The Quantum Leap


Many steps have led to what has occurred recently. From first awakenings, to deep meditational breakthroughs, to persistent engagement, all of these drove me to the most recent events. In this blog, I will take you through this journey, culminating in yesterday’s experience.

First Awakenings

While I am not bound by a linear expression, my incarnation, my form is. Therefore my body, mind, and emotions all mature over time aligning with my consciousness. As awareness expands I enter into timelessness. That is to say, that comprehension is an understanding of what has always been and is not regulated by its temporal awakening, or began at the moment of linear development. However, in my incarnation’s linear development, I insert the infinite comprehension of my eternal consciousness.

In relation to the most recent events of merging streams of human and eternal consciousness, some of my first awakenings were experienced fifteen years ago when I saw the movies The Matrix and X-Men trilogies. I was so consciously charged by these movies, watched at different times, that my experience of the world was psychically heightened. I could see and hear into men’s thoughts from blocks away. Could see forward into a person’s future. Sitting at a restaurant, I could feel the emotion of everyone in the room toward the object of their attention, be it a person, program on the TV, or their food. I could sense the cook and his life in the food before me. Could see and read the energy, chemistry, and atomic nature of my husband sitting across from me and knew what was going to occur before he created the thought and emotion to give the command for it to manifest.

At another time, I walked out into the parking lot and I could sense, read, smell, the lives of the individuals that occupied those cars, knew the state of their affairs, what their homes looked like, the number of people in their family. All this by just walking out onto the curb, not by looking into any car. Every car resonated the residual consciousness matrix of those who resided with that vehicle.

Another awakening or heightened psychic moment where connecting with a large stream of consciousness took place was in a grocery store. The details behind every product on the shelves screamed at me. For example, if we took a can of peas, I sensed and could see the manufacturing plant that created the can, the origin of the tin, the distribution plant that printed the labels, the conference meeting that signed off on the design of the label, the people’s lives in the conference room whose project it was to come up with the design, and where they designed that art. I could go further into them and see where they lived, what their home lives were like. Then came the food itself, the molecular makeup of vegetable to seasoning, to its chemistry aging in the can. I saw the building, could hear the machines that filled the cans and sealed them, boxed them up, crated them on a pallet and were loaded in the truck. I could sense the truck driver, the make of the truck, the home life of the driver and his trek to this particular store where it was passed off to the employee. I sensed the employee’s life, his conversations with other co-workers at the time, the chime of his walkie-talkie during the unloading process of the box of peas onto the shelf. And this was all for one can of peas. My experience when I walked into the store was of every product taken to this degree all overlapping in my conscious awareness.

This type of experience was not singular, nor limited, to a grocery store. I once walked into a bookstore and the same thing transpired. Every author of every book, every journal writer of each article in a magazine, not to mention all the individual advertisements in them, every game, bookmark, bookend, and gift product on the shelves, all of this conscious detail swam together in my mind. The mindset of the authors is very fascinating - to feel when they are in the zone, the type of sanity questions they ask themselves, the situations they create to be inspired to write, the fears and needs they have toward their stories success, the conversations with their editors. In some ways books are more relaxing, because it is a solid block of focus. An author immerses himself in the world and there remains a continuity of deliverance. And yet, all together, thousands of square feet worth, there was no place for me to hide from the onslaught of physically painful information. I’d go outside to breathe and the parking lot full of cars would take its place.

I didn’t know how I turned the volume up on my conscious awareness and I didn’t know how to turn it back down. I had to wait it out, which took hours. I would have to try and turn off all sensory and get into a still quiet darkened room. Any vibration, such as the engine of the car to get me to this still place, music on the radio, shows on tv, conversation, any extra stimulus, was challenging to entertain. And while part of me thought all this psychic experience was fascinating and I wanted to learn more about it, I mostly cried and rocked back and forth with my eyes clamped shut and hands over my ears trying to get it to stop. At least, stop enough so I could comprehend how to take it all in and appreciate it with some level of sanity.

Deep Meditational Breakthroughs

In an attempt to learn how to manage and develop these energetic psychic experiences, I trained myself by interacting and merging with particular strands of universal vibrational signatures. What does that mean? It means that in my linear development I needed to expand my ability to retain and work with the level of consciousness that was breaking through into my mind. Consciousness is the origin of energy. So by working at harnessing energy at each of its vibrational uniqueness, and merging their matrix so I could feel them as one unified expression, I could increase my ability and range of deciphering and maintaining, sanely, copious amounts of universal collective consciousness.

