Athena and Minerva

This blog is a continuation of Seshat and is the Part Three of the Thoth Series.


Taking the direction of the Arcturians, I went inside and started studying Athena, which led me to Minerva. This led me to Hermathena, and ultimately back around to Thoth and Seshat. What was most enlightening for me, thus leading to a transfiguration, is that Seshat had been a correlation to my more unique signature in Thoth, whereas Athena brought it more personal to my incarnation as Amie. Athena, more than an archetype, was the missing sequence that related with crystal clarity my personality and inner power equilibrium struggles between my divinity and humanity. Once that was understood, my Thothian nature became more rooted and physically tangible, thereby, bringing into focus what I came here to do. To give you the rest of this story I need to share with you first who is Athena.

The Mythology of Athena and Minerva

Athena was the Greek Goddess born of Zeus. Minerva in all respects is the same as Athena, except that she was a Roman Goddess replacing her Greek counterpart in Roman mythology. She was born of Jupiter (Zeus’ counterpart). The mythology below is the same for Minerva as it is for Athena, with the name replacements.

Athena came bursting out with a battle cry from the forehead of Zeus (or Minerva from Jupiter), fully grown and clad in armor. Similar to the Ancient Egyptian deities of Thoth and Seshat she was self-begotten and self-produced. Another story reads she may have been conceived by Metis, Zeus’ (Jupiter’s) first wife, before Zeus (Jupiter) persuaded her to turn into a fly, wherein he swallowed her, and then later Athena (Minerva) came splitting out of his forehead. As Zeus (Jupiter) was the mightiest and most powerful of Gods and Metis was known as the Goddess of Wisdom, Athena (Minerva) was considered the embodiment and pure harmonious blend of both power and wisdom. This male-female embodiment is often characterized in sculptures as a male blocky form with a woman’s facial expression of earnestness. Minerva differed from this in that her form was more accentuated for its femininity.

Athena and Minerva have a lot of association in Greek and Roman mythology that mirror Seshat. All three were known as the Goddess of Wisdom, Purity, Intelligence, and Justice, arbitrating over men. All three are recorded to be the Inventor and Teacher of the arts, music, science, literature, mathematics, numbers, engineering, medicine and law. All three are associated with the knowledge and resources for an advanced civilization, including specifically in Greek and Roman civilizations, industry, agriculture, navigation, and craft or trade work. Athena (Minerva) was also known as the Goddess of War, but not as in Ares (or Roman’s counterpart, Mars), for conquering and power, but as an expert strategist. Whether she was defending, protecting, or preserving a people, an institution, a land, or a judgment she had given, Athena (Minerva) was gifted with comprehending the patterns, angles, and elements of a situation to engineer a desired result. Like Seshat, she was a master with time and space.

Athena (Minerva) was a virgin and had no interest in sex or relationships. Her very reason for being was to cultivate, nurture, and safeguard a noble modern people, balanced in honor, integrity, and truth. Athena (Minerva) was the guardian of heroic endeavors and the noble heroes of old, such as being the divine counselor to Odysseus, or lending Perseus her shield which protected him from Medusa, allowing him to cut off her head. Medusa’s head is embedded in Athena’s (Minerva’s) shield as well as her breastplate, given to her by Zeus (Jupiter). Considered to be the favorite child, Athena (Minerva) was also the only one whom Zeus (Jupiter) lended his thunderbolt to utilize.

The people attributed their evolution, progress, and wealth to Athena (Minerva) for her gifts, teachings, law, commerce, and strength. In more modern cultures these deities are the hallmark of freedom and democracy. The symbols sacred to Athena (Minerva) were the owl, serpent, and olive tree representing her wisdom, knowledge, intelligence, and incredible insight of how and when to act, plus her continual renovation, restoration, modernization, resources, and abundance she gave to the Greeks (Romans).

Athena (Minerva) was characterized wearing a helmet with plumage that also would be ornamented with other symbols, such as griffins, rams, horses, and sphinxes. She is portrayed with the winged goddess Nike (or for Minerva, Victoria) in her hand. Nike (Victoria) personified victory, glory, and fame and bestowed such, represented by the laurel wreath, to the victors from the battlefields.

