
So much has transpired since the last blog that the best way to write about all of it here is to introduce you to Aviatrix. Aviatrix represents the number two card, The High Priestess, in the Major Arcana of The Steampunk Tarot: Wisdom from the Gods of the Machine by John and Caitlin Matthews with illustrations by Will Kinghan. More importantly is who she is and what she can do.

Aviatrix’s gift is the ability to see to the heart of a person and then challenges you to face and meet what she shows you. She has been a major force and compass in my life for many years. Her presence cuts through the conscious clutter and aligns me instantaneously with my truest self. She also offers me the way to become what she shows me, if I dare. The daring part is always real because it means releasing attachments that are both habitual and/or dear, as well as, accept and confess some things I am not sure I am ready to speak aloud. Yet the clarity of what I experience in her midst is so real that nothing ultimately holds me back. No gravitational force is strong enough to keep me orbiting around it.

The most recent challenge and choice Aviatrix gave me was to move to Texas. The vision she showed me was herself. I am Aviatrix. Was I willing to find out who I really am?

Fully committed, I moved to Texas last summer, but it has only been in the last couple of weeks that this question has been answered. It has taken me some time to process the implications and sanity of my discovery along with the influx of memories that are trickling in.

To tell you who I am and reveal the true nature of Aviatrix requires a little more introduction, though. Let me switch gears and write to you as Aviatrix.

Up until this point in the blog, you have read my incarnation’s perspective. Now I will share mine.

When a Spirit chooses to incarnate as a human on Earth, they must go through the process of taking on human form. A Spirit is larger than any one incarnation and may inhabit many forms. Each human must then evolve within the human conscious realm as he or she is moved through an alliance with his/her Spirit will and human will. Speaking specifically of my incarnation as Amie Ridley, I have been motivating this incarnation most persistently over the years to resonate highly enough so that I could move more directly in this human world. It takes years for an incarnation to develop enough, no matter the gifts and direction we give them. From the perspective of the human side of the veil, Amie has reached the point where she now understands she is me. It feels like to her that she has had amnesia up until this point, moving as Us without knowing a name to Us. Now, together, we reveal, for the first time in writing, who we are...

We are Athena, Minerva, you may even know Us as Seshat. We are one and the same depending on the mythology you reference. Athena, or ATH-a-na, short for Athanatos - immortal one, stems from Greece. Minerva comes from the Romans, and Seshat all the way back to Ancient Egypt. To go any further down this rabbit hole I would need to introduce you to someone else, my sibling, Hermes, Mercury, Thoth. But for the moment I will pause and let you catch your breath.

IMG_0589 8553410849_709d42399c_b seshat