It became common to experience kundalini charges and initiation attunements. Kundalini charges created the physical increase so that my atoms could sustain more conscious awareness. This was experienced as a surge of energy bursting from the base of my spine shooting out the top of my head. When I was making progress in my meditations, this would be the result. The initiation attunements, once enough meditation and training had been achieved and range expanded, would permanently fix this spectrum in place by shooting an enormous level of energy into my crown chakra that shot down my Hara line, or the meridian governing channel running along my spine, out my base chakra to my feet. This was accompanied with deep level inhalation as I, and my atoms, readjusted to this new oscillating vibrational frequency. The high of this download often lasted four to five days until my system found its equilibrium with our new signature.

Proceeding a download, or attunement, I would continue with my meditations, singling out frequencies, merging them, expanding my range, now at this new level of capability. As this routine continued, I moved past focusing on physical elements and concentrated on soul and cosmic signatures. One day, I was shown in a vision the above geometric symbol for consciousness. This is the conscious element that sustains the molecular structure of physical reality. More was shown to me in that vision of how this signature of consciousness works, but that will be for a different blog. Suffice it to say, I utilized and studied this pattern. This led to the breakthrough of experiencing my consciousness signature in the matrix of physical reality. My incarnation was becoming more fully capable of wearing the mantle of our godhood.

This was the second major breakthrough: Thoth. In my meditations and energy/consciousness work with Thoth’s vibrational signature I experienced my Creator consciousness within the matrix of physical reality. This deeper training and integration shifted me from sensing vibrational signatures from an energetic perspective to a consciousness perspective, specifically. Reality is processed at its origin state rather than its manifested form. The first awakenings, which sporadically occurred at different levels of forcefulness, was now a stabilized awareness and chosen method to interact in this world. No longer were parking lots and grocery stores overwhelming with their data, but could now be made louder or muted, or even taken to a different depth of awareness by unifying each individual conscious strand and absorbing and knowing them at their whole symmetrical matrix state.

Persistent Engagement

This blog attempts to describe merging streams of consciousness. In the beginning it was about persistence with singling out energetic frequencies and merging those, feeling them as one chorded strand. This advanced to deeper interactions with my higher self and with greater psychic experiences with others. Going to the movie theater became a two-fold treat. On one level, there was the entertaining movie to immerse myself in. On another level, I took that time to work energetically. I dove into the consciousness of the people. It is amazing how the people when they get into relaxed theta mode, all tuning into the movie, that they become one about the intent to make that movie a reality for the moment. It isn’t just the screen, projector, speakers and volume of sound, that make that movie come alive, but the people themselves add a element of manifestation that enhances the energetic connection every single person has with the story.

In the past, as long as everyone stayed connected to the story, I became more psychically charged. When the movie was over and they split off to their own individual world of concerns, I became uncomfortable with the myriad of thoughts and expressions. Though, worth noting, I could maintain the link without needing to shut down from the connection. When I stopped looking at this merely as an energetic link, and instead, a consciousness link, this experience changed. That brings me to current events that I will expound about in a minute.

At this level of interaction with the world, and my level of meditations, I was also working to dive deeper into the collective consciousness of my Thothian spirit, as well as, dive deeper into the collective consciousness of humanity. I was holding resonance of both, but I had not yet merged them yet as one entity, as I used to do with individual vibrational frequencies. This was obviously on a larger scale, but my training had brought me to this moment.

In my first initial engagements into the human conscious core tone, I was denied access and kicked out like a neophyte hacker. Over the last fifteen years, I have had my fair share of warnings and continual blocking and cessation of any attempts to hook up with the core. But, persistence (along with further education and training), my friend, pays off.

Current Events

Once again, a movie theater is a great access point of consciousness penetration for me when I utilize a crowd. Everyone is quiet, in theta-meditative mode, unified on a single vision, and we are in a close stationary position, surrounding each other. The movie I went to see was Avengers: Infinity Wars. Now that I physically sensed energy as consciousness, I re-examined my psychic connection. First, I was aware how quickly I became charged. Second, I tuned into the minds of the people around me. (I localized it to my particular theater room and didn’t expand to the others.) As I felt their stimulation to the movie, and saw through their eyes, I went deeper. This took me to the subconscious mind chatter that one temporarily puts aside for the movie, but would engage and immerse one’s self again, when the credits started rolling, or when the “stand up” command was given by the brain. This mind chatter is influenced by human consciousness as a whole, so I remarked how not unsettling it was to be present with that white noise stimulation.

