
The Mythology of Thoth

When one hears the name Thoth, they automatically think back to the Ancient Egypt deity. Thoth is ascribed as the one who invented language, writing, numbers, mathematics, art, all areas of science, philosophy, magic, and taught them to humanity. He is considered the Author of Every Work on Every Branch of Knowledge, Both Human and Divine.

Thoth is known as the Architect of the Universe. The Measurer and Recorder of Space, Time, and Reality. The one who establishes and directs the motions of every celestial object. The one who planned Earth. Who is the Voice and Chief Creator of Ra.

Thoth is also the God of Wisdom and Justice. The Master of Balance and Equilibrium. The One Who Arbitrates in the Matters of Humans and Gods, Those Alive and Dead, as The Authority of Physical and Divine Law.

The ancient Egyptians regarded Thoth as self-begotten or self-produced and without whose words the gods would not exist. His power was almost unlimited and rivaled that of Ra and Osiris.

In other mythologies, Thoth is equated to the deity Hermes, for the Greeks, or Mercury, for the Romans, and has relations around the globe to other gods, and even aliens.

What is important about all this information is that Thoth is articulated as to what he did for the people of Earth, and their context of life and reality. He was personified as the one in charge of all the matters stated above. Who he was beyond that, what was Thoth’s life and personality really like, how did he evolve, on what scale did reality look like to him, is an enigma.

First, it would require thinking of life beyond a three dimensional formula. Time, space, and reality are all up for rearranging, to be experienced in different formats and quantifications, all unique, and all harmoniously lived as a whole. Thoth creates as he exists. It would be a misstep to regulate Thoth to Earth’s past or Earth itself. He is not a fossilized deity nor a far away watcher.

The Discovery of Thoth

To discuss Thoth and my relation with him, I must take you back to the beginning of my introduction to him. I don’t mean when I learned about Thoth in school, but when I awoke to knowing myself as Thoth. Thoth is the key, the name, that synchronized all my divine memories, conscious experiences, and abilities into one cohesive and personal whole. Thoth is the source of my origins and who I am. But before we get to the timeless perspective, let’s start with this linear one.

This story starts the summer after I graduated high school when I met my Thothian brother, Matt, at a church summer camp in Minnesota, 1990. At that time neither one of us had claimed our Thothian nature, but there was no denying that we were both having supernatural experiences that we kept close to the cuff, accepting or rejecting them. I met Matt during the same time period as I met my future husband, John. Among all that I met in those three weeks of June, they two were among three that I felt the strongest, what the Chinese would call a “Red Thread” connection. (The Red Thread of Fate is an invisible thread that connects those who are destined to meet, regardless of time, place, or circumstance. The thread may stretch or tangle, but it will never break.) With Matt, I really enjoyed having long deep conversations with him. I liked his humor, how he thought and spoke. I looked forward to every opportunity I could speak with him, or listen in the vicinity of others probing his mind. After that session we did not communicate again for another twenty-six years.

I contacted Matt again in 2016 after I learned he had recently published his second autobiographical book,
Letting It Be, a continuation of his Bridge Builder Series, and Volume One: A Skeptic In A Psychic Life. I was excited to learn Matt was a fellow metaphysician and I desired to engage him once again in deep conversations. This time exploring the depths of our metaphysical experiences, which I secretly hoped his would be as deep as my own. (Boy, was that going to be understated.) To catch up with his life, I dove into Matt’s books.

A Skeptic In A Psychic Life is about Matt’s childhood and adult years leading to his forties. It is a detailed exploration of his psychic experiences and how that played out over the years in his anything goes adolescence to a very structured fundamental ideal Christian (where we met) late teens early twenties reign, to his Atheist fuck-it-all, does-anyone-really-know-anything, life-is-what-is-right-in-front-of-you years, to the experimentation with psychedelic drugs and ramping up and exploding his psychic experiences, to a scientific mental health direction where he became a licensed Clinical Social Worker. It is a book full of stories about growing up having awarenesses, but rejecting them, but can’t deny that he has them. Matt is real candid talking about his highest highs and his lowest lows. He talks about his relationship to his wife, who he also met during the fundamental Christian years, and who is, herself, extremely psychic.

The format of Matt’s books I really loved. At the end of each chapter he presents a list of movies and or music tracks that correlate with his latest section of his story. You get to know him on a whole deeper layer by taking the time to listen and watch the media he recommends. This format extends to the second book,
Letting It Be, where Matt decides to flow and not hold back the visions and knowledge that is pouring into his conscious. Energetically, this made it easier for me to absorb, because what he was relating made my own vibrations hum and sing. It was as if he were speaking the very memories and thoughts of my own conscious. This elevated me in a way I did not expect. The permission that Matt gives himself to go as deep and as wide down the rabbit hole that life wanted to take him, is a tribute to his character, of all or nothing.

By the end of his book Matt reveals himself as Thoth, Hermes, Mercury. He details what that means and who he and his group, Seven, are, who is one of many that comprise the collective conscious of Thoth. He describes, among other insights, how the universe is structured, the concept of reality, advanced high vibratory civilizations, and his past and future incarnations on Earth.

A year before I contacted Matt, I was reaching a conscious revolution of my own. My spiritual experiences could go no further in the current and old paradigm’s that I had defined them by. New information, ideas, visions, concepts were emerging that I didn’t know what to do with, other than secretly treasure them. I had no classification or name to relate how I was evolving. I engaged these visions, while waiting for them to reveal what it all meant.

When I finished reading Matt’s first book, I still thought of our friendship and communication purely from a metaphysical exchange. There were some uncanny moments he spoke of that correlated with my own upbringing, but nothing more phenomenal than other psychic’s might have.

