The Thothian Conscious Reality


In an effort to describe the consciousness range of a Thothian, this spectrum that is available to every human, I shall offer the following two examples: As Above, So Below; As Within, So Without. Each of these examples relate, and further give height, width, and depth dimension, to one another. “As Above, So Below” might be better comprehended if we begin exploring the second example, first.

As Within, So Without


The Thothian Conscious Reality is liken to that of a note within the song of the Composer. The note that exists as part of the song creation, also exists as part of the Creator of that song. It is the extended particles of the Creator’s Soul, as it is the extended melody of the Creator’s song.

In this relation, man is the note within the creation song of life. Man is also the extended Soul particles of God. As such, Creation Consciousness and Creator Consciousness is available to man, who is the micro expression of the macro reality and Self.

The awareness of this ability for the specific energetic resonant frequency that is the tone, that is man, to recognize and experience his wholeness as the creative song and of the author of the song is dependent upon the sentient evolution of that tone.

As a Thothian, this is my reality. My consciousness framework and reality consists of the human tone, creation’s existence, and the Creator’s presence. I exist within and as all three, for I first began and remain as the Creator. To comprehend this macro-micro-macro reality, I shall describe the tangible nature of consciousness from man to Creator from my personal experience.

As Above, So Below


I recently read a headline that stated that consciousness is the unification between science and religion. In an earlier blog, I spoke about the nature of creation — that matter is created of energy and vibration, and energy is created of consciousness. This means that as consciousness extends its existence into energy and vibration and finally into dense matter, so can matter experience itself at its origin state of consciousness — universal consciousness and Creator consciousness, as one’s experience is evolved around that higher state of Being. Thus, what can be measured in the micro can be understood and expressed for its macro (heavenly) existence.

Now, just as the micro framework of dense matter increases in density as the elements of polarity and electromagnetic frequency decrease in rate of resonation, so then also micro consciousness has an expressive element of density to it as it increases in micro nature. A simple example of this relation is the clarity of consciousness one has when they are sick versus at their most rejuvenated health, and the variation in between. There is a heaviness, fogginess to the mind and body that releases to lightness and brilliance when one is at their best. The illusive state in between is that experience one has when they think they are feeling better because of the consciousness difference observed, but then this clarity is later realized for its medium state of recovery when optimum functioning is achieved.

In micro consciousness, one observes and explores with the mind. Life is perceived and processed in the variety and capacity of singular form through creativity, imagination, logics, and analyzation. Ego is prominent, and attention is expressed inwardly and outwardly in the form of relationships.

As the micro consciousness evolves and increases in awareness, the operative processing mechanism of mind is replaced by cell and light absorption and informational resonation. As most consider mind and consciousness to be synonymous, then this transition equals the mind re-orienting it's functioning from the brain to cell processing. The ego becomes a larger identification and can no longer see itself as just its singular form. Consciousness is now experienced as both a singular entity AND its relative associations. Life is not just “my life”, but life itself. This awareness creates a feeling of transparency with the body, as if the cells “pores” are open and constant exchange of energetic information is communicated from the localized view and perception to all of life. This has a lighter, clearer realization of self. Within this cellular operating framework, the “I” is no longer situated in a body, but with creation. This expansive experience of “I” creates further lightness and brilliance.

As micro-macro consciousness continues in cellular mode and exchange of energetic information is moving at the speed of light, one then begins to undergo another orientation transformation. Energy is less perceived in communication than the macro origin of consciousness itself. The signature of Creator Consciousness and all that has evolved to experience Creator Consciousness is recognized instead of the energy transfer. All is consciousness existing and interweaving with itself at different layers and forms of reality. This more expansive view further extends the feeling of lightness, clarity, and greater identification of self and reality of Being. “I” is no longer conceived of in micro singular form, but in macro singular form and every resonant expression in between. Thus resulting, in humans experiencing their godhood, and God experiencing a human existence.

As Above, So Below — As Below, So Above. As Within, So Without — As Without, So Within. This is the Thothian Conscious Reality.