Nontemporal Reality

purple sacred geometry

A nontemporal reality is defined as a reality independent of or unaffected by time. As a human, my body is affected by time. It lives in a temporal reality. However, who I am, my spirit, my consciousness, is independent of time, and therefore, exists in a nontemporal reality. Time, itself, then, is regarded as a variant of a space orientation. Besides localizing myself along a geographical position, I choose to draw my attention to a specific linear location.

By identifying with a temporal reality and my body, an ego, alter ego, even avatar, is created. This relation intermingles in the current state of temporal affairs and evolves along a linear process. Using my consciousness only and strictly within the parameters of my ego/avatar, the construction of this singular perspective limits and under utilizes the range of my consciousness I actually possess and can use. In
Insight # 4 - Body and Realm I stated: The body and this realm are linked and inseparable. To enter one is to enter the other. To animate one is to animate the other. In essence, this is the way my nontemporal reality is experienced. I do not just enter the form of a singular matrix, I enter the form of the temporal matrix reality. As a result, my consciousness is aware of, animates, and evolves, my ego and the whole temporal realm. As I continue to inject my nontemporal reality within the temporal matrix, both body and realm metamorphoses.

This opens up the understanding of how I can travel in the temporal reality and identify with more than one linear and geographical form and position that my ego/avatar cannot. It is defined by its singular relation to its temporal parameters. Who I am is not bound by these factors. I am, both, not singular in temporal awareness, and also not singular in nontemporal awareness. Therefore where I move my attention, I travel to a myriad of conscious space and time locations, for I am all and related to all of these. I experience life in these courses, for I am the life existent there.