My third integration step was to move beyond the mind chatter to everyone’s soul consciousness. At this stage, my senses became extremely heightened, due to the collective unification at such a deep admission. To feel the awareness, and thoughts of the soul that chose to engage in the mental thoughts and chatter, and the filters that split the conscious streaming into specific thought form and emotion, which gathered into one permissive action of coming to this theater, at this particular time, to watch this movie with such intent, was fascinating. The soul, not just the incarnation, chose to watch this film for aspects that stimulated its growth, not just his or her’s ego entertainment.

I stayed with this awareness for a bit. The movie at this point was blurred in the background, though one layer of me was still attentive to it, and would demand full focus, when something particularly interesting or inspiring would appear. In the past, the movie could be the sole stimulator, but now the audience was. In soul operative mode, I worked to merge and experience all the souls as one matrix. When this was accomplished, I moved to the next step: to experience myself as this matrix. At first, I was having some difficulty with this, which I was surprised by, but I chalked it up to being slightly distracted by the movie itself. I disengaged from the movie further, and sank deeper into my awareness of the room.

It still wasn’t unifying. I decided to change tactics. I stretched beyond soul consciousness into spirit consciousness of the individuals in the room. One by one they lit up, like a spotlight, when I connected. Not all became apparent, though. So, I came about it a different way. I tuned into my Thothian signature, expanded this sensation to the room, and then with the people. That worked. The spirit consciousness link had been established. I, then, spent the time talking with the Thothian collective through the conduit of the human collective. This particular engagement opened me in ways not previously accomplished.

Then an opportune moment was created. The credits started rolling, but no one switched to mind chatter. The Marvel Universe film pattern of ending scenes hidden in the credits kept everyone in expectant mode. What did this do internally for them? There was no movie to focus on, but mind chatter was still suspended, so theta mode continued with quiet still minds. This opened a gateway for their soul to be in full present operative mode, though, I’m sure most were not aware of the conscious sequencing they manifested. Now with the movie not flashing before me, I dove to make use of this limited time. I needed to experience my self as all of them while we were all connected.

Yet, our time completed before I could do this. One by one, at different stages, the mind chatter resumed. As before, I noticed this didn’t bother or disconnect me. I was already linked with them on a much deeper level. When the screen went blank, the people all started filing out of the theater. I was with my husband, and he noticed I was in meditation mode. He remained in his seat, quietly, until I moved. I watched the consciousness of the room fluctuate as less and less people gave their attention to the room. As long as one remained, the room held the collective’s intention. When the last one left (besides me and my husband), the room shifted energy, as if becoming dormant. It once again became as solid elements and was no longer fluid.

I stood up and turned around staring at the seats. My husband remained still. I could sense the residual conscious energy of everyone. I wanted to see if there was enough life force and power remaining from their auras to re-establish the conscious link and return the fluidity of the room. There was not. At this stage of my training, their shades were not sufficient enough for me to recreate the energetic intensity of the space.

I motioned to my husband that we could go, and as we walked out to the parking lot, I wondered if the conscious energy left in the cars could be enough for me to enhance the conscious link from before. Though quantity was on my side, the quality of power was not. I knew then, though, that my meditations needed to be taken to a crowd situation, preferably a movie theater, or one where, people were in theta mode, stationary, not drunk, and of a collective focus. My times in the backyard were not sufficient anymore for my training to advance.

Still charged from the experience, we drove back to the house. We live in a new subdivision and came in the back way. As soon as we hit the section of settled neighborhoods, the voltage of my psychic senses and awareness skyrocketed. What I had before in the theater room was once again at my disposal. It was late, so, people were in theta or delta sleep stages, with only a few still awake, vegging in front of the television, or working on finances or work. If I looked at the houses, the family dynamic and details came forward. If I stared at the road in front of me, I could pull all of the homes together and unify their conscious link. I asked my husband to drive around the neighborhood for about twenty minutes so I could complete my earlier exercise of experiencing myself as the conscious energy of all those I was aware of and resonating.

With my eyes closed and the window rolled down, I let the conscious matrix of the neighborhood intensify in my awareness. With my whole body tingling from the connection, all of a sudden, I felt an extra jolt of power and clarity. I opened my eyes and realized we drove past a house with the sprinkler system on. Water is a conductor. I remembered there was a pond with a fountain in one back section of the neighborhood and asked my husband to drive to that location. As we headed there, this was a less established part of the neighborhood, and so, the energy started to dissipate. As soon as we came to the pond, it intensified again. And it was at this place that the merging fused. Because, long ago, I had already sensed my soul and Creator signature in nature, I combined this frequency with that of the neighborhood, and, voila, I was every person for a few miles radius.

