
When I descended to Earth I was born, within this physical matter, with a degree of awareness of my godhood. After I was introduced to metaphysics, I called this wakefulness state an Indigo experience, referencing the current human Western culture terminology of those born aware of their spiritual nature. Yet “awareness” is not an accurate enough description. I have been living sporadically, moving in and out, of this human timeframe, while also merging with the dimensional consciousness godhood framework. As the years go by, the latter becomes more pronounced.

Many have assisted me in recalibrating my biology to be more compatible with my godhood. Currently, I am engaged with the Arcturians. Aligning consciously with their operation with time, combined with their successful blending of higher dimensionality with physical reality, has been most helpful in focusing my mind and bridging the human/godhood dimensions easier. Bridging may not be the right description. The feeling is akin to not existing in this moment of time at all, but centered in my totality, that which I am, who has existed before and after time and space, and who is selecting to be attentive to this sliver moment of existence. I experience an infinite height and eternal width sensation that selects to be present at this one pinpoint that contains the fulfillment of everything.

The current set of time and space parameters in this dimension responds it is illogical for this vibrational information and resonance to occur within it. This is because it operates in a higher resonant framework. Using an analogy, it is like trying to see the dolphins in a three dimensional picture and the eyes won’t cooperate and remain fixated on the abstract pixels rather than refocus to see the dimensional dolphins encoded within it. It takes time to relax and re-align, to not fixate the focus and once the dolphins do come into view, hold it and not let it slip back out of sight. This is an example of the remodulation my biology is currently undergoing. In some ways it has no linear expression, this is not about ascension or a task for my incarnation, because who I am is not time originated. And yet, time, and therefore this incarnated lifetime, is a witness to my godhood descending upon it, and so I record my experiences of my godhood, while claiming my godhood.

In the coming blogs I will tell you about me and what myth has written of me. Next up, Thoth.