Fairy Sighting

They are absolutely beautiful, my fairy friends. They are lovelier every time I see them. This time they were transparent, like blown glass, even their shimmering wings were see through. Our time together began with the smell of an ancient forest. The bouquet of the many trees and their sap gave the air a sweet and mellow tone that was pleasant to the senses and reminded me I was just a visitor to this grove. The home I lived in sat on the edge of these woods in a clearing. The exterior of the ranch style house was white with long windows that surrounded all four sides. Inside each room was so spacious that even the large furniture appointed there still left plenty of room. I remember tall book shelves in the living room adorned with many colored books. There was also a gray overstuffed fabric couch and lavender curtains that lightly rested on the floor. The office was partitioned with french doors that led to the hallway on the left and the living room in forward view. A grand carved mahogany desk was the centerpiece of the room. But this story isn’t about the house or even the forest. It is about the fairies that lived here.

I am wearing this intricate filigree silver note charm around my neck that hangs to about my heart. It is about two inches tall and cylindrical in shape. It was originally designed for a wish or prayer to be rolled up in it. Instead, a fairy enclosed herself in mine. Upon reaching whatever our destination was, I would lift the lid, and she‘d come flying out. It was a beautiful place for her to travel, but I couldn’t help but think she must be cramped. One day I shared my concerns with the fairy and she flew to my left ear to whisper her response.

“The reason you cannot see us, for we are all around you, is your fear. Your fear blinds you and keeps us locked in a very tiny place.”

I didn’t expect her to say that. “But I don’t want my fear to have such control over me.” I told her.

“Then you must release it.”

“I’m not sure how.” I said hoping she could give me some instruction.

She fluttered in front of me. “We are only separate in your mind. Release that assumption, and your fears that accompany that perception, and you will realize our presence is with you, always.”

I nodded that I understood and set to make the connection in my mind, to release the thoughts that bound my illusions. My forehead began to relax. I chose not to fear, not to separate, not to identify as being distanced from my friends. When I cleared my mind and felt more centered, I opened my eyes. There before me were many fairies all around the house, and not just in her form. Immense joy surged through my body, like an endorphin rush, and I clapped my hands in excitement.

I sat down at the mahogany desk to take in the sight. It was all warm and inviting. I loved the clean lines and symmetry of the white walls and crown moldings with cherry wood floors, the extra large windows and the French doors that led to the side garden that showcased a cherry blossom tree in bloom. The lush garden was walled off by a black iron fence that revealed the tall thick trees of the forest beyond. And in the midst of this scene hundreds of fairies in all colors, species, and sizes interacted with one another, as if I had entered their world, that also just happened to contain a human size dwelling.

A middle aged gentleman, a business associate, knocked on the front door and let himself in. I stood and greeted him at the entrance to the office. For thirty minutes we discussed legal work and decisions that needed to be made on a current project. It felt weird to switch gears, so I took care of what needed immediate attention and told him we would reconvene on the other matters a different day. After he left I looked toward the main living area for my friends. Many of the fairies had disappeared.

At first, I thought they hid themselves because another person entered their space. Yet I quickly realized I was the difference. My perception of the man was that we were two distinct individuals, separate, and, of course, he was also separate from the fairies. For the time we were together, everything existed outside of me, and he and the fairies were not connected to me. As the fairies are not part of that exoteric world, they disappeared. Yet, he was no more separated from the fairies than I was, nor he with me. Everything is interconnected. I closed my eyes to re-center. I cleared my mind once more, felt the energy shift within me, and opened my eyes. All the fairies were visible.

I smiled at them, because I knew they knew I had placed a veil between us, again. “I’ll learn.” I said to them. We smiled at each other and decided to go outside to play.