Channelings 1-25

The 30 Day Challenge

You are Energy flowing beings, and yes, we know you like the experience of the exposure to the physical stuff of this time/space reality. And so, just for the next 30 days, whenever you are in a moment of perceiving, let your dominant intent be to find the thought that feels best. Say to yourself, again and again, “Today, no matter where I am, no matter where I am going, no matter who I am with, no matter what I am doing, it is my dominant intent to look for that which I am wanting to see. To look for that which feels good. I’m wanting to find a reason to allow the Energy that creates worlds to flow through me, now. Right now. I’m allowing or disallowing, right now. All of my power is right now. What visions am I using that are allowing the Energy to flow? What visions don’t let it flow? What memories are allowing it to flow? What memories are not letting it flow? What conversations, what topics don’t let it flow for me, and what topics do let it flow for me? I have this power moment of selective sifting, where if I choose the thought that lets the Energy flow, then all things that I’ve told the Universe that I want - from my moment of stepping forth into this body - I am now allowing to flow.” Oh what a powerful and important moment this is!

Abraham (Esther Hicks)

The Outreach of God

Open to the recognition that you are the center of the living whole of Love, and that which shines through you can light the way of every person and do it effortlessly from the vibration that is above duality. This vibration is above the pendulum swing of time, above the perception of a limited heart. It is the heart beat of your true Reality and more easily expressed than breathing - amplified by your choice for Love, and brought into the world to be the outreach of God.

The Messages from God (Yael Powell)

The Creative Force

The universe actively loves itself and all of its parts. The world loves itself and all of its parts. It is not true that energy is neutral or indifferent. Energy is active, positive, propelled by what can almost be called an instantaneous pleasure with itself and its characteristics. Despite all concepts to the contrary, energy is indeed at its basis, love. It is also composed of highly charged consciousness that operates in almost a leapfrog fashion, with great bursts of exuberance and vitality. The great - the greatest creative force - that force that is the origin of all physical life - did not suddenly appear once in some distant past, sparking the birth of your reality, endowing it with an energy that could only then run down, or dissipate. Instead, ever-new virgin energy, so to speak, is created constantly, and appears at every conceivable point within your universal system. Each new rose in the springtime is in truth a new rose, composed of completely new and unique energy, utterly itself, innocent, alive in the world.

In the deepest of terms, while each body has a history, each moment in the body’s existence is also new, freshly emerging into the world, innocent and unique. While there is indeed pain in the world, it is the miraculous principle of pleasure that propels life itself.

Seth (Jane Roberts)

Man's Purpose

Physically speaking, man’s purpose is to help enrich the quality of existence in all of its dimensions.

Spiritually speaking, his purpose is to understand the qualities of love and creativity, to intellectually and psychically understand the sources of his being, and to lovingly create other dimensions of reality of which he is presently unaware.

Seth (Jane Roberts)

A Word on Guidance

I ask you, dear ones, when you think of “guidance” to please make the shift, from seeing yourself as a person reaching for guidance from above to seeing and feeling the vortex of your heart open, expansive, alive, until you become immersed in the communion of life that is your continual birth into something alive and brand new.

Messages from God via Yael Powell

Identity Effect

When you are in alignment with who you really are, you cannot help but uplift those with whom you come into contact. Your value to those around you hinges upon only one thing: your personal alignment with Source. And the only thing you have to give to another is an example of that alignment - which they may observe, then desire, and then work to achieve - but you cannot give it to them.

Abraham (Esther Hicks)