The Third Dimensional Self

You are not your body.
Your body is a vehicle.
You are that which animates
Your body and assigns purpose to its being.
You are a Being temporarily being a Human Being.

Some days it is all too easy to lose sight of this, given the dense accumulation of atoms and other physical material indicative of a third-dimensional world. You are not a third-dimensional being, but you have altered your formlessness into a being equipped with unique and specific qualities, one of which is to understand and therefore transcend that which is limiting into that which is limitless.

The sole purpose of the third dimension is to ask and answer the question: Does the physical world contain you, or do you contain it? It is a question well worth asking, but its answer cannot be processed by the mind, regardless of how expansive the mind might be. The answer must be arrived at via experience, both physical and non physical. That is why the answer lies in the journey and not the destination, my friends, which is simply a point in time that exists just prior to the next beginning.

Rev. Angela Peregoff