Future Princess

Allow me to introduce myself. I am not from your world. I come from far away, in another place in our universe. I have come to help your world. Yet, it is inevitable that to those whom I meet and work with, my exchange with you, also shares the most important event of my life. The days surrounding my departure from my family and my home world. I don’t try to hide this about me. It is what pushes me to visit one planet after another, seeking to reconcile we brothers of our stars.

I came several times to Amie. Each night she visited my planet, walked in my memories. My own home sickness became her own. The love for my planet and family became her own. She became aware enough to know that I wasn’t just a story and these memories weren’t just a symbol of something about her. She grew to understand my love for you, why I have come, and how we are part of each other. I came to Amie so that one day she would share my story with you and tell you my message.

I urge you, find peace with each other and yourselves. Find solutions to your problems that serve everyone. Forgive each other of your hurt. If Earth and your people are to ever find the unity you imagine for yourselves, it must begin now in each and every one of you. Power is a community, not a select over the few. The actions of your world is not isolated to your planet. You affect all others in time and space. Your nature seeds the patterns that affect more of the same. Gravitates what you wish to do to others or have done to you. This pattern is by choice, not by inheritance. There is deep love and care in you. I see it growing, watch it blossom in pockets of your world. This is your nature, your birthright. Do not let the actions of others dictate who you must be and how you can make a difference. Each one of you are so important to the success of your world and to the peace that can be established here. Find better ways to live with each other than to devalue life and overpower another. This only serves to sabatoge yourself.

Here are my memories of my last days on my beautiful planet, spoken as Amie lives them.

I recall the landscape as soft gentle colors, powder blue, pink, misty white. I stepped out onto a terrace, made of light gray stone. The terrace was as wide as some homes. A statue stood off to one side in the corner, while a person stood further down to the left, leaning on the rail with her hand. She peered out to the countryside waiting for me to come. I walked out of a tall room with cathedral ceilings. French-like doors stood open, and floor to ceiling drapes blew in the breeze. The height of these doors was at least twenty feet.

The woman and I wore chiffon-like white robes that could be worn in different styles, like Greek chitons. She had dark hair with something gold arranged in it. I could not make out her facial features distinctly. I felt I had ringlets of hair showered around my head, like a crown, as if it were one of my treasures to share with others.

The setting was enchanting, mystical, familiar. The countryside was blanketed in pink while the sky was coated in powder blue. It must have been morning for the sun had not yet risen, if there was a sun. It wasn’t a light reflecting these colors, but rather that the elements were pinks and blues. I remember a pool of water and a couple of country birds that were my friends. I loved this terrace, and in truth, it was my special place. Harmony was the essence of my home world. I loved this planet. Though I was young, my early twenties, I knew I belonged nowhere else.

I had a feeling that the woman, who was some form of a maternal figure to me, had something serious to tell me. She seemed to carry a burden around her. I glided beside her. She did not look at me. Instead, she gazed upon the hills that crested behind the vineyards and orchards. After a time of us both staring out at the fields, she told me. Our home world was about to change. The harmony, beauty, and abundance, which were so fertile among us, could be destroyed.

Destruction was not something our people could comprehend. There was no need for ranks or levels. We each used our talents to better our neighbors, our surroundings, and ourselves. We inherently understood that we each affected one another and so we lived mutually gracing the other. So, for example, while my dad was an architect and constructed homes, others gardened, and others reared the children, and still others were artists. We each were a part of the whole and we functioned as such.

So I explained to this woman that she must have misunderstood. Who would do such a thing? Yet, her somber presence was quite troubled. Was there a brother race among one of the other stars that would harm us? For what gain? We would gladly share all we have.

My assurance did not ease the woman, possibly it only revealed my naiveté that all beings lived as we did. She told me to brace for such events for they were about to occur. She turned and smiled and said she loved my special place. But then the smile faded as she placed her hand on mine. “Even the land won’t be the same,” she said staring into some future scene in her mind. “The very stones we live in may tumble.”

I could not imagine not going to my terrace every day or watching the pink land and blue skies. I would miss the children running outside playing together, and the builders and workers going about their joyful creations.

The woman told me my father and she would stay behind, since many looked to him for support and leadership, while she supported him. I would leave the planet with the others evacuating. They not only wanted to make sure I would be safe, but that it would also calm the other evacuees. I emphatically expressed that I did not want to leave my home or the ones I loved. If they remained, then I also would remain by their side.

She smiled, and faced me, and said that there would be other adventures and other beautiful worlds. She said my peace lay on a different path. I had important things for my life. Tears swelled up in both our eyes. I knew her words were sound, and I, of course, would represent our family as the whole that would keep our people together on our ships, but I told her nothing I could ever experience elsewhere would ever replace my home.

She patted my hand, and looked back among the countryside, trying to fix it that way in her mind. To remember it the way it had always been and shortly may never be. A sad tear fell down her cheek. She responded from a distant place of thought, “No, it won’t be the same.”

After a few moments of silence, as we watched the day unfold as any other day, the people going to the market and the children hiding among the flowers, she sent me inside to help with the preparations that had already begun.

The day came. Those who were expected to come were nearing our planet. Our people hovered above our planet’s atomosphere in many spaceships. Only a few stayed to protect our home. Some ships were headed to temporary settlements, to return, if it were possible, to help rebuild when the message came. But most of us were leaving permanently, to recreate our homes with other sister worlds.

Watching through a window, I stared at my beautiful pink planet as it grew smaller and smaller. I don’t know what happened to it, if it still exists, if my family were unharmed. I sometimes wake up during the night and see my father’s face, red hair, red bushy beard, rosy cheeks smiling upon me. Tears fall down my face as I’m reaching out to him. I sometimes imagine it is his way of telling me it’s time to come home now, but I also wonder if it is just his spirit watching over me, telling me he’s proud and to keep going.

The ship I am on is an emissary flag ship. After coordinating the safe travel and resettlement of my brothers and sisters, our ship, along with two others, have traveled to help our fellow star family. It is not enough to have harmony and community on one planet. Our world is the whole universe. We go together, belong to each other, and so we visit planet after planet, helping each with their global issues. We aid in establishing new patterns that restore prosperity and peace to your world. We work closely with you, sometimes in visible forms, and other times invisibly.