The Menotauk

I find myself on the outer edges of my mind, swimming into the vast of consciousness. Images flash across my vision like a TV placed on mute. A voice speaks, though I feel more than one being present in that voice.

“We are the Menotauk.” They said.

A conversation develops between us, but not as it would be among humans. This was a direct communication, consciousness to consciousness, and my mind was the operating system for this connection. Using the TV analogy, my mind felt like it went from connecting with a broadcast signal with antenna rabbit ears to networking straight into cable. Everything was clearer, more vibrant, and in stereo. The source seemed to come within me instead of outside of me.

I don’t remember the actual dialogue all that well, though I did ask several questions that I was currently concerned about and I remember each were answered in full. The link, though, felt very taxing on my brain. I wasn’t used to exercising my mind like that, to interact my conscious so directly with another.

I told the Menotauk that I was going to have to sever the link because this way of communicating was new to me and I needed to assimilate the situation.
How did I do this? Do I even like it? Who are these beings? Etc. They told me they understood. They expected as much for me to say this. First contact inevitably repeated the same pattern.

“When you decide you would like to reopen communication with us, we will be available to you.” They courteously replied.

I didn’t even know if I could reconnect the channel from my end, but I figured that was one of the questions I needed to meditate.

The link severs. The brain relaxes and returns to its normal filing of images and stories across my vision that seemingly have no meaningful agenda to them. Then somewhere in the background noise I here a sub-space frequency as if part of my mind was processing some broadcast signal or radio wave. Some residual from my interaction with the Menotauk left part of my mind dilated enough to pick up on it, when it otherwise wouldn’t have.

I ignored the images and strained to pay attention to this broadband signal. When I did, I began picking up on other audio frequencies as well. As I was trying to decipher the different waves, I was also actively wondering,
is that a telephone transmittance? Is that people I hear conversing? Is that a radio signal? A satellite transmission? Internet noise? Some of the frequencies were just high pitched sounds, while others were too faint in the background or distant to interpret. Before I could decipher all these lines of code, I began absorbing a new signal. This one seemed to emit above the other frequencies and came in clearer than the rest. The more I paid attention to it the clearer it resounded. Its communication style forced my mind to operate again as it did with the Menotauk earlier.

Overwhelming pressure pressed against my mind. The message was on a repetitive loop. I tried to reject it, but in doing so, it seemed to pulse louder. I deduced that the signal must be transmitting subliminally around the Earth, some subconscious energetic communication that humans cannot physically hear, but nonetheless, respond to. I only remember generalities, but the message was broadcasting a doubt system, encouraging disbelief, uncertainty, and insecurity, the sureness of fear, false dreams, and helplessness, the reality of what we see is all there is, and because that is all there is, we are doomed. This message assaulted my mind while my heart reached out to protect man. I wondered,
was humanity projecting this message? Was this a basic consensus of man’s present evolved conscious state? Or was this placed there by another and man was absorbing it and projecting it as their own? What would mankind be like if that message just ceased to exist? What message would humanity replace it with instead?

Though I was curious in the beginning to hear this signal, now, I didn’t want those lies transfixed in my brain. I tried to sever the link, to go back to the other lower frequencies. Yet no matter how hard I tried to push myself away from it, I grew closer and closer to its range, as if it had a level of gravity to it and I was being pulled in. The wave was so loud in my mind that I placed my hands on my head and instinctively braced against the onslaught.
How do I get away from this? I thought. How can I possibly convince others of this frequency we seem to unconsciously respond to if I am stuck to it like a magnet?

Then I remembered the Menotauk. I hadn’t got a chance to figure out our relationship yet, but I knew if anyone could help me, they were the ones who could get me out of this situation. So I called out their name and asked for their assistance. It didn’t take long for them to respond.

I explained the situation to the Menotauk and asked them to help me to detract from this frequency’s gravitational pull. They told me it wasn’t difficult, that I could pull my own self away, but that they understood in the beginning how it could be overwhelming. So they talked me through it, and I wondered at the time, if they helped out in some other means, and finally the pressure eased off. I could tell I was pulling away from it. The sound became more and more distant. My brain relaxed. After it completely disappeared, so did the other frequencies. My mind was no longer dilated to pick up on any extra signal.

“Couldn’t I have stayed in the other waves?” I asked the Menotauk. “I still would like to see if I can figure them out?”

The Menotauk replied, “Because you are not used to working in these ranges, you could easily be redrawn to the other signal as well. Until you become stronger in your mind and conscious, it is best you play in the frequency ranges you are accustomed.”

Resigned but grateful, I thanked the Menotauk for their help. Our communication ends as I become increasingly aware of coming out of my sleep. My eyes were twitching more, the light seemed brighter beyond my eyelids. I awoke.