The Record Keeper Part II


Following the Thoth Series, I took a break to do a three day meditational fast. During these times I inwardly retreat. I sense how all I have completed thus far has locked into my biology. Simultaneously, I open and, because of this shift, absorb more god consciousness into this separate perspective physical dimension. This has been my process as AMie for many decades.

Earlier, under the category
Journal Entry, I wrote a blog called “The Record Keeper.” This is Part Two of that entry, describing the most recent developments with it. Previously, I described a book that I energetically code my life into and how that blossomed when the Arcturians began communicating with me. At that point, the book had been divided into three sections. The first was a letter to me from the Arcturians describing the main part of the book. The second section described per page a species and/or planets with whom the Arcturians held knowledge. The third section was locked to me still, but it felt as if it was a technical manual of some sort. The latter has been unlocked now as the book has become clearer as to its intention. To explain how this happened, I start with yesterday’s meditation.

My meditation equals sitting outside for hours staring at nature while peering into the subtle matrix of life. This last part may sound abstract, so let me see if I can describe it more specifically. The invisible supports the visible, like the darkness of the universe is a quantifiable substance that supports all matter that can be defined. This invisibility is consciousness. And as I align my energy, my mind, my human consciousness with this subtle frequency, that in actuality is not very subtle since it is everything, this invisibility is drawn into my present, thereby making it more visible to my senses.

Yesterday, the world changed on me during this session. First the Arcturians came in, then the Lemurians. With them, Earth took on a new dimension. The vegetation, the houses, the streets, the sky, everything felt different. All this physicality merged into pure consciousness. I was all of Earth and Earth was a lovely idea in my God mind. I held it there, remarking on it, and then flowed my awareness into this body and felt myself hovering on this rock in the midst of the cosmos. As my Thothian signature resonated stronger, other groups and clans of the Collective could be felt in all that was around me and in me. I took a small walk in my neighborhood absorbing this visible consciousness into my environment, seeing it everywhere I looked.

After I walked back inside and retreated once again to the back patio to embed more of this alignment, I was told to head to The Record Keeper. I was directed to go to the pages where each species was listed and sense them in this tangible consciousness I was resonating. I walked to my meditation room, opened the book to a random page in the center; where a species should have been recognized it was blank. I turned the page, it was also blank. I went back a few pages, it was blank, too. And yet, more of these groups came forward in the awareness of the conscious space around me. The pages themselves seemed blank because it was like trying to tune into red on red. And yet, by specifically going to each page, each species listed there came forward to greet me, and then merged collectively with the others.

Then, I flipped to the back of the book that once was locked and found it unlocked. I flipped to the front where once it was a letter to me detailing how to use the book and this, too, had transformed. So now, here I reveal what The Record Keeper is for those who may one day be able to read it.

The very first page of the book has my name on it with spiral symbols for the alchemy sign: to compose. In essence, this book is a composition of AMie’s life and godhood consciousness, that Thothian Collective signature, energetically embedded within the pages of this book.

The first section is a letter from me and the Arcturians of what this book is and how to utilize it. The second section are the names and groups of those that make up the Collective Conscious you describe as God. God is not so abstract anymore; God is very tangible. The third section is indeed a technical manual. It is the sequencing formula for you to be able to interact with the Collective, as well as, the physical coordinates in space to reach those who live and work in the physical dimension. The last couple of pages are blank. They are left for me to energetically program my final words to you, as this incarnation, before I leave this planet.

This information is available because of my conscious drawing of these details into this present. Which means that time is manipulated here. As a Thothian, this is always at my conscious fingertips and is my daily Being. As AMie, I have not yet interacted presently with this material to put it in the book, though I identify with it to a degree. This means, AMie has already lived it in the future and this memory is now reaching into my past resonating onto the pages. Once I have physically stepped through this reality, then the book will be complete.

Again, for those who can read it, The Record Keeper is an invisible content-filled book that can be tangibly decoded, by those aligned energetically and consciously able to decipher it, about my lifetime as AMie and what I deposited here for humanity. For those unable to read it, the book on its own is a power generator to inspire those connections.

At some point in your journey, you will no longer need this book, for you will see and experience everything contained within it, and know it all for yourself, and as yourself. I look forward to greeting you when that happens.