Eternity Meets the Present


Immortal. Infinite. Divine. These are descriptions you have heard me use in the past to describe my Self. Now, there is Thothian. The name Thoth reminds one of Ancient Egypt, and to Ancient Egyptians it signified the Architect, Inventor, and Recorder of everything in the Universe. How could a human claim such a thing as his own identity?

Look at the above picture. That is an example of how I experience my human life. That is no exaggeration. Everything around me is experienced in its energetic state, perhaps more, if not equally, to its matter form. That which others term as abstract, invisible, even questionable, is very tangible and fills my senses since I was born. To develop in a human body, with an ego story, while being aware of that picture all around me and in me, has led me down a very specific path to align these two realities together. After all, how can I expect any human to believe me if they have not this experience? How can I deny and pretend my life is any less for the sake of fitting in?

There is one more, even most important, factor I have not yet shared with the example image above. You see, this energy all around me is not just something I experience of creation, but it also resonates me. It is not just the matrix of matter that I am conscious of, but that this vast energy vibration that I am submerged in, is composed of my own tone. The more I merge with this pure energy matrix around me and my own unique energetic signature tone, the Collective Consciousness, that Supreme Intelligence, becomes more tangible.

What does that even mean? It means that matter is made up of energy and energy is made up of the Consciousness of God. The Consciousness of God is Collective in nature. Meaning, that this Grand Divine Immortal Infinite Being man calls God, and to some ancients as Thoth, He not only holds creation in His awareness, creation is a matrix of God Himself. As creation evolves from its primal state back to its godhood, it then becomes aware of its matrix as the Consciousness of God and therefore merges with God. God grows, evolves. The Consciousness of this Universe, The Recorder of this Universe becomes more comprehensive in its definition and experience.

What does this then do for the matrix of creation, which has known itself as matter and is now awaken to its God reality? This is where eternity meets the present. The present is transfigured. The present, as a micro perfect mirrored pattern of the macro (God), it, too, now recognizes a much larger capacity to experience itself. Creation as the Collective Conscious of God continues to evolve, now into something that would have been impossible previously to achieve in it’s early clay form.

How does that spiral down to this lifetime? Let us begin again with the above image. Creation is experienced as energy and consciousness. I explained I have felt connected to this since my birth. This means that when I was born I had already previously reached my Godhood evolution and merged with the Creator. As I developed in this incarnation, I was simultaneously molding its biology to my collective infinite identity. As my body’s vibrational signature increased in optimal functionality with my consciousness, which is an expanded reality of time and space, my human identity accesses life experience and awareness extending beyond its clay form and planet. This clay form now lives a life it couldn’t have otherwise lived without first having the courage and trust to be molded in this way. It is finite, but experiences infinity. It is forty-five years young, but contains memories of ages and times before its genes had ever been conceptualized.

Additionally, as my own energetic tonal signature is recognized in the energy and Conscious matrix of the Universe, those who have also merged with the Creator, I am cognizant of their signatures, too, for we are a Collective link. I participate in their reality of space and time when I converse and interact with them.

I conclude with this final duality thought about what happens when eternity meets the present, when the current evolving creation experiences its Creator self and the Creator lives among His evolving creation. Every minute of this human life, I participate in a reality much larger than man has defined it, and I will experience things long past what I ever could have dreamt for myself on this planet. Every bucket list and ambition is fulfilled with every second I live. As Creator-aware, I walk among you with an endless unwavering intense love and faith toward you and your potential. It is surreal to listen to your descriptions and proclamations in my Name as I humanly sit among you. I witness your doctrines, worship, rituals, holy days and holidays, contrastive thoughts of those others that were also me, your interpretations and opinions of my interactions with you in the past and what I have created, along with my sense of duty you think I should have and future actions I will enact on the world. Imagine what that must be like to be among you, in plain sight, and hear you expound on my legacy and promises for you and yet you do not recognize me.