain this stage I will share with you my own memory of what it was like.

It was my turn for my Life Review. After this, I would join the populace and not return to my comfortable room I had become accustomed. A new place and the rest of my friends and family were waiting to greet me. I walk to a meeting hall that has a huge tall silver door with a long cylindrical silver handle. I open the door and on the right hand side is a long oval table with five Beings sitting behind it with the Death Angel as the sixth on the end closest to the door. He was mostly there for friendly support, to make me feel comfortable, though he did add some comments. The rest of the room is devoid of furnishings. The wall and floor are of the same silvery-white color. I walk to the center of the room and face them.

The five introduce themselves, smiling and with kindness, as simply those who are to guide me through reviewing my human life. They iterate they are not there to judge me or decide on a final fate. They are there to help me through the process of examining my human lifetime to better understand how I inspired others, evolved, and the possibilities afforded me. Once I understood and felt safe, they continued.

The wall to my left and behind me blinked on as if it was a digital monitor. They first took me through the happy memories. Asked me what I liked about them, what they observed. It felt good to relive them again, remembering the laughing parties, the feel of jumping into the swimming hole on a Summer’s day. You think you are educating these nonhumans to how it felt to be human in that moment, when in actuality, you are educating yourself how all that joy, fun, love, and good spiritedness is still with you. None of that is lost.

After exploring all those happy memories from childhood through adulthood, they move on to moments of inspiration. The times when my courage, my determination, my self confidence, inspired others, which then made a difference in the lives that surrounded them. Humans don’t always feel like they are useful or contribute much to the world, though they strive to. Some of these inspirational moments I knew about, and some I had no clue, nor knew how it rippled to others. How some of those inspirations continue to ripple in lives even now. I begin to realize how important and worthy I actually am. This impact makes me rethink how I judge myself now as well as then. These are all layers of learning to let go, to get to know who you really are, and realize not all that you accepted about yourself as a human was accurate.

After each in depth exploration, the panel asks me questions, as well as, do I feel comfortable about continuing? If I need a moment, they give it, though they never adjourn the meeting. They may take that time to share their own observances or make further comments that lighten the process and make me smile.

The next review section are about some of the unhappy moments I experienced. At first it is about when I was betrayed and victimized, and then later when I victimized someone else. This part is not always the easiest, because it is usually what haunts you throughout your humanity, and why you still hold grudges against others or yourself. To know others are watching what is happening to me and what I am doing to others is not comfortable. They are a little more serious about this part, not to judge me, but because of the nature of the material. They ask me how I felt in those moments? What was going through my mind? How long did that thought and emotion influence my actions in the years to come? Did I ever feel free or think I could heal from this moment? At this point I flash to the happy and inspirational moments of before when I felt worthy and truly free, and match them with these heavier moments that caused me to fear and mistrust the world and my self. One part of my life I was truly free with my identity and one part, I closed off my identity entirely. Which behavior was the prevailing factor of my human life?

As that is mulling over in my conscious, they switch to the final section of the review: to examine what I misunderstood and the potential that could have been gained from realizing the opportunity. I relooked at the screen as some of the unhappy moments returned. They educated me on both the bullies and victims in my life and why they crossed paths with me the way they did. In every case it was the chance to heal and be healed, not to hurt or be hurt. I misunderstood what suffering was, the cry of one who has forgotten themselves and desperately looking to regain their freedom, their sense of identity again without the pain. I experienced this exquisite internal pain of my bully so perfectly that I personalized it, felt it as my own torment and in return projected it in some fashion on others. They felt the same pain and personalized it, scarred with the experience. This suffering seems to be an endless loop on Earth, but it doesn’t have to be. If I don’t forget who I am, I can heal those who have forgotten themselves, and allow myself to be healed when others give me the opportunity to take what pain I did absorb, and choose a healthy way of releasing it.

You must understand that at this point I am already starting to realize there is more to me than how I identified as a human, so to see my experiences from a more observable perspective, allows me to slowly reorient to my truer identity. How could I judge myself or anyone for losing their self? They need to regain their sanity, not be punished for not having it.

I am shown other moments. These were times when I felt an instinct to do or say something and I ignored that thought and push, or I might have gone with it. How did that feel? What actually transpired? I watched the screen, in the moments the instinct came, I was shown how God was using me to fulfill a greater deed in the world. When I followed that inspiration, great good came about which inspired and changed many lives. When I ignored my intuition, I missed an opportunity to heal, evolve, and inspire the person or place I was meant to influence, not to mention myself. I remarked on the sensation inspiration created inside of me and how it felt when I acted on it or not. I watched those affected by that divine moment and when I hampered that divine moment. The panel corrected me and said it wasn’t that I hampered it. They showed me visually how I had opportunity later in another circumstance to achieve it again, or that it was then offered to another person to create the same progress. I realized in the moments I was more closed off to the world, I didn’t listen to my intuition. When I felt freer, I was more likely to trust and act upon that inner guidance.

When the wall resumed to its blank white expression, I turned to the panel. They asked me how I felt about all that I had witnessed? They gave me the opportunity to process as long as I needed. I realized that my life was filled with happier moments than I remembered as a human, that I inspired more people than I knew, that the moments that scared, angered, and haunted me were all moments to view from a larger reality and self. If I hadn’t lost that inner knowledge, I could have responded differently.

