Teachings 1-25

The Snow Falls

The snow falls, each flake in its appropriate place.

Zen Proverb

Human Angel

If you have a vision of heaven on earth and you want to radiate it to everyone you encounter, you are probably a Human Angel and you are just trying to remember.

We Are Human Angels, the book

To Achieve Fearlessness

Who sees all beings in his own Self, and his own Self in all beings, loses all fear.

Isa Upanishad

Crow Proverb

Man’s law changes with his understanding of man. Only the laws of the spirit remain always the same.

Crow Proverb

The True Revolution

Question posed to Jiddu Krishnamurti: Do you have a technique which I can learn from you, so that I, too, can carry your message to those who are full of sorrow?

Jiddu Krishnamurti: Sir, what do you mean by carrying a message? Do you mean repeating the words - propaganda? The very nature of propaganda is to condition the mind. Every form of propaganda - the Communist propaganda, the religious propaganda, and so on - is to condition the mind, is it not? If you learn a technique, as you call it, a way, and you learn it by heart and repeat it, you will be a good propagandist. If you are keen, clever, if you are capable of using words, you will condition those that hear you in a new way instead of the old way, but it is still conditioning; it is still limited. And that is our problem, is it not?

Our problems arise because we are conditioned. Our education conditions us. Is it possible for the mind ever to be free from conditioning? You can only discover that state. You cannot say whether it is possible or not possible. When you ask, “Have you a technique?” What do you mean? Perhaps you mean a method, a system, which you learn like a schoolboy and repeat it. Sir, surely the problem is something much more fundamental, radically different, is it not? There is no technique to learn. You do not have to carry my message, what you carry is your message, not mine, sirs.

This existence, this misery, this confusion is your problem. If you understand it, if you can understand the experience of a conditioned mind and go beyond, then you will be the person who is teaching; then there will be no teacher and no disciple. But then, you have to understand yourself, not learn my technique or carry my message.

Sir, what is important is to understand that this is our world, that together we can build this world happily, that we - you and I - are related together, that what you do and what I do inwardly matters, that how we think is important, and that thought, which is always conditioned, will not solve our problem. What will solve our problem is to understand the ways of our thinking.

The moment we understand how we think, there will be a radical change inwardly; we will no longer be Hindus, Christians, Communists, socialists, or capitalists; we shall be human beings. Human beings with passion, with love, with consideration. That cannot come about by merely learning a technique or carrying somebody’s message.

You cannot have love through technique. You can have sensation through a technique, but that is not love. Love is something that cannot be told, that cannot be carried across through newspapers or through techniques or through propaganda. It must be felt, it must be understood. But if you repeat love, love, love, it has no meaning. You will know of that love when the mind is quiet, when the mind is free from its conditioning, from its anxieties, from its fears. And it is that love which is the true revolution that will alter the whole process of our being.

The Only Enemy

When there is no enemy within,
the enemies outside cannot hurt you.

African Proverb

The All 2

The Soul dwells within all that exists; it is the truth of all that exists. You, my son, are the Soul.

The Upanishads

The All

While All is in THE ALL, it is equally true that THE ALL is in All. To him who truly understands this truth hath come great knowledge.

The Kybalion

Past Experiences

When the past stops to be a weight, it becomes your richness.

We Are Human Angels, the book

A Single Conversation

A single conversation with a wise man is better than ten years of study.

Chinese Proverb

The Reflective Process

Did you know that nothing whatsoever can be imagined unless it already exists? Thought is a reflective process.

Close your eyes and with your divine imagination immerse yourself into the following scene:

You’re standing barefoot on soft, luxuriant green grass in a s shimmering alpine meadow, high in the mountains on a distant exotic planet. Waves of rainbow colors undulate through the sky as wild flowers dance and sway, reaching for the heavens in a joyous celebration. A sweet heavenly aroma fills the air, saturating all of your senses. In the distance a majestic grizzly bear casually lumbers along a whispering, meandering stream. Meadow larks dart through the air like cosmic acrobats as a luminescent silver eagle soars high above in a crystalline azure sky. Three glorious suns drench your body with rays of liquid golden love.

It’s beautiful, isn’t it? Of course, we all imagine it differently. Since your eyes are closed, how is it that you can see this picture? It is your true self, soul, seeing with higher senses. This is a very small taste of who and what you truly are. This is your divine imagination, a gift from God, which knows no bounds. You are the sun, the prism, and the rainbow. You are soul, eternal, a resplendent spiritual being, child of God, perfect and free.

It’s all up to you...Imagine the very best in your life and take the necessary steps to make your dreams a reality.

Sri Gawn Tu Fahr

The Four Reliances

First, rely on the spirit and meaning of the teachings, not on the words.

Second, rely on the teachings, not on the personality of the teacher.

Third, rely on real wisdom, not superficial interpretation;

And fourth, rely on the essence of your pure Wisdom Mind, not on judgmental perceptions.

Traditional Buddhist Teaching

All Meaning

Nothing you see means anything alone. Seeing with Him will show you that all meaning, including yours, comes not from double vision, but from the gentle fusing of everything into one meaning, one emotion and one purpose.

A Course In Miracles