The Science Traveler

I enter a dream. It is a sunny afternoon. I am standing outside next to a winding dirt road that wraps itself around a grassy knoll. Many are traveling the curvy path with their carts and merchant wares into town. The horizon on the right reveals the road’s destination, a bustling acropolis where a famous grand university is established.

Enjoying the scenery and the people, adapting to my pleasant summer surroundings, I see a man pushing a cart of books. He is Caucasian, slightly balding on top with red orange hair. He seems to be in his mid-forties, and except for his contented countenance, otherwise blended in with all the other determined people set on their errands. Yet, there was something more. His energy, his presence, told me immediately that this was no ordinary dream character before me.

I walked up to the man, who wasn't looking at me, but focused on weaving his cart through the crowd and along the road. I said to him, “I know you are trying to blend in with the crowd and look as one of them, but I can tell you are different. And though you may wish to go on your way, I had to tell you that I recognize you for not belonging to this place.”

He stopped and turned to me, smiled, and said, “You judge me rightly. But forgive me I do not know you. Would you permit me to introduce myself?”

I warmly agreed. Before I knew what was happening my vision narrowed into tunnel vision and I felt, and vaguely saw, insect legs probe and wrap themselves around my astral body, sensing, tasting, and learning of my energy. At first it startled me and I resisted a little. Then I realized this man must be from another cosmic place, and perhaps his real form is an insect-like being. His way of introducing himself was to immerse his energetic matrix with mine. This allowed us to learn of each other. When I understood what was happening I relaxed and opened my energy more for freer communication exchange.

When the man finished his “introduction,” he withdrew his energy and my vision became clear again. We were smiling largely at one another.

He said, “It is a pleasure to know you.”

It was a lovely gift his statement. I knew that the pleasure was more than an emotional sentiment, but also a physical one, and that in “knowing me,” he became more aware of me in that moment in time than most humans can fathom in first greetings. I, too, was filled with a great sense of peace, joy, intelligence, purpose, and love that defined him.

I asked the man where he was going and he told me he had been asked to teach at the university. He was on his way there now for an interview. The professor was excited and ready to accept this man, but the interview was to decide whether or not the students and professor were at the level of understanding to learn what this dimensional being could teach.

“May I ask what that is?” I questioned him with great curiosity.

“I know of a level of quantum physics that supersedes everything you know about the universe. In fact quantum or physics is not even the right quadrant and dimension to describe the science and existence to what I know.”

I became so excited and wondered if he could teach me. “How do you know this understanding and could you teach me? I have learned much about quantum and metaphysical sciences.” I tried to impress him with that last bit.

He smiled at me like a parent to a child, “I know these dimensions of the universe because I travel them. I understand its science because I realize its patterns and work with them even just to come here. Many are those who have the same knowledge I possess, but to teach you would require far more expansion of your mind than you currently know how to stretch. Perhaps it would be of great benefit for you to take the university's classes on such science, and I may possibly see you there to share with you this information when you are of sufficient potential to grasp what I have to say. I have yet to see whether their classes are advanced enough to take that next leap. If not, perhaps I can advise the professor the next step he should venture. You must forgive me though, my reason for being here is to talk with the professor and I must not delay that meeting.”

“No, of course.” I responded. “May I walk with you?”

“It would be a pleasure.” He replied.

So for a spell we walked in silence up the road. He pushed his cart of books, which I'm sure was more for show and disguise than of any real use. Hoping he may teach me a little of what he knew or anything really because I loved listening to his universal way of talking, I reminded him, “You know, I may not understand as much as I need to, to grasp your science, but I did recognize you from the crowd of people as being more than just a regular character of this dream. That has to count for something.”

He grinned openly and said, “Indeed. Your sensitivity to energy and watchfulness has made you aware on such intuitive and instinctual levels that though part of your brain has not caught up with your subtle knowings, you can process details that do not require your human brain to formulate. This bypass is a useful function, but must be applied in time to integrate the whole. Otherwise, some of what you understand will not be able to manifest in useful ways for you to come full circle with such details.”

“Isn't that partly why you are here?”

“I am here for another mission, but our time together has been quite enjoyable, and yes, beneficial, too. It is not that I am unwilling to teach you, Amie, it is that what I know would be hard for you to currently understand. Your concept of the universe is primitive. It's as if you see creation in one angle, one 90-degree, of existence. To open you to the dimensions and universes that I operate in would require you to not only ask you to give up the foundation of all science and the universe as you understand it, but even your existence. It would not be the next logical or natural step for you.”

“However, I will say,” he added with encouragement, “that you are on the right road and what you currently know and practice serves you well and will lead you to what I understand with growth. This is why you saw me in the first place. Continue in your learning. Let your passion serve you. Yes, listen with your heart. Keep applying what you know in any way you can, and perhaps we will meet again. I hope so. I am better for knowing you and look forward to sharing my experiences of you with my friends.”

We had made it to the university and I waved him good-bye. In the dream I saw him interview with the professor in his office. The students were not yet ready to hear of his teachings, of which the professor was saddened and humbled. The professor thought it was his own misgivings and lack of knowledge as a teacher that had failed the students, and begged the man to correct and add to what he could not teach. The man encouraged him that it had nothing to do with any lack found in the professor, but that the material was merely incomplete. He gave the man a name and way of contacting this other gentleman and told the professor that this traveler would be a better fit for his students. Yet, as the class developed, he would be more than happy to give guest lectures to whet their appetite for more.

“Indeed,” the man concluded, “I have witnessed much today,” (and I knew he included me in his statement), “that inspires me to spend more time here in the future.”

The professor heartily agreed and here my dream fades to black.