
I sit in a darkened room that has only a dim yellow spotlight lighting the vacant space, showing old worn carpet covering the floor. In this room is also a man and a puppy. I am very upset at the man’s cruelty to the puppy, but I am only a child and feel too small to do anything about it.

I plead with the man to stop hurting the animal, but it only encourages more of the same behavior. He picks up the puppy and throws him across the room slamming it into the opposite wall. The puppy yelps in pain, sliding down the wall, laying crumpled on the floor. But this doesn’t satisfy the man and he picks up the puppy again and pitches him to the other side of the room.

I weep and pray for intervention on behalf of the animal.

Baba, a beloved Indian mystic, appears before me sitting in a lotus position on the floor across from me. A soft golden light glows about him. He smiles and raises his hand to give me peace. The man does not appear to see him.

I asked Baba if he could heal the puppy and help the man not hurt him anymore? Baba said he would.

He opens his right hand palm downward and glides his hand across the air. Gold sparkles pour out from his hand chakra. Shadow, the unhealed, splits from the light, the healed.

I am so happy and relieved to see this. I look longingly at any difference in the man and puppy. But Baba tells me it is not enough to heal the man and animal. No, the whole room needed to be cleansed, because the whole room was affected by the energy. Once the space is purified, then also would those in it.

Baba then says, “It is not enough for me to heal, you also should heal with me.”

Astonished I reply, “You want me to heal too?”

He asked me, “Do you believe you can?”

Enthusiastically I responded, “Yes, I believe!”

I mimicked Baba and spread out my left hand, gliding it slowly across the air. Gold sparkles appeared underneath my hand. It was healing the shadowy room making it brighter. Baba and I kept going until the whole room and everything in it was enveloped in the light. When we were finished we stopped.

I turned to the man and puppy again and watched. They were rolling around on the floor laughing and playing, the best of friends. I was so happy I sobbed tears of joy. I looked at Baba, jumped off the floor and ran into his arms. I wrapped my arms around his neck thanking him for coming, for healing, for letting me be apart of it, everything.

I felt his laughter and his embrace as he began fading from the room. The gentle impression of his hand on the top of my head lingers as the rest of the vision ends.