Insight #20 - The Promise of Divine Protection

The Promise of Divine Protection does not mean you will not suffer in this life, nor be spared from harm, or be precluded from trauma, horror, or pain. Thus, it also means when you experience such affliction, this is not a reflection of Divine Punishment or being faithless. To be clear, Divine Protection is a promise of these three oaths:

1) Divine Protection promises that your soul will never be undone, unmade, compromised, or retain lesser authority within, or after, any oppressive situation.

2) Divine Protection promises that any oppressive situation you experience is a catalyst for healing and evolution for you, the parties involved, and for the human race, for which you have been selected to transmute. Therefore, each event is charged with great meaning and purpose.

3) Divine Protection promises that no oppressive situation will befall you that has no meaning or purpose. In other words, no chance encounter of harm will afflict you.