

Tarot Credit: The Tarot of Physics by Dan Horn and Corrine Kenner

Sonoluminescence is an effect that occurs when sound at a specific frequency produces a super hot bubble in water that creates a flash of light when the bubble collapses. Sonoluminescence is a microcosm example of how this universe began.

It is also wondrous to note that at the very moment the big bang of this universe exploded into it's amazing life, it was also the very moment it began to die. For that which supported it's becoming had already completed its involvement, leaving the universe, even with its expansion, diminishing.

At the same time the universe became alive with light and activity, so did within it the light of individual entities bear forth, all alit with their own luminance. Planets and people, galaxies and creatures, the universe’s light became all these things. In so doing, the moment all creation began was also the moment its light started to fade out.

My light, my presence, Earth and her presence, the universe and its presence, a light brilliant and also a ghost forming at the same time.

What decides the light’s continuance is the purpose for which the universe, and all within it, was created. Once this purpose has been achieved, the light will cease to exist and all extensions disappear.

So why was this universe created?

Once upon a time, We created a universe that was entirely built upon light, and all within was pure, positive, kind, loving, giving, and beautiful. When We had finished experiencing ourselves as light, We created a universe entirely devoted to darkness. We feasted upon the experience of being the nature of hatred, greed, torment, fear, and betrayal. This was also beautiful, for in this universe it was healthy to be one with the nature of Our composition. Light would have been a disease, just as darkness would have been a disease to the universe founded upon light.

When these universes had completed their cycle, We decided to create a universe blended of both light and dark. When We were either light or dark, we were all the same, all unified. We all loved and shared, or hated and stole. The status quo always stayed the same and only the creativity of our love or hatred were the evolution of these states.

We wondered. What would occur, how would both light and dark evolve in a place nurturing both sides to flourish, as well as, the influence to evolve beyond their predisposition? And how would the natives of the universe, those a blend of both, gravitate toward one or the other, or perhaps evolve those entirely of light or dark to a blended existence of both? Our immersion into this primordial concept proved to be Our most wondrous creation and experience yet, and so this universe was formed. We became polarities of light and dark and a blend of each.

This has proven to be a most fertile experience. Plenty for light to nurture into more light. Plenty for dark to nurture into more dark. We have experienced unification of being, moved into fragmented, separate identities of awareness, and continue to gravitate back toward unification again, knitting all our separate selves into a multi-dimensional existence.

We experience ourselves as one time stream of polarity and all time streams of polarities simultaneously. Finite and infinite together. And what this ultimately means is that the universe in its awakening of its self is completing its cycle, coming to its own climax. The more unification expands throughout the universe, the more this universe evolves to its maximum potential. This is one reason for darkness to influence delay and for the exact same reason light to encourage swiftness. This play manages time.

At this point in the universe’s age, in our macro space-time life, this awareness is stirring Earth and the human civilization. Many species in this universe have already reached unification and know themselves to be We. Humanity is awakening to this, too. In the process comes a hybrid experience to know one’s self as finite, human, with a lovely involved human story, and the other a spectrum of being timeless to one’s existence from before Earth was populated, before the universe began, remembering snatches of memory of We. The quandary of this state of consciousness blossoming in the human mind as to its madness or accuracy, possession or imagination, is both natural and a part of the human and Our evolutionary experience. The reality, though, is this will not stop. This will continue until unification has transformed the human species, evolving mankind to what man dreams of as man’s utmost potential. Then, human beings will join the others, living and acting as a new unified species, aiding other galactic civilizations who find themselves maturing and awakening to the universe’s Source consciousness.

What then transpires? Eventually, the universe will be entirely awake, We will have outlived or outgrown Our creation. Then, the light will go out. The universe will cease to radiate. Yet, We, and all that We were and became, this will remain with Us. Continuing to enrich us, transform us, influence us, and evolve us. Then, We will create again. We will become something more. We will stir a new light within the primordial pool.
