The Boundary Line

A human being is NOT in search of money or comfort. A human being is in search of happiness and fulfillment. Because we have set material goals for this, we think if we get this much money or property or power, we will be. But the nature of human longing is such it does not matter how much you get, you want to go to the next step. Whoever you may be or wherever you may be, whatever your boundaries are right now, there is something within you that is longing to go to the next step. If you look at the human longing, you will very clearly see that actually a human being is aspiring to become boundless. Whatever the boundary, he wants to break that and go beyond that. Through physical means you are trying to achieve this. Our economic structure is coming to this fundamental flaw that through physical means you are trying to become boundless. But the very nature of physicality is that there is a defined boundary. You can call this a physical body only because there is a defined boundary...but now human beings are desiring to become boundless through physical means. It is a hopeless condition.