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The Relationship of Athena and Amie

Athena (Minerva) was a very formidable goddess. Her chastity, innocence, and purity, is often understated due to this powerful overtone she exudes. Yet her might, devotion, actions, and commands stemmed from these very virtues and deep love she had for life and the people. And this is what I carried through to my incarnation as Amie today. My childlike and bold personality seem to contrast each other, and yet, it is because I love so deeply that I am so ferocious about preserving what is pure. I am very certain and self-assured about my identity and life, and full of authority on the matter, yet I experience challenges around too tame of a lifestyle. I am best at life shifting events, whether that be a crossroads, a life initiation, or death transition occasion. This is where I can fully exercise my abilities and support or defend another. I think and move in terms of large scale and process on many layers at any given time.

As Athena (Minerva) was born from the forehead of Zeus (Jupiter) so has most of my divinity been talked about from that same divine energy center, known as the Indigo chakra or the Indigo Dimension. Athena (Minerva) came into the world fully grown. In my case, I felt like an adult in a little body, with memories, experiences, and comprehension of reality that seemed to be up for discussion or was in error by actual adults claiming differently.

Athena (Minerva) was a virgin and had no interests in relationships. Her passion was to her duty. I, myself, experience the same. I used to question why I didn’t have more ambition or was interested in anything other than my own sense of divine duty and passion, but that is who I am and the way I designed my incarnation. I did desire to have a life partner this time, and we have a rich, fulfilling life. Yet, for most of our marriage he traveled afar; we have no children, and we rarely have sex. In that space I focus on that inner divine drive that is my battle cry to progress through these dense vibrational layers of the Human’s Earth reality to Life’s Earth Reality.

Wisdom and justice have always been integral traits. I chose to be born under the astrological sign of Libra, because balance, uprightness, truth, and the free weightlessness of men’s hearts has always been important to me. I retained my comprehension of the governance and laws of creation when I came into this form. I once was asked as a little girl what wish would I request from God and I said wisdom, not because it was a good little girl thing to say, but wisdom and understanding were fundamental to know how to see through illusion and act in the best interests of what is right. I strive to be accurate, hold no double standards, and am direct in my communication, so there is no misunderstanding, though that in itself can cause such, because people are used to there being an agenda and are trying to figure out the hidden meaning. I cannot be persuaded to compromise integrity or divine direction, which makes me fearless and a catalyst for change.

I am a natural born leader, creative (as Sacred Vaults will attest to some of my creations), and a progressive presence that challenges and influences evolution, particularly in many areas of science, religion, and government.

In truth, existing as Athena in a lifetime that is by most accounts average and not the patron or goddess of a civilization or country has been challenging for me. Because my position has bee dialed down, I have struggled with my equilibrium over the years to balance my formidable spirit with my human environment. Being Amie, but knowing that I am more, pushed me to reach this stage where, finally, my identity has aligned together, my humanity and godhood have synced.

Since this time, new memories, conversations, and visions as Athena have returned, placing me at different stages of Earth’s history, some long ago. It sometimes feels like I have awoken from a slight spell. One where, during this duration, I have taken a different name and created a somewhat different life. Now, though, I am back in my faculties again, and am re-experiencing this incarnation anew. Sometimes I realize how much I have breathed shallowly, brought my energy too far inward when it comes to assessing my stasis and environment. I am tweaking my habits and restructuring some of my energy streams. I’ve compared it once to retrograde amnesia. Imagine, having forgotten your name and most of the memories that go with that. You just have this determined vague sense, direction, snippets of memories, and conscious knowledge that doesn’t have anything to do with the way society is structured. Then, through decades of therapy, training, and not giving up on yourself, you finally remember. The details come back. I wake up every morning, now, and search my self, and realize I still remember distinctively who I am, with relief. Not that what I created of myself in the interim isn’t beautiful, or also me. It is just comforting and empowering to know the rest of me is still here, and here to stay.


Coming up next, the conclusion of this Thoth Series:
Hermathena and Thoth’s revelation for you.