Four days before I was to leave on a trip I was forced to bedrest due to major lower back spasming and cramping. This enforced stillness I was informed by my spirit council was because no other activity was more important at that moment than to read
Letting It Be. All the answers I was looking for and the explanation of what I had been experiencing would be understood from within those pages.

They said, ‘the reveal is toward the back of the book, but start at the very beginning...” I read with great attention, while shifting uncomfortably on the bed with heat and ice packs on my back. My energy increased in timber as Matt spoke of his own visions and thoughts that mirrored my own. I had not met anybody who matched so explicitly the secrets of my inner life.

“Okay, you are getting closer...” They said on day two.

“This is the chapter...” They announced on day three.

“This is the page...”

“This is the paragraph.”

And then Matt wrote,
“The bridge between you and Thoth is in need of an update, a task M7’s Matt incarnation has qualified itself to perform at this time. We are going to break some things down for you.”

There was a quiet anticipation going on, on the other side, waiting on bated breath for my reaction. As I continued to read, they were celebrating; confetti was released. All was revealed and message delivered if Amie could accept what she was given. Honestly, part of me was just in energetic shock. It was like a euphoria numbing sensation that had a delayed reaction. I was registering the incredible heartfelt news but couldn’t quite process the magnitude of its implications. I forestalled any reaction until I finished the rest of Matt’s book.

There was no speech left from me, or Matt, as I turned the back cover over and laid the book on my end table. I looked out the window and felt my resonation with creation, as I had always done before. This time, though, a tone came forward resounding throughout us that was Thoth. It was like experiencing a subatomic algorithm or frequency wave within our signatures that had always been there, but never before been so pronounced. It was like shaking hands with God and noticing that I had his eyes. Life became ever more real and up close and personal after that.

What it is to be Thothian

This discovery led me deeper into my consciousness, of not just being one of many that make up the collective consciousness of Thoth, but of having first person perspective as Thoth. I can travel through the consciousness circuits to the forms of Matt and Amie, know why I became them, and yet they are not a separate identity of me. The human level of consciousness is primitive so when I look upon them, from the vantage of Thoth, they are seen as extensions of me, without a separateness that they may see themselves.

As Amie, I don’t always sync up so perfectly as that, but it comes at heightened moments. Thoth can be understood as a collective conscious being. Those who are of Thoth are unique beings themselves, who are of their own groups or clans, but also join as one entity that is Thoth. This is why I can live as my incarnation, Amie, know my god self as Thothian, and have first person memory of being the Creator Thoth. Matt, or M7, is from the group Seven who evolved as a high vibratory species and unified with Thoth. I am not specifically from Seven, but we do share similar harmonies, and identities as Thoth.

Thothians are very sensitive, deeply loving, highly authoritative and direct beings. We see life in a “just is” way, are all or nothing in our personality, and enjoy an innocent, playful interaction with creation and others. As humans we are often catalysts for change. Due to our collective conscious nature, we are simultaneous joined with other Thothians and can extend to see through their eyes, of their lives, and know them as our own experiences. We can also have more than one incarnation of ourselves, on more than one planet, and move awareness to each of them. Comprehending this in any of these incarnations depends on our optimal ability to engage with our higher consciousness. Time is not a factor for us, so past or future, even other fractals of time, and timelessness we experience. We move on grander scales and see each lifetime as an involvement of the whole. Therefore, what we are accomplishing in any single incarnation is only one aspect to the whole that we are creating.

We each have our strengths that we exercise on Earth. M7 works with the mind, bridging the gaps of higher and lower vibratory consciousness, for both low vibers and high vibers to better interact on this planet. I work with the electromagnetic frequencies and vibrational signatures of creation, specifically, this planet and human biology, to better support higher consciousness and the evolution of this dimension of reality. M7 and I, I have found over the ages, have often worked on the same project, but we come at it from different operative functions. To learn more about his work, I highly recommend reading his books and heading to his website
MattSeven to catch up with his archives, read his blogs, enjoy his sense of humor on his Nonsense page, and learn more about who he is and what he’s doing.

Thoth while the Creator of this Universe, among others, is only one of many Gods. Man thinks of the Creator of this universe as the Creator of all creation, and all there is. All There Is in man’s eye is all he can fathom from this creation, and so this is true, the Creator God is the Supreme Intelligence of all man knows as life. Yet, beyond this, others have created other universes and imaginings far to incomprehensible for human translation. Thoth evolves, just as these other Gods do and live within a much larger scale of life and interaction with All That Is, which is likened to a primordial presence. This macro existence has a complete framework blueprint built-in to each of its micro-expressive self. Or in other words, the fingerprint and signature of God resides in all he creates. Man has found several mathematical, geometrical, tonal codes of this. But these are not just something that can be observed, but in higher conscious states identified with to recognize the being to whom it refers.

In Conclusion and What’s Next

In conclusion, the realization of being Thothian came to me two years ago in 2016. It takes a strong minded individual to be able to deal with facets of consciousness in a three dimensional space. On some levels I operate as a Thothian and talk from that perspective. On other levels, my attention and awareness is with this lifetime specifically, as Amie, and so I relate my development and evolution with my God nature. To be and becoming, is a strange relation. It depends, of course, on which perspective I observe it.

Time in some ways is trivial. This dimensional experience of time is so slow for a Thothian that what is an instant evolution in the macro existence occurs in a time lapse frame by frame second in this micro one. So in this incarnation I experience each frictional and euphoric metamorphosis, every degree and wave resonance that makes up her ultimate potential, Me or more aptly We. I AM aware of each reality of my existence.

Not too soon after expanding in my Thothian nature did I discover an even finer signature tone within my vibration. In research, I learned man had also recorded this part of me as a distinct deity in Earth’s history. Her name is
Seshat. Her story and her relation to Thoth is coming up next.