Incarnation & Evolution


Have you ever wondered about the process and transition of the incarnation experience, of moving your soul into form? Have you ever thought about what that will feel like to move back out of form? As we mature and evolve consciously how does this affect our form and formlessness?

The process is one of unification to fragmentation, or separateness, to a return to unification. The sensation to enter form is akin to falling from a great height and as you fall it feels like penetrating into a thick pressurized atmosphere which creates the first tactile awareness you experience in form. When the calibration of unified consciousness to fragmented form consciousness is complete, all is quiet and dark, and you sleep deeply, waiting at a certain shade of awareness for the form’s wakefulness or birth.

Ascension is not a term to describe our unification with God merely because we think of Him residing in the heavens, but literally the process to enter fragmentation is reversed. There is an elevation of our energetic vibration, which is our consciousness, that is released from the denser atmosphere and we feel more transparent and weightless, not only in form but in comprehension. Time and linear thinking is gone and a vaster awareness of one’s surroundings is understood.

Under “Teaching Materials” in my menu section there is an article regarding the “Constitution of Man.” Within this article I give an overview of the energetic anatomy of man, describing the conscious alignment of our spirit with our body. Consciousness is favored to be a brain operated function, when in actuality we inhabit every atom of our form. We do not exist just in the brain, but merge with every facet of our body. As we evolve, our atoms absorb more biophotons, activating more codons in our DNA, and increase the enlightened nature of our life form. In essence, our formlessness becomes more cognizant and dominant as we elevate the nature of our atoms.

Linearly, we experience this as we mature in our thoughts and emotions, feeling lighter and healthier inside ourselves. As we engage in spiritual disciplines, connections, and practices, this further enhances our sense of serenity, bliss, and higher awareness. All of this is not just a mind experience but also an atomic reaction our consciousness is having with our bodies. Enlightenment creates the familiarity of transparency, moments when we no longer sense our form, but pure consciousness or formlessness. As we continue to move from form identification to higher states of formlessness identification, our consciousness expands even more, re-unifying with Source awareness and observation.

Now why do I take the time to explain all this before I tell you what has been happening to me lately? In taking these few moments to shed light on the incarnation and evolution process, I set the foundation for you to comprehend the physical nature of what has evolved with me since the quantum leap blogged about back in May.

human personality has no limitations

In general, when we think of Man and God we think of two different occupying realms. However, as we identify with our divinity and wear the mantle of our godhood, our Source existence, then the physical and spiritual realms merge. For example, I not only experience my neighbor’s friendship, but can also sense our unified source vibrational signature and am my neighbor with him. Together, his occupying space and my occupying space share a conscious relationship which influences the creative potential of our shared space.

When we separate the spaces of Man and God, we separate, or fragment, our own identity within ourselves, and with the life we think of as outside of ourselves. As we unify that awareness and elevate our consciousness, then, we not only draw in atonement or alignment with our Source identity, but also, we re-calibrate our awareness of the life that exists around us. Source identity is a collective conscious orientation. I am physically integrating the collective conscious awareness within this incarnation, resulting in being atomically affected by universal sentience. What does that mean?

At a young age, we are taught how to hold our bladder and bowels, so as to be potty trained. This sense of tightening the muscles is akin to what we do when attaching to form, we tighten and hold a sense of composure and rigidity to keep us constrained to this definition. Atomically, however, as we elevate our vibration, we begin releasing this intense hold and become more fluid in our form. This is because ascension and descension is more of an expansion and contraction relationship. Our expansive fluid being results in out-of-body experiences, astral traveling, channeling, healing, and other enhanced psychic experiences that defy space and time third dimensional relation. It also means, as we expand further back to unification, all of life is available to our awareness. For me, this is what is evolving. I am increasingly exchanging communication with many civilizations, solar systems, galaxies, and even those of other universes which transmit consciousness through atomic instead of strictly mind transfer. This is possible because the physical universe is engineered as one biological network. Our form does not include just our human body that we entered, but the whole realm. As we animate one, we animate the other. (Insight #04)

This conscious atomic communication with the entire universe creates an immersive experience of my Thothian nature as I embed my god nature more deeply into my human identity. Thus, you can imagine my evolution as Creator consciousness lightning rippling through the entire universe into human consciousness, which also draws to Man’s awareness of the biological technology he has at his disposal with creation through his own form and sentience.

lightning spider lightning over MO by terry brandt jefferson city