
This blog is the succession to Athena and Minerva and is the Concluding Entry of the Thoth Series.

Let us recap a little bit. So far, this road of revelation has led us through the history of the Ancient Egyptian Gods Thoth and Seshat, the male and female personifications of a much larger Collective Intelligence that is the Creator, Architect, and Source of this Universe and Consciousness. I introduced you to my Thothian brother,
Matt, M7, also known as Hermes and Mercury, in Greek and Roman history. Likewise, I shared my own Thothian identity known in the past as Seshat, Athena, and Minerva in each of these civilizations.

Thoth, Hermes, and Mercury are all syncretic of the same god. Seshat, Athena, and Minerva are all syncretic of the same goddess. Thoth and Seshat are known to be consorts, counterparts, and expressions of each other. Could it also be true of their Greek and Roman equivalence? And what would this mean? Why are these mythological deities reappearing in modern times? What do they have to do with the twenty-first century?


Mercury and Minerva


Hermathena is the dynamic duo known as Hermes and Athena (or Mercury and Minerva). They were half siblings of Zeus (Jupiter). Of all the Olympians Gods, Hermes and Athena (Mercury and Minerva) were the two Olympians most active in intervening in human affairs, administering the abstraction of divine authority into the actuality of social order. They were the left and right hand of each other. Some of their powers were related and others were alternate compliments to their sibling. This allowed them the versatility to approach their mission from different positions or double their powers around a central objective. Together, they strategically worked in the shadow and in the light, to affect success on behalf of man and the will of Zeus (Jupiter). As a result, it was common in art to see these two unified, even fused as one being, as illustrated below.


Hermathena might also be characterized as a single deity. Compare this example in the left image below, found at the British Museum, where Athena (Minerva) wields Hermes’ (Mercury’s) caduceus and wears his winged helmet to that of their Egyptian equivalent in the right one found in the Louvre antiquities in Paris, France. Here, Seshat exhibits Thoth’s power of the cobras (of the caduceus) over her headdress as companion and commander of that divine function.

british museum minerva mercury powerseshat statue cobras antiquity

Thoth/Hermes/Mercury, Seshat/Athena/Minerva, and now Thoth/Seshat, Hermathena, Mercury/Minerva, throughout mythology these divinities have represented and personified the male and female expressions of the one immeasurable Divine that is the Creator and Sustainer of this Universe. This is the power of the caduceus, to take the male and female polarities of consciousness and expression and merge them back to their collective origin. And as in the days of old, Hermathena today, that is M7 and AMie, among our other Thothian incarnations, continue to administer this divine plan and support your part in this reality.

The Tree of Life


Illustrated above is Thoth and Seshat recording the Pharaoh’s name and the length of his reign upon the Tree of Life. According to mythology, this inscription protected the ruler and perpetuated his name. Pharaohs were linked and equated with the divine. Their reigns were acknowledged as the will and direction of the gods. He was the mediator and one responsible to fulfill the duties of the Divine among the world of men. And when he crossed over from this world, leaving his human body behind, he passed his sacred powers and position to the new pharaoh.

I invite you to relook at the symbolism of this image as we explore it more deeply. Thoth and Seshat were not only recorders, they represented the Architect of the Universe. The Tree of Life between them is the esoteric symbolism of the Consciousness of the Architect, which can also be read about in the mystical studies of Genesis, or the Kabbalah. Depicted above is a map of creation through the vibratory manifestations from the Divine to the realm of man, as pictured by the Pharaoh at the bottom of the tree. Consciousness, while branched into many streams and synapses, dimensions and attributes, is a single Collective Intelligence all the same.

Man has always had resonating in them, and been connected to, their divine origins. The Pharaoh as the spokesperson for man was the representation of man’s enlightenment of his divinity. But this potential did not belong to the Pharaoh alone, but for all mankind. It is man’s evolution and even destiny to comprehend his godhood. When this occurs he will merge with the Collective Conscious of the Creator, as one with, and as, the Creator, as he always has been, yet now recognized within time. This plan has been taught and accomplished in many ways over the eons of man’s existence.

As man is an individual yet part of the collective human consciousness, so must each individual and the whole recognize their divinity. In accordance with this formula, M7 and I, incarnated as Matt and Amie among you. We entered a particular strand of human consciousness, representing both the male and female polarity forms to mature it to its godhood. This recorded within human consciousness the path, ability, and understanding how to do this as a whole. This, then, trickled out and reached each unconscious human mind, to stimulate and inspire your own evolution and the evolution of mankind. As each adds their awareness to the whole, so does the world unite and change.

Yet this is only our first step in this process. Next, M7 and I will facilitate and support this process to godhood for others. How this develops and more on the nature of Thoth will be revealed as we continue.