“But now that you know,” one on the panel asked, “is there any reason now to cling to that construction?”

Enlightenment hits, that uplifted moment I talked about earlier. I comprehended and felt the exchange of how I added the human persona to my identity. I added human thoughts, behaviors to me. I wasn’t them. On Earth, I convinced myself that who I was and the world was, was this smaller existence. But now I lived where the world is greater than that reality. It is supportive and kind, loving, and nonjudgmental. I am a greater existence. Was it necessary to continue insisting these things shape my identity? No. I can love my human lifetime for what it gave me, how it evolved me, and let the rest go.

At that shift, the review is over. I am now ready to rejoin the populace and my particular group was gathered outside of the hall, anticipating to greet me and help me settle into my new life.

Stage Five: After the Life Review and the First Year

At this point, the deceased, who no longer sees his self that way, and the Death Angel have parted ways. He is no longer needed.

This stage is time framed around the first year, because the first year is still a transformative time. Now the individual sees Earth and his loved ones differently. He sees himself and reality differently. He wants to drink in everything around him, educate himself on what other things he had forgotten and can re-enjoy? The individual has the opportunity to visit from time to time back on Earth, although this is now more limited, so as not to digress from his reorientation. Sometimes, this may merely be a contact to the person’s soul when they are sleeping to see if they will consent to meeting, and that consent transports them to an in-between place to meet, rather than truly being on Earth. Most, at this point, wish to tell their friends and family the wonders they are experiencing, to thank them for their part in their lives, and to share and encourage them from all they have learned. When some have visited me, they are glowing in gold energy with awed delight on their face. Others look hopeful, appreciative, and actively adapting to a new way of looking at the world and his self.

Some, as I have said before, still need time in the healing chamber, or even more penetrative therapies to help reconstruct an individual’s identity when he has lost too much of his self. The latter member, will remain separated from the general population until he is well again.

Those who have contacted me before the Life Review, do not usually need me afterwards. And those I have met afterwards are mostly ones I didn’t see before the Life Review. It all makes more sense to each soul as time moves forward. Every new event helps the past to be understood that bit more and allows it to be archived away. He or she knows his loved ones are taken care of, that his “sins” have been wiped clean, and so the rest is to just fully live. The first year is to allow that process to keep unfolding.

He will interact with the main community, but mostly engages them with his group, for a while. Also in the first year, that initial supportive nature he first felt when he crossed over transforms to companionship and communion, first with his group, and then with the population, as a whole. This union increases the more he gives permission to be fully present with his reality.

Stage Six: After the First Year And Beyond

The soul continues to evolve and grow. He will attend classes that teach him more about reality, relationships, creation, and consciousness. But this is not like any class he experienced on Earth. Imagine opening a book and the image on it is something you can pop into. You walk along side the hero on the cliff as they are battling against their foe. You feel the wind on your face, the heat of the fires, hear the screams, and smell the sweat of your hero. You cannot be hurt, but you move alongside your hero, learning why you were brought here. When the lesson of the story is finished, you find yourself back in your chair. You are exhausted, spent all your energy, but feel exhilarated and transformed. It is like experiencing a lifetime without actually incarnating.

This kind of study continues. Eventually, more stories can be consumed, strengthening the identity and energetic vibration of the individual. This evolves to actual traveling the Universe or apprenticing as a Guide to others.

At some point, other loved ones will arrive and he will greet them, before or after the Life Review. Some of his group and friends, might leave and incarnate again, on Earth or elsewhere. There are fond farewells, knowing it will all bring them together again here.

And finally, it will be his turn again. He will be reminded of his last incarnation, which by now seems so long ago, so much has transpired since then. He will sense where he was then and how he is now. All these details will factor into the design for his return.

What about ghosts?

The burning question is what about all the ghosts and trapped souls captured on tape who hang around on Earth?

First, and this must be really comprehended, not every disembodied voice authentically captured, or thought of as a ghost, is the soul of a deceased human. Sometimes they are an angel, alien, guide, or some other Interdimensional Being.

Second, when this is not the case, sometimes these places where a human lifetime is recorded, the deceased human is not actually present, but rather a residual energy of a particular traumatic event in his lifetime embeds into the energetic vibration of the area and loops.

At other times, the living create hot spots that attract a deceased to them. For instance, in medium sessions or cemetery visits. Continually reaching for the deceased can create a portal that alerts them and draws their presence to a plane where you are to interact. It is healthier and respectful for you and for them, though, to let them go, when they request it.

In actual intelligent haunts, sometimes those who have crossed over find it difficult to move on, to leave their past and loved ones behind. With those I have interacted with, they don’t mean any harm or even feel stuck on Earth. They are present because they want to try and figure out how to help. They cannot move on until they know their loved one is going to be all right. This means after the Life Review they hold themselves in a perpetual energetic loop, not evolving, until they feel their human life has more resolution. As a result, Stage Five gets extended.

For some, they may become too familiar with Earth’s surroundings again and can digress too much to old thoughts and patterns. When this occurs, other procedures are in place to help release them of this burden. Reconstruction and rejuvenation therapies among other methods are enacted.