The Red Cube Analogy


In the Corpus Hermeticum, in the beginning texts of the Pomandres, God the Creator is described in male and female aspects. As male, God is Light and Will. As female, God is Life and Abstraction. Through Light, Logos/Word, definition, structure, and form is communicated and created. Through Life, temperance, personality, and awareness is breathed and created. This Thoth/Seshat balance of the Creator and the Creator’s Architecture, I describe as the red cube analogy.


The cube itself is defined by genius engineering with its sharpness of lines, mathematical precision between surfaces, corners, angles, and circumference. It is very detailed and harmoniously, perfectly, symmetrical in its form and ability to perform solidly without flaws. The cube equals the genius architect mind, will, authority, and skill of God.

The red that encompasses and wraps around the cube is the design, fluid softness that is able to evoke emotion, personality, character, artistic flair, and life of the cube. The red equals the deeply powerful imaginative life giver, masterful artist, and talent of God.

Just as knowledge does not equate to understanding or wisdom, neither does the cube without the red have any life or individuality. And just as wisdom and understanding is not gained without knowledge and application, so neither does the red without the cube have any definition and purpose. In partnership, they are complete. To only relate to one aspect over the other is to not grasp the nature of Creator, Creation, or one’s own existence.


In the patriarchal system today, man develops according to cube and is resistant toward his equivalent with the red. God is considered to be a He, Father. And Life is measured through science and skill. Society is encouraged in conformity and practicality, and avoiding intuition and the abstract. Man’s evolution developed in sentience along mind, word, and intellect pathways. Life is equated with Light and Logos. Science and religion, the esoteric and exoteric structures in place to define and describe God, creation, and man, are presented with more masculine approaches and attitudes.


This half awareness of Creator and creation resulted in the feminine and life aspects being diminished and suppressed. Life is devalued. Earth’s resources are raped and man is precariously making their planet unstable for anyone to exist upon. The feminine, that is expressed in both men and women, is abused and persecuted. There are high praises, compensations, and positions for those who gear their mind toward intellectual and skillful arenas than for those who incline toward the imaginative, creative, philosophical, intuitive, abstract livelihoods. God is defined as a Commander, Judger, Authoritarian, and Master, and God’s love is seen as mercy, leniency. Man is not generally universally oriented, or aware of their basic fundamental birthrights as a creation of God, nor their godhood evolution capabilities. The selective known passed down through man’s ages is pressed; attention to comfort and convenience is stressed. Because of this, man decides it is enough to be at the top of the food chain and be the most sentient life they know. Secretly, they fear anything that might undermine that belief and strip away their foundation.


This is something that is being corrected. These Thothian writings are to educate specifically on this exclusion and missing God information. Thoth, his writings, through the ages, have been slanted toward masculinity. Yet, Thoth embodied the Creator and all the Creator’s abilities. Thoth, thus, cannot accurately be understood without Seshat, his feminine embodiment, equal, and original personification of his Self. When Thoth and Seshat were unified as a better understanding of the Creator, man was onto something. When Seshat was replaced by Thoth and diminished, the imbalance took on a new spin.
Neither, God the Creator, or creation, was ever meant to be a comparison or a choice allegiance between Thoth or Seshat, between the Light or Life of God, between the masculine, mind, will, practical, and conventional qualities and polarity over the feminine, undercurrent, intuitive, abstract, and unconventional qualities and polarity of God and creation. They are the epitome, and therefore, one complete realization, of both. The cube and the red that envelopes the cube are not separate. Only bite size clarifications have been generated to appreciate the comprehension of larger realities. Man as creation, in the likeness of Creator, able to evolve into their godhood, must reestablish their orientation and implication with these facts.