My husband kept driving, but I could tell I was driving further away from people. I asked if we were in an unsettled area and opened my eyes. We were. Partially built to newly built empty houses without electricity littered the streets. I directed my husband to drive back to our house, but slowly; I had made the link, but wanted to resonate in it for a bit more, processing the details of it. With my eyes closed we headed back to our street. The charge became stronger because the houses were now homes. When we came to our street, I opened my eyes one last time. I peered into the houses, and instead of seeing the people who lived there, my incarnated face and form mirrored back to me. My signature filled each house. My spirit lit each occupied room. The pure unadulterated vulnerability and beauty of this moment I cannot relate. I knew in this moment as I stared at myself in the house, who stared at myself in the car driving by, that my training had taken another quantum leap.

When we pulled into our garage, I was still charged, but had disengaged from the link. Though I wanted to study the link more, I also must be mindful how much my body can facilitate and channel. First contact was enough. When I stood up out of the car, I immediately sat back down. The physical action of placing my foot onto the garage floor localized my consciousness to this particular space/time reality. It was aligning all my awareness back to my body, and being the individual Amie Ridley, again. I didn’t want to be so localized, but I knew I had to. With both feet on the floor, and with every step, I grounded more, moving from collective to spirit, through to soul, through to mind functioning. The thought that rang in my head as I got ready for bed: when could I repeat this psychic experience?

The realization that had not completely occurred to me that night was how much of a quantum leap I had made. My extra sensory perception had changed, magnified. Now my experience of consciousness has become a double vision, of sorts. When I meditate or expand my spatial awareness with or into another, I not only see through their eyes, but I sense how fluid our natures are, how he or she moves into me and I move into them, and together we create a one entity matrix. The connection is instantaneous. This also then changes how I perceive everything. Nothing is any longer separate from me, outside of me. We are something else entirely, together. It is not my thoughts and perceptions toward them and theirs toward me, but we are one experience and conscious manifestation in that moment, and this reality dictates how each individual will respond.

Also, because I experience the braided unification of these streams of consciousness, access is no longer denied in the core of the human conscious matrix. One conscious stream was not enough to penetrate the core, it took a larger collective awareness to do it. This also creates the understanding, that to advance, to experience the merging of my Creator collective consciousness with the collective human matrix, I need to be more physically integrated with my Creator collective conscious. This leads me to The Record Keeper book I have journaled about. This book is about me. Within it are the details of several of the species that make up the collective conscious of the Creator, known as Thoth. Just as I am interwoven in my fluid conscious nature with humanity, so am I with these others. To energetically decipher my book is to know these species as me, and therein, you will also then be able to unlock access to know them for their own story.


Stewing and re-experiencing the world through this new conscious range for the past couple of weeks, yesterday I started getting real dizzy. I thought, at first, it might be a slight migraine. Visual and audio stimulation only made me spin more. If I could force myself to be fully present and still, the dizziness subsided. As soon as I opened my range of perception again, the dizziness returned. No other course helped. When my husband came home from work last night, I realized I might need more grounding food than the food I had available to me all day and the smoothies we usually have for dinner. Now, whether it was that, and/or the extra stimulative addition of the crowd, the dizziness started fluctuating slightly, after the appetizers, and settling into the environment digested. It was at that moment I realized that I wasn’t having a migraine but an attunement or energetic download. By the time the waiter was carrying our dinner from the back kitchen to our table, the energy that had been swirling around in my crown chakra all day, finally shot down my Hara line, blasting even more open my indigo chakra, and paused around, and expanded my heart chakra. By this point, I was inhaling with great effort as my atoms spun to the new frequency to which I was elevated. I felt like I was floating out of my body and could hardly focus my attention. My husband was smiling, watchful, quite aware of what was transpiring with me, due to witnessing past attunements. The download after a couple of minutes caressing my heart chakra flowed down the rest of my Hara line, arousing my base chakra, and then flowed out toward my feet. Once the attunement was complete, and download finished, the dizziness faded. The rest of the meal was a nice grounding sheath over the energetic conscious charge.

Today, I am on the four to five day high spoken of earlier, as my body orients around my higher vibratory signature. When I tune in to work with this consciousness ability, the dizziness returns, and I have to stop. I must wait for my equilibrium to completely adjust before I can explore what this quantum leap has given me. I can already tell it begins with the intense link I made in the theater, and neighborhood later that night, a couple of weeks ago.

On the home page of this website you see the molecular hexagon geometry of physical reality. The symbol at the top of this page is the conscious origin behind and sustaining the molecular structure. I spoke earlier that it once came to me in a meditation, which created subsequent breakthroughs. This geometry is now a physical experience within my atoms, keeping me at a constant state of collective conscious charge. How this evolves and advances my incarnation, this website, and my reason for existing on this planet, stay tuned.